Тема: Спорт у Великій Британії (7 клас)
Тип уроку: комбінований.
Методи навчання: розповідь з елементами бесіди, евристична бесіда, робота з додатковою літературою, робота самостійно, в парах, групах, використання відеофільмів та аудіо записів, слайдів, тестування, ведення словника.
Основні терміни і поняття: venues, Wembley, Wimbledon, Lord’s Ground, Henley, cricket, rowing, squash, curling, croquet.
Міжпредметні зв’язки: фізична культура, географія.
Наочність : слайдова презентація, відеофільми «Sport in Great Britain», тестові завдання до фільму в програмі Learning Apps.org, дидактичний матеріал (тест, картки, таблиця для домашнього завдання); ілюстративний матеріал з видами спорту та знаменитими спортивними місцями Великобританії, таблиця «Види спорту по категоріям» .
Обладнання: проектор, комп’ютери, магнітна дошка.
I. Introduction
1) Привітання. Greetings.
T: Good morning, dear students!
P: Good morning, teacher!
T: Glad to see you!
P: Glad to see you too!
T: How are you?
P: Fine, thank you. And you?
T: Fine, thank you.
Pupils, today we have an unusual lesson we have many guests. Greet them.
P: Good morning! Glad to see you! Welcome to our lesson.
T: We hope our guests will enjoy our company.
2) Девіз уроку. (Слайд 1) The motto of our lesson is:
Ss: “We’ll be good
We’ll be fine
We’ll be clever every time!”
3) Мотивація навчальної діяльності. Motivation.
T: Pupils, Are you a sporty person? Look at the picture and match words to it.Do it quickly as more as possible(Слайд2)
4) Оголошення теми, мети, цілей уроку. Topic and aims.
T: The topic of the lesson is “Sport in Great Britain”. Particularly, we’ll speak about popular sport in Britain.
During the lesson we’ll (Слайд 3):
S – speak about popular sports, games, famous sport places in Britain.
P – practice sport lexical material in reading, writing and speaking.
O – organize computer games, group and pair work .
R – read and watch, find and discuss additional information on the topic.
T – try to understand as more as possible information during the lesson.
On your desks you can see multicolored cards. They are billed for your points during the lesson. At the end of the lesson we will see how well you worked.
5) Актуалізація опорних знань.
Мозковий штурм.
Pupils, why do we go in for sport? What are the consequences of going in for sports? (Слайд 4)
T: Please say your opinion about sport using the following phrases.
to keep fit, to be healthy, strong, fast, to build character, to win and to lose, to be organized and disciplined, healthy mind and healthy body, to go in for sport, give us joy and pleasure, a lot of energy and time, to break legs, arms, unhappy, cause a lot of injures, to meet people.
Now lets do the flesh-project: “Pros and cons of sport”
S1: Sport builds character.
S2: It takes a lot of time.
S3: It teaches you about life.
S4: Sport causes a lot of injuries.
S5: Sport helps to meet people.
S6: It makes you unhappy when you lose.
S7: It makes you happy when you win.
S8: It teaches you to be disciplined.
S9: It gives us joy and pleasure.
S9: You can break legs or arms.
S10: It’s very fashionable nowadays.
Conclussion. Мономовлення
Sport helps people to keep fit. When we do sport we can be healthy, strong, fast. Besides sport helps many people to build character, to learn how to win and to lose. Regular physical exercises teach us to be organized and disciplined. Healthy body and healthy mind are connected. The proverb says: “A sound mind in a sound body”
Sport brings me joy and pleasure and much energy. I am a member of a school team and sport helped me to meet new friends and tought how to work in a team.
However, sport has some negative sides. For example, it takes a lot of energy and time, sometimes we can break legs, arms, cause a lot of injures. Sometimes it makes us unhappy because of looses and pressure of obsessed coaches and even parents.
So, students should do sport to be feet, strong and healthy. Besides it is very fashionable nowadays. That’s why young people prefer sport. I recommend all of you to go in for sport and I hope this lesson will help you to choose your sport. Let’s go on.
1) Актуалізація опорних знань.
Письмове завдання (самостійна робота) (Слайд 5)
T.: Open your copybook, write down the date and do the task – complete the following sentences. Do this task in writing form. It’s your individual work.
Put the words in a correct order and make the sentences.
Lets check of the chain.
2)Grammar revision (tag questions)
Тест з Learning apps.org
Перейти за посиланням https://learningapps.org/watch?v=p76yfqt9n18
3)Вивчення нового матеріалу.
Перегляд фільму «Спорт у Великобританії»
Перейти за посиланням
Етап підготовки до сприйняття фільму. Pre-viewing. Vocabulary presentation.
T: You know that Englishmen are great lovers of sport. They like to talk and think about it. Sport plays a very important role in their lives. We’re going to watch film about the most popular kinds of sport and games in Britain and the famous English venues. In this film you’ll hear many new words. Let’s learn and remember them. (Слайд 8)
Етап перегляду фільму. While–viewing.
1) There are 2000… public swimming pools in Britain.
Fill out a crossword with the name of the sport according to the following definition:
(Key: 1) walking, 2)swimming, 3)cycling, 4)football, 5)curling, 6)cricket)
Етап перевірки вивченого. Vocabulary Review.(Слайд 10)
Fill out a crossword with the name of the sport according to the following definition
What have you learnt from the lesson?
(відповіді учнів)
Оцінювання та коментар. The comments of the marks.
Т: You were great today. I liked your working very much. Some of you were more active at our lesson. Let’s count your points on your cards.
The sum of the points will be your mark today. So, name your marks….
Next time try to be more organize, more active during the lesson.
Інформація-інструктаж домашнього завдання. (Слайд 11)
Перейдіть за посиланням та виконайте творче завдання.
1) There are 2000… public swimming pools in Britain.
40% of the British population is keen on this sport. They walk long distances across the country.
(Key: 1) walking, 2)swimming, 3)cycling, 4)football, 5)curling, 6)cricket)