Stative Verbs (Present Simple or Present Continuous)

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Тест Stative Verbs (Present Simple or Present Continuous) на основі підручника New Round Up 5 SB.
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1.          Choose the right answer:

-  What ... you ... about now?

-  About finding a new flat.

image               а) do ... think                                                                         image       б) are ... thinking

в) did ... think

2.          Choose the right answer:

-  It ... four legs and a tail.

image               а) is having                                                                             image     б) has

в) have

3.          Choose the right answer:

He ... at the painting in the museum.

image                а) is looking at                                                                      image     б) looks at

в) looked

4.          Choose the right answer:

Yes, I ... but we can solve your problem.

image               а) see                                                                                         image     б) am seeing

в) seeing

5.          Choose the right answer:

The soup ... salty.

image               а) is tasting                                                                            image     б) tastes

в) tasting

6.          Choose the right answer:

I ... the roses in the garden.

image                а) am smelling                                                                      image     б) smell

в) smelling

Ключ до тесту

1. б (2 балів)                                  2. б (2 балів)                                3. а (2 балів)                                  4. а (2 балів)

5. б (2 балів)                                  6. а (2 балів)

8 липня 2022
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