Тема: Види магазинів. 3-Д Торгівельний будинок (“3-D Shopping Mall”)
Обладнання: зошит, підручник (А.Несвіт), словник, дошка, папір (А-4), лінійка, олівець, ластик, клей, ножиці.
Вікова категорія: 11-12 років (20 учнів 6 класу)
Форма: арт-майстерня
Предмети: англійська мова, технології, математика, мистецтво.
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
1. Привітання ( “Hello” song)
2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Teacher: Dear children, today we are going to continue working on the topic “Shopping”. We will revise words and phrases about shops. But the most exciting task is hidden here in this magic box. Today you will be all the builders. Now guess, what kind of shop is it?
(pupils try to guess the word, then one of the pupils takes out a card with word from the magic box)
Teacher: Yes, it is a shopping mall! Besides, I checked up your knowledge of our words on the topic “Shopping”. You are great!
3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.
Teacher: Let me see; are you ready for a building of our huge shopping mall? So your task was to make an advertisement for any department at the shopping mall. Now please glue your answers to the advertisement board. Well-done. Now it is your turn to vote for the best one. And the winner is…
II. Основна частина.
As for me my favourite kind of shop is ------------, and what about you ----------?
(діти складають, а потім презентують свої діалоги)
Teacher: I see that you know the words well and how to make dialogue on this topic. Now it is a great time for you to be united and work hard on building of our 3-D Shopping mall. Let’s do it together.
Step 1. Take a sheet of paper (A-4) and put it horizontally.
Step 2. Take a pencil with a ruler and on the upper line of the paper measure 6 sm from the beginning of line on both sides left and right.
Step 3. Take a pencil with a ruler and on the lower line of the paper measure 6 sm from the beginning of line on both sides left and right.
Step 4. Join dots with 6 sm in the upper and lower lines. Now we have two new lines.
Step 5. On both of our new horizontal lines measure 6 sm from the beginning of upper and lower lines.
Step 6. Bend the upper and lower stripes according to the last measuring.
Step 7. Make a cut on the lines with 6 sm from the beginning of each stripe.
Step 8. Make a box glueing each side altogether.
So now everybody has his/her own brick. Well down! Each brick is your department. On this desk you can find any name of your future department. Come and choose one card with name and write it inside your brick.
I wonder, how many bricks do we have? Let’s count (the pupils count one by one)
It is great. We have got 20 bricks. How many floors can we build? ( the children make calculations)
Pupils: we can build 4 floors
Teacher: Why do you think so?
Pupils: We think so, because it is better to put 5 bricks on each floor and it will be more stable.
Teacher: I agree with you. Come to me with your bricks and let’s glue them in such a way that we could have a building with 4 floors and 5 bricks on each of them.
(Вчитель разом з дітьми будують торгівельний центр.)
Teacher: My dear children thank you for this job. We have done a very modern shopping mall. Now everybody has to come to this building, find your own department and name it in English. Let’s do it one by one.
(Діти підходять до будівлі, знаходять свій відділ та озвучують його на англійській мові).
ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.
Teacher: revise words “Shopping”; write a shopping list with goods which you can buy at the shopping mall” (about 8-10 words), because on the next lesson we are going to do the shopping in our shopping mall. Good luck!
Teacher: Today you have worked very hard. I think that you are nice builders. So let’s remember different departments in this shopping mall.
Teacher: You were great today and so will be your marks! Come to me individually. See you, good bye!