Святкування Дня Святого Валентина

Про матеріал

Даний матеріал може бути використаний не тільки під час святкування Дня Святого Валентина, а й під час проведення будь-яких заходів з англійської мови. Матеріал містить різні цікаві завдання, що будуть корисними при перевірці знань учнівю

Перегляд файлу

D. Good afternoon  dear friends and our guests. It's lovely to meet you here.

L. Love! Happiness! Beauty! Today we pronounce these pleas­ant words because today is a special day! Do you know what it's called?

D. It's called St. Valentine's Day!,

L. You are right. Welcome to our St Valentine's party!

D. What do we know about this day? More than 17 centuries people who are in love, have celebrated this holiday. We want to tell you some different interesting facts about the celebration this holiday.

Valentine's Day is differently celebrated in many countries. In Italy, Italians are committed to give sweets to their sweethearts. This day is called - "Sweet." But in romantic Denmark they decided to send mail dried white flowers.

L. In Japan this holiday is strictly for men. Only women congratulate men. It is believed that when a boss does not greet the chief on the occasion, she will be dismissed tomorrow. But Saudi Arabia is the only one country in the world where this holiday is officially prohibited. All shops are strictly forbidden to trade "Valentine" and various symbols relating to this holiday. And flower shops that day do not sell red roses.

D. But love can be different. And what about your love to English? Do you really love English and know it well? We already have task to chek it.

L. Of course, if we have some interesting tasks, we should have the jury!

D. Let’s meet our jury applause! >объявление членов жюри<


L. What do you know about English language?

D. English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and is now the most widely used language in the world.

L.  The first task for our teams: you should represent your teams. The fist team. Here’s your place. And the second team. Here’s the place for you.

D. Now you have some minutes to prepare the name of the group, and your own slogan.

L. English is very interesting!

  •              Only two English words in current use end in "-gry". They are "angry" and "hungry".
  • More English words begin with the letter "s" than with any other letter.
  • D. The longest word in English is 45 letters long! It is 'pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis'! It refers to a lung disease caused by silica dust.
  •                                                               ‘Q’ is the least used letter in English language.
  •                                                               The adjective most often used to qualify the noun 'heart' is 'broken'.

L. What do you think? Are our teams ready?

D. Yes, O think yes.

Let's start our holiday. I wish you good luck!

 1. Let’s check your English!

What word is in the picture? You will have only 20 seconds for every task. Start your work!

L. Ok. Give me please the papers with your answers. I should give them to our jury.

D. Now our teams have time to prepare to the next task and we in this time want to check your answers, our dear audience.

Friendship, finish, monkey, name, summer, teacher, telephone.

L. And we shall continue our holiday. And now, the surprise from Anna Petrova.

L. Let’s continue our holiday! We want now to check your knowledge of St. Valentine’s day!

D. You will have only 1 minute for this task. Time is going!

L. Time is over. Give me please the papers with your answers. Our jury will check them.

D. And we continue our topic, our love to English.

  •                                                              English idioms and proverbs. The English language uses many idioms in all forms of communication whether it be, written, oral, casual or formal. Idiom differs from the figures of speech (for example, irony, sarcasm, metaphor) and other linguistic variants that are used in the English language.

L. Do you know English proverbs? Be attentive, because you have only 1 minute.

D. Time is going! Time is over. Give me your papers, please. Let’s check. Do you have such answers?

L. Task № 2. Only 1 minute!

D. Time is over. The papers with your answers, please.

L. And now, meet, the musical composition from Проніна Анастасія.


D. And we continue our topic. The next task is about the St. Valentine’s day. Let’s check your knowledge of St. Valentine’s day! Only 1 minute for this task. Time is going. Time is over. Please, your papers with answers.

L. Ok, continue our topic. Our live to English. We want to check: Who is faster?

D. At first, the team №1 read the tongue-twister.

L. And the second. Ok, now our jury have your results. Is everything okay with your tongue now? We don’t think so.

D. And now the musical surprise from the school №15.

L. We continue our topic. Let’s check your knowledge of St. Valentine’s day! 1minute for this task. Be attentive. Time is over.

D. Ok, we have already talked about our love to English. And now some words about our love to The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

L. Do you love Great Britain as we love it?

D. We will check it with help of the Little quiz.

L. 1. Which is the Great Britain capital?

New York City




2. What is the national symbol of England?

The shamrock

The rose

The daffodil

The tulip

3. What kind of state is the United Kingdom?



democratic state

parliamentary monarchy

D. 4. What is the name of the London's residence of Queen Elizabeth II?

Windsor Palace

Kensington Palace

Buckingham Palace

St. James's Palace

5. What title does Prince Charles, the oldest son of the British Queen, have?

Prince of Northern Ireland

Prince of England

Prince of Scotland

Prince of Wales

6. Whose monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square?

Admiral Nelson

General Washington

Former prime minister Winston Churchill

Abraham Lincoln

L. 7. What is the oldest university of Great Britain?





8. What river is London situated on?

The Nil

The Volga

The Thames

The Mississippi

9. What is the population of Great Britain?

35 mln

45 mln

55 mln

65 mln

D. 10. What are these: The Guardian, The News of the world, The Independent?

TV programs




11. You must go to school in Great Britain...

from the age of 5 until you are 16

from the age of 6 until you are 17

from the age of 7 until you are 18

from the age of 3 until you are 14

12. How many letters are there in the English ABC?






L. And now, your last task. You should make romantic poem and you have only 2 minutes to do this task. Time is going. Time is over. Please, give me papers with your answers.


D. And now, ____________________________ will congratulate you with our today holiday.

D.  Dear friends thank you very much for this nice holiday! Our party is over. But remember – Love is one of the best feelings. So let’s love and be loved by others and our earth will become more beautiful and kinder.

And now let's listen to what our jury can say about our teams... 

L.  >oбъявляет результаты<










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So You ThinkYou Know English



                                                                             Учитель англійської мови

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