Святкування нового року в Україні

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Презентація розрахована для використання під час уроку англійської мови для ознайомлення учнів з темою зимових свят в Україні
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Номер слайду 1

New Year's day in Ukraine

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New Year’s Day is a national public holiday in the Ukraine on January 1 each year. It marks the start of the year in the Gregorian calendar.

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New Year’s Day in the Ukraine is celebrated in a similar way that Christmas is celebrated in many countries. For starters, it is a time when many Ukrainians decorate their Christmas tree and buy presents to give to one another. Children in the Ukraine receive gifts from Santa Claus. Many people prepare dinners and arrange parties to celebrate the New Year.

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Traditionally, prior to midnight between New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, a presidential speech is broadcast nationally. As Ukraine approaches the New Year, many people raise a toast to drink to the New Year and as they enter the New Year, they congratulate each other. Fireworks are also lit to celebrate January 1.

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Ukrainians like to celebrate New Year’s Eve with friends and family. And in spite of freezing temperatures, they often toast the New Year outdoors. Midnight, New Year’s Eve in the center of the biggest Ukrainian cities is quite an endearing sight: people standing outside, shivering, teeth clattering – just to wish each other a happy new year, accompanied by the bang and sparkle of fireworks. City dwellers have begun to absorb the outdoorsy continental lifestyle of celebrating New Year with holiday fairs .

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This holiday in Ukraine is associated with new beginnings, many gifts, the implementation of the deepest wishes in the coming year. New Year, like many other holidays in Ukraine, has its roots in antiquity.

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New Year and especially Christmas celebration in Ukraine has a long history and a vivid set of traditions and rituals, all of which allow foreigners get a glimpse of unique cultural identity that miraculously survived on the outskirts of modern Europe.