Teacher's Presentation: World Dictionary Day

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Тема презентації: Світовий день словника (World Dictionary Day) Ціль презентації: Познайомити учнів з історією та значенням Всесвітнього дня словника. Підкреслити важливість словників у навчанні та повсякденному житті. Надихнути учнів активно використовувати словники для розширення словникового запасу та покращення мовних навичок.
Зміст слайдів
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Teacher's Presentation: World Dictionary Day. A teacher of English without a dictionary is like a hunter without a gun.

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Actuality of the Project. World Dictionary Day is celebrated every year on October 16th to honor Noah Webster, the father of the American dictionary. In the digital age, dictionaries remain essential tools for language learning, communication, and expanding vocabulary. Dictionaries aid both native and non-native speakers in mastering language nuances.

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Tasks of the Project. To understand the role and significance of dictionaries in our daily lives. To explore different types of dictionaries and their features. To research the historical development of lexicography. To identify famous lexicographers and their contributions. To motivate students to regularly use dictionaries in learning.

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Aims of the Project. Promote the importance of dictionaries in language mastery. Encourage students to explore how dictionaries improve reading, writing, and speaking skills. Foster an appreciation for lexicographers and their work. Develop research skills in students through dictionary-related tasks.

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Realization of the Project. Group discussions on the role of dictionaries. Research and presentations on different types of dictionaries. Quiz on famous lexicographers and their contributions. Students create their own mini-dictionary for vocabulary from selected topics.

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Definition (Dictionary)A dictionary is a reference book or digital resource containing words in a language (usually arranged alphabetically) with information on their meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, and usage. The term comes from the Latin word "dictionarium", meaning a collection of words.

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Classification of Dictionaries. General Dictionaries: Provide meanings, pronunciations, and usage of words (e.g., Oxford English Dictionary). Bilingual Dictionaries: Translate words between two languages (e.g., English-Ukrainian dictionary). Specialized Dictionaries: Focus on specific fields like medicine, law, or science (e.g., Medical Dictionary). Thesaurus: A book that lists words grouped by meaning rather than alphabetically.

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Criteria for Classification. Scope: General vs. specialized dictionaries. Languages: Monolingual (one language) vs. bilingual/multilingual dictionaries. Format: Printed vs. digital. Target Audience: Learners, experts, or general readers. Purpose: Synonym finder, pronunciation guide, spelling reference, etc.

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The Origin of the Holiday. World Dictionary Day is celebrated on October 16th to honor the birthday of Noah Webster (1758-1843), the creator of the first American dictionary. Webster’s work helped standardize American English and is still considered a cornerstone of American lexicography.

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Famous Lexicographers. Noah Webster: Author of "An American Dictionary of the English Language.“Samuel Johnson: Created one of the first comprehensive English dictionaries in 1755. James Murray: The principal editor of the Oxford English Dictionary. Henry Watson Fowler: Known for the "Fowler’s Dictionary of Modern English Usage."

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Why Use a Dictionary. Improve Vocabulary: Learn new words and their meanings. Correct Pronunciation: Hear and practice the correct way to say words. Learn Grammar: Understand word forms and how they fit into sentences. Find Synonyms/Antonyms: Use a thesaurus for alternative word choices. Spelling Help: Ensure accuracy in writing.

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Conclusions. Dictionaries remain an essential tool in the digital era, promoting linguistic accuracy and comprehension. Lexicography, the art of compiling dictionaries, has a rich history that continues to evolve. The celebration of World Dictionary Day highlights the enduring importance of dictionaries and lexicographers in our lives.

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Questions. Why do you think it’s important to celebrate World Dictionary Day?Can you give examples of how using a dictionary has helped you improve your language skills?What type of dictionary do you prefer—digital or print, and why?How has the role of dictionaries changed in the digital age?

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Hometask. Task 1: Research a famous lexicographer and write a short paragraph about their contributions to language. Task 2: Create a list of 10 new words you’ve recently learned using a dictionary, along with their meanings and example sentences. Task 3: Prepare a mini-presentation on a specialized dictionary of your choice (e.g., medical, legal, technical, etc.).

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