The Path to a Better Future: Sustainable Development Goal 2 ZERO HUNGER

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Тема презентації: Ціль сталого розвитку 2: Ліквідація голоду (Zero Hunger) Ціль презентації: Ознайомити аудиторію з Ціллю сталого розвитку 2 та її значенням. Показати масштаби проблеми голоду у світі та окремих регіонах. Надихнути на дії, спрямовані на досягнення нульового голоду.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The Path to a Better Future: Sustainable Development Goals2 ZERO HUNGER

Номер слайду 2

Actuality of the Project. Hunger remains a global problem despite advancements in technology and agriculture. Facts: Over 720 million people faced hunger in 2023. Hunger leads to poor health, stunted growth, and economic setbacks. Addressing hunger ensures better lives and stronger communities. Hunger drives the wolf out of the forest. Chinese proverb

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Tasks of the Project. When the stomach is full, it tells the head to sing. African proverb. Explore the causes and consequences of hunger. Analyze global and local efforts to fight hunger. Propose practical ways to contribute to solving this problem.

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Aims of the Project. Raise awareness of global hunger issues. Promote sustainable agricultural practices. Encourage responsible food consumption and donation initiatives. Happiness begins with a full stomach. French proverb

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Realization of the Project. A hungry man is an angry man. Spanish proverb. Research: Collect data on hunger statistics globally and in your region. Analysis: Identify key causes of hunger such as climate change and food distribution issues. Solution Proposals: Suggest local campaigns (food drives, awareness events). Community Engagement: Collaborate with local organizations or schools.

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Definition. Hunger: A condition where people do not have enough food to meet their daily energy needs for health and activity. Acute Hunger: Sudden food crisis due to war or disaster. Chronic Hunger: Long-term lack of proper nutrition. Hungry as a wolf. Japanese proverb

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Conclusions. To the hungry, even stale bread is sweet. German proverb. Solving hunger is essential to building a better future. By working together through education, innovation, and community action, we can achieve Zero Hunger (SDG 2)."The future begins with one meal at a time."

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By the End of the Project You will: Understand the scale and impact of global hunger. Develop solutions to minimize hunger locally. Be empowered to spread awareness and advocate for responsible consumption. The wealthy don't understand the hungry. Indian proverb (Hindi)

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Project Manager

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