The Path to a Better Future: Sustainable Development Goal 4 QUALITY EDUCATION

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Тема презентації: Ціль сталого розвитку 4: Якісна освіта (Quality Education) Ціль презентації: Ознайомити аудиторію з Ціллю сталого розвитку 4 та її значенням. Показати важливість якісної освіти для сталого розвитку. Надихнути на дії, спрямовані на забезпечення рівного доступу до освіти для всіх.
Зміст слайдів
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The Path to a Better Future: Sustainable Development Goals. SDG 4 QUALITY EDUCATION

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Actuality of the Project. Education is a basic human right, yet millions of children around the world lack access to quality education. Facts: Around 244 million children and youth are still out of school globally. Quality education leads to better health, reduced inequality, and economic growth. Investing in education is investing in a better future for society. Knowledge is like a garden; it needs regular watering. Persian proverb

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Tasks of the Project. Learning is like lighting a lamp; it brightens life. Chinese proverb. Explore global educational challenges and inequalities. Analyze the importance of inclusive and equitable education for sustainable development. Suggest ways to support educational improvement at the local and global levels.

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Aims of the Project. Raise awareness of the role of education in creating a better future. Promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Encourage discussions about ways to improve access to education. Education is light. African proverb (Swahili):

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Realization of the Project. Learning in youth is like carving on stone. Arabic proverb. Research: Investigate education systems and challenges in various countries. Analysis: Identify key barriers such as poverty, gender inequality, and lack of resources. Solutions: Suggest programs or initiatives (mentorship, school supplies drives). Community Engagement: Partner with local education charities or volunteer at schools.

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Definition. Quality Education: Education that ensures all learners acquire the knowledge, skills, and values they need to live fulfilling and responsible lives. Focuses on inclusivity, equality, and lifelong learning. Encourages creative and critical thinking. Knowledge is power. English proverb

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Conclusions. Education is the greatest wealth. Indian proverb (Sanskrit)Quality education empowers individuals and transforms societies."Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." — Nelson Mandela. Everyone can contribute by supporting equal access to learning opportunities.

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By the End of the Project You will: Understand the challenges and benefits of quality education. Develop practical ideas to support learning for all. Be inspired to value and advocate for educational equity. Learning without thought is useless; thought without learning is dangerous. Japanese proverb

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Project Manager

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