"Театр. Історія виникнення лялькового театру"

Про матеріал

Даний матеріал містить інформацію про історію театру та спрямований на розиток усного мовлення.

Перегляд файлу

Тема: Theatre.

Мета: Вивчити і опрацювати тематичну лексику у власних висловлюваннях.

           Сприяти розвитку комунікативних навичок, навичок аудіювання, різних видів пам’яті та   сприймання, мислення.

            Виховувати культуру мовної поведінки та інтерес до мистецтва, почуття любові до прекрасного.

             Вдосконалювати навички читання англійською мовою.

             Знайомити з історією театрального  мистецтва. Розширювати кругозір учнів та підвищувати їх інтелектуальний розвиток.

Обладнання: аудіо запис, театральні ляльки, зображення театральної конструкції (НО1), підручник, картки із завданням (НО2), (НО3) ,проектор, екран, різновид ляльок.

                                                       Хід  уроку

І Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1 Привітання. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T:Good morning. I am glad to see you . As usual we talk with the pupils on duty. Is anybody absent today? What day and date is it today? What mood have you got? Are you ready to work?

2 Фонетична розминка.

T: We`ll start with our Pronunciation Drill. Look at the blackboard and repeat after me:

“She sells sea shells on the seashore.”

“Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper, where’s the peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper pickled?”

3 Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Today we are going to speak about “Theatre”. We’ll learn more about the history of a theatre, the construction of modern theatre building. You will acquaint with different kinds of hand puppets.

II Основна  частина уроку.

T: As you know the emblem of a theatre is two masks: one of them is laughing and the other is crying. You have already known the words: “All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players.” by  Shakespeare.

1 Аудіювання  тексту про періоди  в історії театру.

а) Етап підготовки до прослуховування тексту. Ознайомлення з новою лексикою за допомогою тлумачення.

T: Look at the screen. These words you will hear while listening to the text. They all have the transcription and the definition. Listen and repeat them.

Pantomime-showing something without words.

Perspective-view on something.

Ceremony-to act according to traditions.

Jury-people who give you marks or points for doing something.

б) Прослуховування аудіо запису  тексту “The period in the history of theatre.”

Let us start from the beginning-Ancient Greece. Theatre there started as religious ceremonies  which took place only twice a year. During the festivals, plays were performed every day from morning till night. It was a contest of poets. Every  Athenian came to see it. No more than three actors  all of whom were men  played different roles wearing masks. The result of the contest was decided by jury from the public.

Roman theatre was less religious. The performances were done on a platform. The audience was sitting around on the hill. People were so loud and rude that most of the performance was a pantomime and the actors, all of whom were men too, had to repeat things many times.

During the Middle Ages  theatre was part of religious life of the country. Their Bible stories were performed by church members. There were also mimes and street actors who performed dramas in town squares on a decorated platform on the wheels. In most cases the actors were men  but in some countries women performed  too. The actors had to wear their own costumes.

The 19th century brought the development of theatre architecture and stage equipment  sets with perspective and colored lightning were introduced. Most theatres of that time performed romantic plays and the classics.

2 Контроль розуміння  змісту тексту.

а)Відповісти на запитання.

T: Do you like the story? Answer the questions please:

What audience was often loud and rude? (The audience of Roman theatre.)

What plays were performed in the 19th century theatre? ( Romantic plays and the classics were performed.)

How many actors played in Ancient Greek theatre? ( Not more than three actors played.)

б) Робота на картках(НО2).

T: Match the periods in history of a theatre with their descriptions.

1.Ancient Greek theatre                              a) a platform on wheels used as a stage

2.Roman theatre                                           b) much of the plays were pantomimed

3.Theatre of the Middle Ages                     c) non-professional actors, mostly men   

                                                              using their own costumes   

4. 19th century theatre                                 d) not more than three actors, all of  

                                                       whom were men in masks

                                                                          e) romantic plays and the classics were   


                                                                         f) sets with perspective and coloured

                                                                             lightning were introduced

                                                                        g) the audience was often loud and rude

                                   always shouting


3 Контроль  виконання домашнього завдання.

T: We’ve listened about the periods in the history of a theatre. At home you worked above the text about modern theatre building. And now we’ll make an excursion to such a theatre. Our guide tells us one more time about the construction of a modern theatre building.

a) Опис сучасної театральної будівлі.

The guide: Most modern theatre buildings have the auditorium and the stage. The auditorium is where the audience sits. The auditorium allows every person in the audience to see and hear without problems. The seats on the ground floor are called the stalls. The raised part of the ground floor is the gallery with the small compartments nearer the stage called the boxes. Then the dress circle and the balcony go.

The auditorium is separated from the stage by the orchestra pit. At the sides of the stage there are the wings. A curtain covers the stage. When the performance starts the curtain rises. The curtain goes down for the change of scenary and at the end of the act or performance.   

б) Розсадити відвідувачів театру та акторів на свої місця.

T: To do the next step you have to take spectators and actors to their seats and places.

c) Виконати завдання на картках (НО3).

T: Fill in the missing words in the sentences.

-The modern theatre buildings have a ( stage ) except the auditorium.

- The seats on the ground floor are called ( stalls ).

- The small compartments nearer the stage are ( boxes).

- ( Curtain) covers the stage at the end of the performance.

- ( Orchestra pit) separates the stage from the auditorium.

- At the sides of the stage there are the ( wings).

- The upper part of the ground floor is a ( dress circle).

4 Ознайомлення з ляльковим театром.

а) Семантика незнайомої лексики за допомогою перекладу.

T: As we are talking about theatre today it is worth seeing a puppet theatre. Have you ever been to a puppet theatre? You have a chance to do it. It will be a virtual travelling.

 While listening to the story you’ll hear some words which may be unknown to you. Look at the screen. Read and write down them.

-String-мотузка, rod-прутик, shadow- тінь, puppeteer- ляльковик, marionette- маріонетка.

б) Розповідь гіда(2) про ляльковий театр.

The guide(2): Hello, dear friends! Welcome to the Puppet Museum. I will be your guide today and show you the most interesting pieces in our museum. Look at this collection of puppets. They are all so different ,yet they are all puppets. Puppet is any figure whose movements are controlled by a person. Puppets can be moved by hand, by string or rods. A figure may represent a person, an animal, a plant or an object. A person who operates is called a puppeteer.

We start with the shadow puppets. They are probably the oldest puppets on the planet. They were found in ruins of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Shadow puppets are usually flat rod puppets. The puppeteer operates the puppet against a thin screen made of silk or cotton. A strong light shines on the screen from behind and above. The audience sees only the moving shadows of the puppets.

And here is the collection of marionettes. Marionettes are puppets controlled by strings. A marionette has a body with head, arms, hands, legs and feet connected together with strips of cloth or other flexible material. One or more puppeteers above the stage operate the marionettes by moving the strings.

Rod puppets are operated by rods or sticks usually from below the stage. Rod puppets are often used to represent clouds, flowers, hats.

And you can see hand puppets. They are the most common puppets. They are controlled by a hand which is put inside the puppet. The simplest kind of hand puppet is probably the finger puppet. Finger puppets have no moving parts and consist primarily of a cylinder shape that covers the finger. Sock puppets are a very simple type of hand puppets made from a sock.


III Заключна  частина уроку.

1 Підбиття підсумків уроку.

T: So today we have made an excursion to a theatre and heard some information about puppets. What  kind of puppets do you know? What periods in history of theatre do you remember?

2 Домашнє завдання : вправа 3 сторінка 106, вивчити слова.

T: Read the interview with a puppeteer and compare his profession with the profession of an actor.











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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
4 лютого 2021
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