Театралізована розробка The magic of Oz.

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                           “THE MAGIC OF OZ”   (suggested level- A1+)



 Old woman

 Three men


 The Tin Woodman


 Little green man

 Great Wizard

 Wicked Witch


Uncle Henry

Aunt Em


                                                 Part 1

(Dorothy woke up, looked around, ran to the door and opened it.)

Dorothy:  I am in a fairy land!  What funny people, they are so small, but look old – not like children.

Old woman: You are welcome beautiful Fairy, to the Land of Oz, to the Country of Munchkins, we thank you very much!

Dorothy: Why do you call me a fairy? Why do you thank me?

Old woman: We thank you because you have killed the Wicked Witch of the East, our people were her slaves. Now they are free.

Dorothy:  You are very kind, but I think there is a mistake, I am not a Fairy, and I didn’t kill the Wicked Witch of the East.

Old woman:  That’s right, you didn’t, your house did it.

Look, her body is under the house. You must not be sorry for her.

Dorothy: But who are you?  Where am I?

Old woman:  I am the Witch of the North, I am a kind, good witch and a friend of Munchkin people. You are in the Munchkin Country on the Land of Oz.

Dorothy: Are there any of good witches?

Old woman:  Yes, there were four witches, now there are two good witches (me and a witch of South), and one bad witch, a witch of West.

Dorothy:  If you are a good witch, help me to go back to my aunt and uncle to Kansas prairie. They are terribly frightened, they don’t know where I am.

Three men:  We don’t know where Kansas is. We cannot help you. You must stay with us.

                 (Dorothy began to cry.)

Old woman:  What’s your name, dear child?

Dorothy: Dorothy.

Old woman:  Listen to me, Dorothy, only Oz the Great Wizard of the Land of Oz, can help you. You must find him and ask to help you. He lives in the Emerald City.

Dorothy: Where is that city?

Three men: It is in the Middle of the Land of Oz. And the Wizard is the ruler of the Emerald City. He is a good wizard.

Dorothy: Can you tell me the way to the Emerald City?

Three men: It is a long way, it is full of dangers.

Dorothy: I am afraid, can you go with me? You are my friends, aren’t you?

Old woman: yes, we are your friends, but we cannot go with you, I am sorry to say. But take these shoes, my dear.

There is some magic in them. I don’t know what magic, but I hope they will help you. And now we must leave you. We hope you will find the road to the Emerald city. The road there is made of yellow brick. Good-bye, my dear.

( Old woman and three men turned around on the left feet three times and disappeared)

                                           Part 2

Scarecrow: Good day! How do you do?

Dorothy: Oh, you can speak. I am ok. I hope you are well too.

Scarecrow: I am not very well. I don’t like to stand here all day and all night. But I must keep the birds away.

Dorothy: Can’t you get down?

Scarecrow: I think I can with your help. Please, give me your hand.   Thank you! I am a new man now. Who are you, little girl? And where are you going?

Dorothy: I am going to the Emerald City, I want to ask the Great Wizard to send me back.

Scarecrow: I don’t know who is Great Wizard, and where is the Emerald City.

Dorothy:  Everybody knows.

Scarecrow: You see, the farmers, who made me with straw made a mistake. They didn’t put brains into my head. I have no brains and people call me a fool.  I want to go with you to the Emerald City, I shall ask the Wizard to give me some brains. Do you think he can do it?

Dorothy:  I don’t know, but you can come with me if you like.

Scarecrow: Yes, I shall come with you. You see, I don’t like it when people call me a fool because I have no brains. I have only straw in my head.

Dorothy: This is my lovely dog Toto, don’t afraid of him. He never bites.

Scarecrow: Oh, I don’t afraid of Toto, I am afraid only of a lighted match.

                                          Part 3

(Dorothy, Toto, and Scarecrow started to the Emerald City)

The Tin Woodman:  Where are you going?

Scarecrow: We are going to the Emerald City because we want to see the Great Wizard of Oz.

The Tin Woodman:  Why do you want to see him?

Scarecrow: I want to ask him to put some brains into my head, Dorothy wants to ask Wizard to send her back to Kansas. You see, only the Great Wizard can do these things.

The Tin Woodman:  May I go with you? I want to ask him to put a heart into my body. There is no heart in my body. And I can not be happy if I have no heart.

Scarecrow: You may come with us if you like.

(They heard a terrible roar, they saw a great lion. He sent Scarecrow, Tin Woodman to the ground with one blow of his paw. They fell to the ground. Toto began to bark, and the Lion gave him a blow too. )

Dorothy: Don’t bite my Toto, how can you? You are so big, and he is so small. You are a big coward. Only cowards can be bad to those who are small.

Lion :   Yes, I know, I am a coward, but what can I do? All the other beasts in the forest think that I am very brave. People call the Lion the King of the Beasts. I know the people are afraid of me when I roar. That’s why I always roar when I meet animals or people. They don’t know that I am afraid of them. And I don’t want them to know.

Dorothy: If you like, you can go with us to the great Wizard, I am sure, he will give you courage and make you brave.

Lion :   Oh, yes, I shall be very glad to go with you!

           Part 4

  (After a long walk, the road of yellow brick ended at the gate. Dorothy knocked at the door.)

Little green man:  Who are you?

Dorothy: We want to see the Great Wizard.

Little green man:   Do you think he will see you?

Dorothy:  Why not. Why can not he see us?

Little green man: He sees no men, women and children. He never go out for a walk. He sits day after day in the Great Throne room. 

Scarecrow:  What is he like?

Little green man: I cannot tell you.  I’ve never seen him. You see, the Great Wizard can change his form when he likes. He changes it all the time. Some people say he looks like a bird or a cat. Other people say he looks like a monkey. And some say he looks like a beautiful fairy. But we don’t know what his right form is. 

Scarecrow:  That’s very strange, but we must see him.

Little green man: Why must you see him?

Scarecrow:  We hope he can help us.

Little green man: Ok, I shall take you to him. The Great Wizard is very terrible. But first I shall give you all eye-glasses. You must put them on, and wear them all the time.

Tin woodman:  Why?

Little green man: Because the Great Wizard ordered it. All the houses are made of emeralds. To look at them will be bad for your eyes. All the people in his house cannot take the glasses off because when they put the glasses on, I lock them. You must do what he wants you to do.

(Little green man opened his bag and took out five pairs of  glasses.)

Little green man: Now let’s go to the Great Wizard!

Lion:  Look, all people here wear green clothes, they have green eyes and hair!  Sweets and nuts, and cakes are green too.

   (They all came to the beautiful green palace.)

                                        Part 5

(A bell rang, it was the signal to open the door. The Great Oz was in a form of a big head.)

Oz:  I am Oz, the Great and terrible. Who are you, little girl? What do you want of me?

 Dorothy: I want you to help me to come back to my uncle and aunt. Your country is beautiful, but don’t like it, I want to go home.

Oz: Where did you get those silver shoes?

Dorothy: I got them from the Wicked Witch of the East, my house fell on her and killed her. So I took her silver shoes.

Oz: Well, what will you do for me? You must help me first. Help me and then I shall help you. Kill the Wicked Witch of the West, and I shall send you back to your country.

Dorothy: But how can I help you? You the Great and terrible

Wizard can’t do it, how can I do that?......





                                               Part  6

   (Next day the Great Wizard was in a form of beautiful girl.)

Scarecrow: I am only Scarecrow, my body is made of straw, so I have no brains. Please put me some brains into my head. I don’t want to be a fool.

Oz: Why must I do this for you?

Scarecrow: Because you have a lot of brains, only you can help me.

Oz: Well, I’ll help you, but you must first to kill the Wicked Witch of the West.

Scarecrow: But you asked Dorothy to kill the Wicked Witch.

Oz:  That’s right, but it’s all the same to me who kills her.

           (five friends met together after meeting with Oz)

Lion: Tomorrow I shall go to see the Wizard. If he is in a form of Beast, I shall roar and frighten him. If he is in a form of a beautiful girl, I shall jump at her and frighten her. If he is in a form of a Head, I shall push it down from the throne. All will be well, my friends!

                                         Part 7

The Great Wizard: I am Oz the Great and terrible. Who are you and what do you want of me?

Lion: I am a Cowardly Lion. I am afraid of people and beasts. I ask you to give me some courage. People call me the King of beasts, so I must be brave.

The Great Wizard:  Kill the Wicked Witch of the West and I shall give you courage.

(Lion leaves the Great Wizard and comes back to his friends)

Lion: There is only one thing we can do, we can go to the west and kill the Wicked Witch.

   (They started out…to the West. The Wicked Witch was strong and had only one eye, it was like a telescope. So she saw Dorothy and her friends closing in her house.)

The Wicked Witch: I don’t want strangers in my country. Fly to those people and kill everybody except the little girl and the lion. Bring them here. They will work for me.

                         ( Her slaves fulfilled the order )

The Wicked Witch: Come with me, I shall give you some work to do. You must work very well or I shall make an end of you.  You must clean the kitchen, wash the floor, windows.

(Dorothy begins to work, and all of a sudden, she runs against of a bucket of water. She falls and one of her silver shoes comes off. The Wicked Witch takes it at once.)

Dorothy: Give me my shoe, you are a wicked old woman.

The Wicked Witch: No, I shall not give it to you. Some day I shall take the other shoe too.

         (Dorothy threw the bucket of water at the Witch)

The Wicked Witch: What are you doing? Don’t you see I am melting. The water! It will make an end to me. You knew it very well. Look out, here I go. (Я помераю.)

Dorothy: First of all we must find our friends. Lion, let’s find them.

Lion:  Look, they are over there, under the tree in the field.

           My dear friends, we are happy to see you again!

             (Together they started out to the Great Wizard)

Friends together : Where are you, Great Wizard?

Great Wizard: Here I am, what do you want from me?

Friends together : You must do what you promised.

Great Wizard: Well, come tomorrow morning. I must have time to think it over (Я повинен це обміркувати).

Friends together : You had a lot of time to think it over. You must do it at once (негайно).  

(Lion roared and all of a sudden in the corner of the room the screen fell down. There was a little frightened old man. )

                                         Part 8

 Oz:  I am Oz, the Great and terrible. Don’t kill me, please. I shall do all you want me to do. I fooled you all the time.

Dorothy: Fooled? Are you not a great Wizard?

Oz:  No, I am not. I am a poor old man. It is my secret.

Scarecrow: You a humbug!

Dorothy:  Who knows that you are a humbug?

Oz: Only you four. For many years I fooled all the people. They never see me and they think that I am great and terrible.

Dorothy: Tell us, how could you take the form of a great head?

Oz: That was one of my tricks. When you come to see me, I stood behind the screen and pulled a thread. So, the eyes and the mouth opened and closed. I was born in a small town near Kansas. One day a man from the circus showed me some tricks. So I became a balloonist.  Well, one day I went up in my balloon. It was windy. The wind carried the balloon very far away. There I saw a lot of people, they cried “Look, a great Wizard has fallen down from the sky.”  I didn’t tell them it was a mistake. I let them think I am a Wizard.

                                       Part 9

(Next day four friends come back to Wizard to get everything they wanted.)

Wizard:Come close my dear Scarecrow. Take your head off.

(Scarecrow takes his head off, Wizard put inside some pins)

Now you will be a great man. You have a lot of brains.

Scarecrow: Look, how wise I am. I have a lot of pins in my head, so my brains are very sharp.

Tin Woodman: Great Wizard, you promised to give me a heart.

Wizard: Yes, but you have to cut a hole in your breast first. Then I shall put a heart in it.

Tin Woodman: All right, do it please.

Wizard: It is a very beautiful heart, isn’t it?

Tin Woodman: Oh, yes, it is a very kind heart. I shall never forget your help. Thank you very much!

Lion: I have come to have my courage.

Wizard: Very well. Drink it. (passes a cup with red vine.)

It is courage. Courage must be in you! Do you understand? Drink it quickly.

Lion: I have a lot of courage, I am full of it! Thank you very much!

Wizard: How funny they are. I told them that I am a bad wizard, but they don’t believe, and ask me to do things I can’t do. So they make a humble of me. It was easy to make your friends happy, but how can I help you, I am afraid, I can’t.

Oh, wait a minute, it seems to me I have an idea!

I came to this country in a balloon, so I think the best way to get back to Kansas is through the air.

Dorothy: But how?

Wizard: I can make a balloon! I shall make it out of silk.

Dorothy: Do you want to go with me?

Wizard: Yes, I am not going to stay here. I shall go with you to Kansas, I can work for a circus again.

Dorothy:  I am very glad, now let’s begin to work. I will help you to make a balloon!

(Dorothy and Wizard worked and worked, in three days the balloon was ready)

Wizard: Come Dorothy, quick come, or the balloon will rise!

Dorothy: Oh, where is my Toto, I can’t find my Toto, I don’t want to leave him here!

Come back. I want to go too.

Wizard: I can’t come back, good bye, my dear.

                                       Part 10

               (Poor Dorothy cried all the time)

Dorothy: I shall never see my aunt Em and my uncle Henry.

I don’t want to live here, I want to go back to Kansas.

Scarecrow: I know the answer, only Ozma can help you! Ozma is the Good Witch of the South. She is the Ruler of the Land of Oz. She is very kind. She will help you!

Dorothy: Yes, I shall go to the Country of the South. I can’t stay here.

 (Dorothy and all her friends started on the way at once)

 Ozma: What can I do for you, child?

Dorothy: I want you to help me to come back to my uncle and aunt. They think some terrible thing has happened to me, and they are unhappy. I want to go home. You are good and beautiful, please, tell me how to get back to Kansas?

Ozma: Your silver shoes will carry you there. I see, you don’t know they are magic.

Dorothy: Now I understand why the Wicked Witch wanted to take them from me. She knew they are magic. But what must I do?

Ozma: You must turn round on your left foot three times and said: I want to get back to Kansas!

Dorothy: How easy it is! But now I am glad that I didn’t go home before. I have found good friends. I have seen many new and beautiful countries. But you know, East or West home is best.

Thank you for everything, my dear friends, I am sorry to leave you here, Good bye.

(Dorothy turned around three time on her left foot with the words……) Take me home to Kansas!

                (aunt Em and uncle Henry appear on the stage)

Aunt Em and uncle Henry: My dear child, where have you been all this time? Where did you come from?

Dorothy: From the Land of Oz. And here is Toto too! I am so glad to be at home again!

19 вересня 2021
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