Урок на тему: London Sights

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Розробка уроку з теми "Визначні місця Лондону", містить в собі різні види робіт для кращого засвоєння навчального матеріалу учнями, спрямовані на розвиток комунікативних навичок та мотивують до вивчення мови.
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Підтема: London Sights

Мета: вдосконалювати навички нових лексичних одиниць; навички усного мовлення, слухання й читання; розвивати мовну здогадку та пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати інтерес до іноземної мови, подорожування.

Обладнання: комп’ютер, мультимедійна дошка, підручник,  картки для роботи в парах, презентація Power Point, тематичне відео, фотографії визначних місць Лондону.

Тип уроку: комбінований урок – подорож з використанням ІКТ

Хід уроку:

 1. Підготовка до сприймання іншомовного мовлення

Greeting and aim  

- Good Morning, students! Nice to see you! I hope you are fine and well today! Smile each other and sit down. The topic of our today's lesson is "London sightseeing tour”, so today we'll have an unusual lesson. We'll make an imaginary trip to London - one of the most beautiful cities of the world. The famous English writer Samuel Johnson said such words about London:  ”When a man is tired of London he is tired of life… for there is in London all life can afford”. Can you translate this quotation? Do you agree with it?


2. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу

Warming up

-This wonderful country has many different names: Great Britain, The UK or just Britain. But it has the official name. Could you name it? ( слайд 2)

 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK)

-What is the capital of the UK? (слайд 3)

T: Close your eyes for a minute and imagine that you have just arrived to London. There are so much to see in London that even Londoners can always find new places of interest.

What do you imagine when you think of London? (слайд 4)

Students` answers (Mind - Map слайд 5)

3. Speaking

- It's time to start our sightseeing tour and learn as much as possible about the London's places of interest. Some of you will be the guides to help us to make an excursion. You have prepared some information about the London sights. ( слайд 6)


Madam Tussaud`s   museum is a famous waxworks museum. It has the largest collection of wax models in the world. There are models of famous people: film stars and pop singers, sportsmen, scientists and politicians. You can see members of Queen’s family there too. It is Queen Elizabeth the Second, her husband Prince Philip and their children.

The name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock-tower itself, but to the thirteen ton bell hung within. The bell was named after the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall.

Buckingham Palace is not only the royal residence: it's a small city under one roof. It has a cinema, a post-office, some cafes and a restaurant, a hospital and even a night club. More than 700 people work here every day.

Westminster Abbey

Over 900 years old, Westminster Abbey is a great national church. It is located near the Houses of Parliament in London. Rather than just a church or abbey, it seeming is a monument. It stands hand in hand with the name of the nation capital. Loved and known by English, British and World citizens

The Tower Of London

The Tower has been many things: a palace, a fortress, a prison, a place of execution, a Zoo. Today, it is best known as a historical museum. About 150 people and six ravens live here.

The House of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament constitute perhaps the most popular and widely spread image of London, known and recognized thro­ughout the whole world. In this famous palace are also many meeting halls and various parliamentary offices.




Ex. 6, p. 129 ( слайд 7)

Open your books  on page 129. Look at the pictures. Why would you like to go to London? What would you like to see? I would like to go to London because I would like to …..

  • see
  • visit
  • practice


4. Writing


-Write the dialogue filling the names of London sights instead of pictures (слайд 8)

 - This is http://www.canuckabroad.com/places/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/westminster1_big.jpg.

 - Is that https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/47/Big_Ben_Clock.jpg in front of us?

 - Yes, and on the left are the http://cdn2.spectator.co.uk/files/2012/12/96324454.jpg . Let`s go.

 - Oh, this is http://igo2london.com/data/Image/211232323/fsgdhfjdhdrh.jpg and the http://www.studing.od.ua/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Nelsons-Column-Memorial-Statue-In-London.jpg in the middle.

 - Yes, it`s exciting. And this is http://blog.365tickets.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/buckingham-palace.jpg where the http://nepalibuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/queen-elizabeth-ii-jewellery-queen-elizabeth-ii-36725307-433-531-1.jpg lives.

( Westminster Bridge, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, statue of Nelson, Buckingham Palace, Queen.)



5.  Listening and speaking

- Watch the video about the capital of the UK and fill in the gaps.












Keys: capital, England, city, parks, gardens, buildings, Big Ben, clock, symbol, double-decker, travelling , tube, theatres, beautiful.


  • Rearrange the dialogue into correct order and act it out.

a) – What did you like best?

b) – Yes, we`ve been to Buckingham Palace.

c) – Of course I have. And I`ve got a lot of photos of the ceremony. Look!

d) – The Palace, it is really beautiful. Besides, I like the ceremony of the Changing of the Guard very much. Have you ever seen it?

e) – Yes, it really is. There were a lot of tourists near the palace. It is interesting to look at the palace where the Queen lives.

f) – Oh, the Queen`s home is very popular sight with foreigners.

g) – Have you had any excursions today?



1) g) – Have you had any excursions today?

2) b) – Yes, we`ve been to Buckingham Palace.

3) f) – Oh, the Queen`s home is very popular sight with foreigners.

4) e) – Yes, it really is. There were a lot of tourists near the palace. It is interesting to look at the palace where the Queen lives.

5) a) – What did you like best?

6) d) – The Palace, it is really beautiful. Besides, I like the ceremony of the Changing of the Guard very much. Have you ever seen it?

7) c) – Of course I have. And I`ve got a lot of photos of the ceremony. Look!

6. Grammar Practice

 Do ex. 1 p. 130 Give your responses to agree with the statements given below.


7. Summary


  1. It is a big clock tower with the famous bell, a part of the Houses of Parliament (Big Ben)
  2. It is one of the greatest English churches not far from the Thames, built by the famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren. (St Paul’s Cathedral)
  3. It is the home of Queen Elisabeth II of England. (Buckingham Palace)
  4. It is a huge wheel next to the Thames. (The London Eye)
  5. It is a wax museum with models of famous people. (Madame Tussaud’s Museum)
  6. It is a very famous church not far from the Houses of Parliament where the kings and the queens were crowned. (Westminster Abbey)
  7. It was a palace and a prison. Now you can see the Crown Jewels here. (The Tower of London)
  8. It is in the centre of London and there are lots of cinemas, theatres and shops there. (Trafalgar Square)
  9.   It is a very famous bridge over the Thames. They open it when a big ship comes. (Tower Bridge)



8. Homework





Lionova Anna
26 вересня 2021
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