Текст для читання "Cinematograghy" та завдання за змістом тексту

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Текст для читання "Cinematograghy" та завдання за змістом тексту. Можна використати під час вивчення теми "Кіно. Жанри фільмів", завдання на перевірку розуміння змісту тексту, знання правила порядку слів у англійському реченні
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Read the text “Cinematography” and do the tasks.

Cinematography is a relatively new art. It probably started in 1878 when a British photographer working in California took a series of photographs of a running horse. For his project, he set up a row of cameras with strings tied to them. When the horse ran by, it broke each string starting the cameras.

In 1893 Thomas Edison and his team developed the kinetoscope. It was a box showing black-and-white films running about 90 seconds. A person watched through a hole as the film moved inside. Soon kinetoscope rooms opened in a number of cities.

In 1895 the Lumiere brothers had the first public demonstration of projected motion pictures in a Paris café. In 1906 the first theatre for showing films was built in Pittsburg. A nickel (five cents) was charged for watching a film, and the theatre was called the nickelodeon. In 1914 a number of companies built studios in and around the Hollywood district and the name Hollywood started to mean American films. Films of that time were silent. But in most large theatres they were accompanied by music: either a piano or an orchestra.

In 1927 Jazz Singer, the first successful talking picture appeared. It was mostly silent, but in a few scenes the popular American entertainer Al Jolson sang and spoke. In 1928 Walt Disney made the first animated sound film Steamboat Willie and in 1931 – horror films Dracula and Frankenstein were made.

During the 1990s, Hollywood introduced special effects created by computer graphics. Steven Spielberg made dinosaurs come to life in Jurassic Park. During the late 20th and early 21st centuries, IMAX theatres appeared. In these theatres there is a gigantic screen, a special projector and a huge sound system. By 2002 more than two hundred large-screen IMAX theatres were built in the world, many of them in the United States.

Task 1. Match the words.

  1. A relatively new art                           a) супроводжувалися музикою
  2. Took a series of photographs             b) перший  публічний показ
  3. A raw of cameras                                c) дивилася через отвір
  4. Developed the kinetoscope                  d) величезна звукова система
  5. Black-and-white films                          e) рухливі картинки
  6. Watched through a hole                        f) нікель був платою
  7. In a number of cities                              g) зробив серію знімків
  8. The first public demonstration               h) відносно молоде мистецтво
  9. Motion pictures                                      i) у багатьох містах
  10.                      A nickel was charged                   j) ряд фотокамер
  11.                      Accompanied by music                k) чорно-білі фільми
  12.                      A huge sound system                    l) зробив кінетоскоп




Task 2. Put sentences in the right order.

  1. It was mostly silent, but in a few scenes the popular American entertainer Al Jolson sang and spoke.
  2. In 1906 the first theatre for showing films was built in Pittsburg.
  3. When the horse ran by, it broke each string starting the cameras.
  4. Steven Spielberg made dinosaurs come to life in Jurassic Park.
  5. A person watched through a hole as the film moved inside.

Task  3.  Fill in the proper word.

  1. A British … working in California took a series of photographs of a running horse.
  1. director                 b) photographer             c) producer
  1. In 1893 … and his team developed the kinetoscope.
  1. Charlie Chaplin        c) Steven Spielberg          c) Thomas Edison
  1. The theatre was called … because a nickel (five cents) was charged for watching a film.
  1. nickelodeon                c) cinema                 d) cinema room
  1. From 1914 the name … started to mean American films.
  1. Oscar                      b) Hollywood               c) Nice
  1. The first animated sound film was called …
  1. Micky Mouse        b) Walt Disney     c) Steamboat Willie
  1. In 1990s the first special effects were made by …
  1. composers            b) computer graphics         c) editors

Task 4. Find true and false sentences.

  1. Cinematography is a very old art.
  2. Cinematography started in California in 1878.
  3. The first film showed only running horse.
  4. Thomas Edison made the kinetoscope without any help.
  5. The first black-and-white films were running about ninety seconds.
  6. In 1895 the Lumiere brothers made the first public film demonstration in Paris.
  7. The first cinema was built in London.
  8. The price for the watching first black-and-white films was five cents or a nickel.
  9. The first films were not sound.
  10.         The first successful sound film had the title “Jazz Singer”.
  11.         The first animated cartoon was created by Walt Disney in 1927.
  12.         IMAX theatres appeared in the nineteenth century.
  13.         More than 200 large –screen IMAX theatres were built in the world by 2002.
  14.         A horror film ‘Dracula” was made in 1905.


Task 5. Find Ukrainian equivalents.

  1. Він поставив ряд камер і прив’язав до них мотузки.
  2. Це був ящик, який показував чорно-білі фільми протягом 90 секунд.
  3. Фільми того часу були німі.
  4. Вона була в основному німа, але у кількох сценах популярний американський шоумен  Ел Джолсон співав і говорив.
  5. Стівен Спілберг зробив майже як живих динозаврів у «Парку Юрського періоду».
  6. У цих кінотеатрах є величезний екран, спеціальний проектор і потужна звукова система.

Task 6. Answer the questions.

  1. Is cinematography an old or a new art?
  2. When and where did it start?
  3. Who made the kinetoscope?
  4. How much time did the first black-and-white films run?
  5. Who made the first public demonstration of projected motion pictures?
  6. Where was the first theatre for showing films built?
  7. How much money did people pay for watching of the first films?
  8. What does the name Hollywood mean?
  9. What musical instruments were used to accompany the silent films?
  10. What first horror films do you know?
  11. What was the first successful talking picture?
  12. When did IMAX theatres appear?
  13. How many IMAX theatres have been built by 2002?


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