Текст із завданнями "Climate of Ukraine"

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Текст із завданнями про клімат України. Може використовуватися як додатковий матеріал на уроках англійської мови у 8 класі при вивченні теми "Ukraine"
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Climate of Ukraine

Ukraine occupies the territory that is situated in the eastern part of Europe. There are the Carpathian Mountains in the west and the Crimean Mountains in the south. Ukrainian territory is washed by the Azov Sea and the Black Sea.

These factors influence the climate of Ukraine. It is mostly moderately continental.

But the Crimea differs greatly from the other parts of the territory.

The climate there is subtropical. One can see the difference even in the average summer and winter temperatures. The average summer temperature is 21—22 degrees above zero, but it is usually 23—26 oC in the Crimea.

The winter temperature in the Crimea is about 3 degrees above zero as the Crimean Mountains stop cold winds from the north. The Carpathian Mountains differ from the rest of the Ukrainian territory in the amount of rains. The highest rainfall is noticed in this part. Summer is usually dry and hot in Ukraine, but in the Carpathians showers and thunderstorms often occur. Sometimes storms bring hail, which is very unfavorable for agriculture.

Winter is usually mild, without severe frosts. Sleet is quite usual for Ukrainian cities and towns in winter. Still winter snow cover is typical for the climate of Ukraine except the southern part.

Fogs are not frequent in this country, but they may happen in autumn or spring.

Due to its favorable climatic conditions, such as winter snow cover, enough amount of rains and hot days during the summer, Ukraine is traditionally an agricultural country. It grows wheat, maize and other corns, vegetables and nearly all kinds of fruit.

  1.                   Match
  1. Winter                                                A    dry and hot
  2. Spring                                        B    mild, without severe frosts
  3. Summer                                  C  foggy
  4. Autumn                                  D warm, sunny
  1.              Complete the sentences
  1.                 The main factors that influence the climate of Ukraine are …………………
  2.                 The average summer temperature is …………………….
  3.                 The territory of Ukraine is washed by…………………
  4.                 The typical climate of Ukraine is ……………………………..
  5.                 Ukraine is ……………………………………………….









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30 вересня 2021
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