Тематична контрольна робота" Nature and Climate"Unit4. (10клас за підручником Нерсисян)

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Тематична контрольна робота" Nature and Climate"Unit4(Нерсисян 10клас) ......
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TEST “Nature and climate”/ Form-10 (Unit4)

 1. Transate into Ukrainian: avalanche, basin,consumption,deforestation, reuse,prevention. -1,5б    2. Translate into English:

Сосна,теплова хвиля, еколог, знищення,зсув,переробка.-1,5б

3.) Match 1-7 with a-g to make sentences. 3б

  1. The volcanic eruption has destroyed ____   

2. A year without rain has caused    ________

3. Doctors in the area      ________

4. The United Nations is sending food aid to ______

5. The tsunami reached     ________

6. Five skiers were injured in     ________

7. The TV report showed the route of    ________

a) the avalanche on Sunday afternoon.

b) the tornado: it struck the city and then moved east.

c) the forest and all the homes in the area around the mountain.

d) say that thousands of people are now ill with the


e) the coast and destroyed thousands of homes.

f) the victims of the famine.

g) a serious drought in Western Australia.

4.  Write the suitable suffix to form the correct words. 4б

1. Don`t touch the snake. It`s extremely------- (poison).

2.This part of the country is made up of a landscape of great--------.(beautiful).

3. Everybody is worried about the --------of the rain forest. (destroy)

4. We were late for school because it rained --------(heavy).

5. Jack speaks five languages,-------------Spanish.(include)

6. Bob  has many ------friends in London.(power)

7. What--------options are available? (pay)

8. Country life is very -------------in comparison with city life.(peace)

5. Which of the environmental problems worry you the most? Express your opinion on the issue about 100-120words.2б

12 лютого 2023
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