Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови 8 клас "School life"

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Тематична контрольна робота з англійської мови 8 клас з теми "School life". Контрольна робота складена відповідно до вимог програмового матеріалу, містить два варіанти різнорівневих завдань на перевірку рівня володіння лексико-граматичним матеріалом теми.

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8 клас

Test 3




  1. Make up the proverbs.(3x0,66=2)
  1. Live and                          1. power.
  2. Knowledge is                  2. Learn.
  3. Little knowledge is         3.  dangerous
  1. It’s never too
  2. To know everything is
  3. There is no royal
  1. road to learning.
  2. late to learn.
  3. to know nothing.

  1. Choose and circle the correct words.(4x0,5=2)

1) Pupils usually learn about the life and structure of plants and animals at the lessons of  Physics /Biology

2) Pupils usually learn about the measurements and relationships of lines, angles, surfaces and solids at the lessons of Chemistry / Geometry.

3) Pupils usually draw and paint pictures at the lessons of Art / Music.

4) Pupils usually learn about the past events connected with the development of a particular place, subject, etc. at the lessons of Algebra / History.

1) Pupils usually learn about phenomena such as heat, light, sound, etc., relationships between them, and how they affect objects at the lessons of Physics / Maths.

2) Pupils usually learn about numbers and shapes at the lessons of Chemistry / Maths.

3) Pupils usually jump, run and do sport at the lessons of Physical Training / English.

4) Pupils usually learn about the Earth's surface, physical features, divisions, products, population, etc. at the lessons of Geography / History.


  1.  Use the prompts and make up sentences like in the example.(4x0,5=2)

Stephanie/Music/singing - Stephanie is good at singing. Music is her favourite subject.

1) Jane/Art/drawing pictures

2) Nina/World Literature/reciting poems

3) Rita/Physical Education/playing ball games

4) Tim/Maths/doing equations

Stephanie/Music/singing - Stephanie is good at singing. Music is her favourite subject.

1) Brian/English/reading and writing English

2) Olena/Handicrafts/cooking

3) Roman/History/remembering

4) Jim/Computer Science/operating computer

  1.   Choose and circle the correct words. (2x0,5=1)

1) Hats should / shouldn’t be removed when entering classrooms and offices.

2) Students need / mustn't have the following items at school: knives, weapons, weapons, dangerous, objects, tobacco, drugs, alcohol and gang emblems.

1) Mobile phones can / must be turned off during regular school hours. Students are allowed to use cell phones before and after school only.

2) Pupils can / shouldn't use the Internet at their IT lessons.

  1. Translate into English. (2x1=2)


  1. Уроки починаються о 8 години, а закінчуються в 13:35.
  2. Після школи учні можуть поступити до університету.
  1. Я маю вивчати 7 уроків на день.
  2. Британські учні повинні здавати екзамен з 6 предметів
  1. Write a short e-mail about your favorite subject. (3)


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