Test "A helping hand"

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Test for 8-th form on topic " A helping hand" - medical and emotional problems -asking for and giving advice -using the Passive Voice
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1.          She has a fear_____spiders.

image              а) off                                                                                          image    б) of

в) on

2.          A doctor_________ the patient

image               а) saw                                                                                        image     б) examined

в) explored

3.          Nowadays many people suffer_____stress.

image              а) of                                                                                            image     б) from

в) under

4.          She could deal______her problems easily.

image              а) up                                                                                           image     б) with

в) from

5.          He had flu, but he got______very quickly.

image               а) along                                                                                    image     б) over

в) up

6.          Crew stands______ a group of people on the plane or ship.

image              а) on                                                                                           image     б) for

в) of

7.          You should focus_____ your studying.

image              а) on                                                                                           image     б) up

в) out

8.          Sue is very responsible. She does everything_______ her own

image              а) on                                                                                           image    б) by

в) of

9.          They have nothing______ common

image              а) on                                                                                           image     б) in

в) with

10.      Leaving your house you should turn_____ the house.

image              а) of                                                                                            image    б) off

в) on

11.      While walking in the park he_______ into his old friend.

image               а) bump                                                                                   image     б) bumped

в) come

12.      You had better not get____ my nerves.

image              а) up                                                                                           image     б) in

в) on

13.      Complete the sentences

I   need ___ (go) to the chemist`s ___ (buy) some pills.

imageimageа) go, buyб) to go, to buy

в) go, to buyг) to go, buy

14.      Complete the sentences:

You must ___ (take) this

imageimageа) takeб) to take

в) takesг) taking

15.      Complete the sentences:

Could you ___ (bring) me the sugar and the butter, first?

imageimageа) bringб) to bring

в) bringsг) bringing

16.      Complete, use should, shouldn`t, had better, had better not:

Liza suffers from claustrophobia


imageimageа) Liza should use a liftб) Liza shouldn`t use a lift

в) Liza had better use a liftг) Liza had better not use a lift

17.      Complete, use should, shouldn`t, had better, had better not:

Liza suffers from claustrophobia


imageimageа) Liza should see a psychologistб) Liza shouldn`t see a psychologist

в) Liza had better see a psychologistг) Liza had better not see a psychologist

18.      Light a flare only when you are ___

imageimageа) in a hurryб) in fact

в) in dangerг) in common

19.      Passive Voice

The building of the theatre ........ five years ago.

imageimageа) to buildб) is built

в) was builtг) built

20.      Passive Voice

The luggage ... to the hall of the hotel.

imageimageа) was takenб) were taken

в) tookг) to take

21.      Passive Voice

The Spanish language ____ in many countries.

imageimageа) is spokenб) speaks

в) are spokenг) was spoken

22.      Passive Voice:

The house.... by famous people.

imageimageа) were boughtб) was bought

в) are bought.г) is bought

23.      Passive Voice:

100 mobile phones per hour ... by the factory workers here.

imageimageа) are producedб) were produced

в) producesг) was produced

д) produced

24.      Use the linking words/phrases (3 answers)

I   realised that Alise was angry. I stopped laughing

imageimageа) When I realised that Alise was angry, Iб) After I realised that Alise was angry, I stopped laughingstopped laughing

imageimageв) As soon as I stopped laughing, I realisedг) I stopped laughing because I realised

that Alise was angry,

25. Use the linking words/phrases (3 answers) Brenda took a taxi to shop. She was early.

that Alise was angry,

а) Brenda was early because she took aб) Brenda was early as she took a taxi to taxi to shopshop

в) Brenda took a taxi to shop, so she was early

д) Brenda took a taxi to shop when she was


г) Brenda was early, but she took a taxi to


Ключ до тесту

1. б (1 балів)

2. б (1 балів)

3. б (1 балів)

4. б (1 балів)

5. б (1 балів)

6. б (1 балів)

7. а (1 балів)

8. а (1 балів)

9. б (1 балів)

10. б (1 балів)

11. б (1 балів)

12. в (1 балів)

13. б (1 балів)

14. а (1 балів)

15. а (1 балів)

16. б (1 балів)

17. в (1 балів)

18. в (1 балів)

19. в (1 балів)

20. а (1 балів)

21. а (1 балів)

22. б (1 балів)

23. а (1 балів)

24. а б г (1 балів)

25. а б в (1 балів)

28 червня 2022
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