Тест. Цікаві завдання для 8-9 класів

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Цікавий додаток до ваших уроків у вигляді тестів за темами Family, Appearance, Meal and cooking
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(Appearance). Give a word for the following definition.


  1. The upper part of a man’s body –
  2. The part of the face above the eyebrows –
  3. The part of the face between the nose and the ears –
  4. The part of the body that connects the head and the shoulders –
  5. The front of the head –
  6. The eye cover when the eyes are shut –
  7. The hair that grows on the edge of the eyelid –
  8. The thin line of hair above the eye –
  9. The natural colour and appearance of the skin –
  10.  The face and its expression –



(Family). Give words or phrases for the following definitions.


  1. A man who is one of your parents –
  2. One’s father and mother –
  3. Someone who is their male child –
  4. Someone who is their female child –
  5. The people in former times from whom you are descended –
  6. A woman who is one of your parents –
  7. The parents of your father or mother –
  8. The mother of your mother –
  9. The father of your father or mother –
  10. The children of someone’s son or daughter –
  11. The son of someone’s son or daughter –
  12. The daughter of someone’s son or daughter –
  13. The grandfather of your father or mother –
  14. The grandmother of your father or mother –
  15. The grandchildren of your mother’s or father’s grandmother or grandfather –













(Meals and cooking). What do we call places where people go to eat? Match the words in the left column with the definitions in the right column.


1. Snack bar                         A. originally a British public house licensed to serve beer and other alcoholic beverages.  Customers get their drinks from the counter and either stand there or sit at the tables. Some light snacks like pies and sandwiches are served.


2. Café / cafeteria                     B. a counter where food and drink may be bought and eaten (e.g. in a railway station or on a train).


3. Pizzeria                   C. small restaurant mainly concentrating on cakes, sandwiches, coffee and tea. Choice of food is often very limited.


4. Refectory                             D.   a place where guests normally come fairly late and stay until the small hour. Always with dancing and often also with floor shows. Food is sometimes available.


5. Buffet.                                   E. a place where students or workers have their lunch, usually connected with a school, office or factory.


6. Night club                                F. a nice place where meals are served to customers


7. Canteen.                                   G a modest restaurant where customers collect their food on trays at counters and carry it to tables. Choice of dishes is based on convenience and speed, with food like hamburgers, sausages and sandwiches.


8. Pub                                           H. a restaurant specializing in pizzas, and other Italian type food.


9. Restaurant                                 I. a university café.

До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 квітня 2020
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