Тест для учнів 8 класу за темою "Література"

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Перевірочна контрольна робота за темою "Література" для 8 класу. Завдання створені для перевірки лексики за темою та перевірити питальні речення (4 види запитань)
Перегляд файлу

Literature                                                                  Form 8


 Task I . Choose the types of stories from the box to complete the definitions. (2 points)

Science fiction, autobiography, historical story, horror story,  detective story.

1. An … is a story of a person’s life, written by that person.

2. A … is a book about crime.

3. A … story is about events in the future.

4. A … is about a period of fighting between countries or states.

5. A … is a book which makes people frightened.


         Task II. Fill in the words into the sentences. There are 2 extra words.

 (3 points)


Author, touching,  plot,  takes place  for a change, well-known,  printed, advise .

 1.My sister reads different kind of literature ……..      2. The story ….  in New York.    3. Johann Gutenberg who …  the so-called Gutenberg Bible in 1456.    4. George  Byron is her favourite ……    5. …..   works by Shakespeare are “Othello”, “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet”.   6. All her stories are …… and thrilling


Task III. Put 6 questions using different types and question words. ( 3 points)



Task IV. Match the proverbs and describe one of them.

Choose the author

but buy a new book

Don’t judge a

should be a few but good

A room without books

like book

Think much, say

is a body without soul

Like author

little, write less

Books like friends

as you choose friends

Wear old clothes

book by its cover


До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
18 січня 2019
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