Test for 9th grade History of England

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Friday, the twelfth of April


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True or false

1. The history of England is change when the ice age ended and the sea levels rose the low-lyig land of modern-day.

2. A Germanic tribe from the Anglia Peninsula who settled there in the 15th and 16th centuries

3. An early farmsteads began to appear on the landscape named due to the use of bronze and copper to create tools weapons and decorative items by peoples known as the Celts

4. The Celts came to the attention of the Emperor Julius Caesar who sent a military expedition to England

5. King Hadrian commissioned a massive wall between England and Scotland to dissuade attacks from the Picts in Scots known as Hadrian's Wall

6. The Dark Ages is a period where anglo-saxon art and literature inspired by Christianity

7. Edward died in 1066

8. Harold the fifth defeated the Viking army at Stamford Bridge but was defeated himself at Hastings by William who unheralded the crowned himself King on Christmas Day 1066

9. William was succeeded by King John who believing he was above the law forcefully took what he needed from the people, however, the Barons disputed his demands and in 1215 they presented the king with an ultimatum a document that became known as the Magna Carta

10. King John died and in 1216 his son, the nine year old Henry, inherited the crown, during the next hundred years England was scourge died the plague known as the Black Death and responsible for killing half of the population



Missing words

1. In 1485 when ___ defeated, Richard the third at the Battle of Bosworth Field the Tudor dynasty began

2. Henry the seventh ___ wisely, but after his son Arthur was killed, he decreed that his younger son, also called Henry, should marry Arthur's Widow Catherine

3. Henry ___ Catherine, as she had not produced a son, to ensure the divorce, he broke with the Catholic Church and declared himself to be the head of the Church of England

4. In 1533 he married Anne Boleyn, this marriage resulted in another daughter -Elizabeth, three years later Anne was ___ at the Tower of London in 1536

5. Henry the eighth married six times, during his third ___, to Jane Seymour, he had his son named Edward (Jane died shortly after his son was born)

6. Leaving Elizabeth to become Queen in ___ , under Elizabeth the first the Navy established by Henry the eighth developed into England's major form of defense and became the means by which England explored colonized and traded around the globe

7. A prosperous period called England's ___ Age

8. Elizabeth never married, dying, she wanted James the sixth of Scotland to succeed her, so in 1603 James the sixth of Scotland became James ___ of England

9. His personal debts in Catholic baptism were the sources of some dissension and gave rise to the infamous assassination attempt known as the ___

10. James’s successor and son Charles took to the throne in 1625, he believed God had created him King and due to that belief, he did not trust the ___ and between 1629 and 1640 he dismissed it choosing to rule by royal decree



Dates (answer the questions)

1. When Charles the first was tried and found guilty? 

2. When Cromwell died and his son Richard became Lord Protector?

3. When the catholic James II took the throne?

4. When William was crowned?

5. Until what year William and his Queen Mary II ruled jointly?

6. When William dying?

7. When the Georgian period began?

8. When a period of the start, the Industrial Revolution, that began?

9. When Queen Victoria came to the throne?

10. When when Victoria died?



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