Test for the 7 th form on the topic “London. Kyiv. Landmarks”

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Test for the 7 th form on the topic “London. Kyiv. Landmarks”. Контрольна робота на перевірку знань учнів лексики по “London. Kyiv. Landmarks”, правила вживання конструкцій типу So do I/ Neither do I для висловлення згоди чи незгоди з твердженнями
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Test for the 7 th form on the topic “London. Kyiv. Landmarks”


  1. Match the words.
  1. go along the street and turn right       a) культурний центр
  2. to run across the bridge                      b) відвідувати Трафальгарську площу
  3. a  house in front of you                      c) гарні вулиці й проспекти
  4. to live next to the friend                     d) особливі українські традиції
  5. to be close friends                               e) бути близьким другом
  6. a cultural centre                                    f) перебігти через міст
  7. ancient historical places                       g) їхати прямо по дорозі
  8. to visit Trafalgar Square                       h) провулок ліворуч від вас
  9. specific Ukrainian traditions                  i) будинок перед вами
  10.          nice streets and avenues                    j) жити по сусідству з другом
  11.          the lane is on your left                      k) пройдіть вздовж вулиці і поверніть праворуч
  12.          to drive straight along the road          l) стародавні історичні місця



  1. Find the odd word.
  1. On the left, on the right, theatre, opposite, next to.
  2. London Eye, Trafalgar Square, Maidan Nezalezhnosti, Buckingham Palace, Tower.
  3. Avenue, to visit, crossroad, lane, street.
  4. Ancient, interesting, queen, famous, historical.



  1. Fill in the gaps.
  1. … is the popular place in the centre of the Ukrainian capital.
  1. Maidan Nezalezhnosti      b) Covent Garden        c) Trafalgar Square
  1. The English Queen Elizabeth II lives in …
  1. Saint James Park       b) Tower Bridge              c) Buckingham Palace       
  1. The symbol of  the Ukrainian capital is …
  1. Christmas tree                   b) sunflower           c) chestnut  
  1. … is situated on the banks of the river Thames.
  1. Edinburgh                     b)  London            c) Dublin



  1. Agree with the statements using so/ neither. Write only answers.
  1. My friend likes to play football. (I)
  2. I don’t speak French.(my friend)
  3. London is the capital city. (Kyiv)
  4. Kyiv has many historical places. (London)
  5. Parents are in the classroom now. (children)
  6. This poem was written by Taras Shevchenco. (that poem)
  7. Teachers did not watch this film. (pupils)
  8. Boys should write a story about holidays. (girls)
  9. I will not visit Saint Sophia Cathedral tomorrow. (my brother)
  10.  My mother has not been to London yet. (my granny)
  11. I am listening an English song at the moment. (my sister)
  12. My grandparents were in Kyiv last winter. (my parents)


  1. Translate into Ukrainian.

1. You can see many historical places in London.

2. More than eight million people live in the capital of Great Britain.

3. English people don’t have the president, the main person in the country is the Queen.

4. If you want to learn about England you should visit the British Museum.

5. There are many different bridges across the river Thames in London.

6. London metro is the oldest metro in the world.

7. Kyiv – Pechersk  Lavra is a long way from the National Opera Theatre in Kyiv.

8. There are many famous landmarks in London and Kyiv.

9. To my opinion, the British Museum is worth visiting.

10. My friend has already visited a famous Kyiv zoo. So have I.



  1. Answer the questions.
  1. What is your Motherland?
  2. What is the official language of Ukraine?
  3. Where is Ukraine situated?
  4. What is the official flag of our country?
  5. What is the capital of Great Britain?
  6. Where is Great Britain?
  7. What river can we see in London?
  8. What interesting places can we visit in London?
  9. What places of interest do you know in Kyiv?
  10.         What is the main street of Kyiv?
  11.         What is the symbol of England?
  12.         What is the best country in the world? Why do you think so?


До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
12 квітня 2020
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