Тест "“Getting around the town” для 5 класу

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Задання для перевірки сформованих знань теми "Getting about the town" для учнів 5 класу
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Test “Getting around the town”

Task 1. Find the definition of the word.  

museum   bank  hotel    shop         school      cafe

1.If you need money, you go there.  

2.When you study history, you go to this place.    

3.Children go to this place to get knowledge.  

4.Sometimes you go there to have a meal.  

5.When we are in different cities, we can stay there.

6.We can buy different things there.  

Task 2. Fill in the right word:

Words: place, town, tourists, supermarkets, fruit, visit, a cinema.

     I live in a small _____. There are three parks, two playgrounds, and _____. And there are many shops and three ________ in my town. I like it, because I was born there. Our town is a very interesting ______ for ______. If you want to ______ it, you should go to the Central Square. There is a beautiful ______ garden with other trees in this place.







Task 3 Match the questions with the answer

1 Excuse me. Do you know              

where the café is?

2 Excuse me. Do you know where the supermarket is?

3Excuse me. Do you know where the hospital is?

4 Excuse me. Do you know where the police station is?




A Yes! Go straight on. Turn left, go straight on, it is on your right. It is next to the theatre.

B Yes! Go straight on. Turn right, gostraight on, it is on your right. It is infront the pharmacy.

C Yes! Go straight on. Turn left, go straight on, it is on your left. It is in front the firehouse.

D Yes! Go straight on. it is on your left. It is next the museum.



Task 4 Write 6 sentences about your village


Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Контрольні роботи
26 квітня 2022
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