Тест " Контроль письма. І семестр.

Про матеріал

Допоможе провести контроль письма за І семестр у 7 класі (англійська мова). Містить завдання з граматики ( some/any/no та їх похідні, little/few./ а lot of), структури речення, лексичного матеріалу ( тема Food)

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Form 7  Semestre I   Writing   Variant I

  1. Cross out the wrong variant.

1) to do...

a) the washing up b) the ironing c) the floor

2) to wash...

a) dust b) hands c) dishes

3) to cook...

a) dinner b) laundry c) fish

4) to water...

a) the bathroom b) the plants c) the flowers


2) Underline the correct variant.


1) Have you found anything/everything interesting?

2) I could go anywhere/anybody in the world.

3) We stopped for anything/something to eat.

4) Anybody/Nobody was saying anything.

3) Read and underline the correct answer.


1) There is a little/few juice in the glass.

2) Are there some/any apples on the dish?

3) There are little/some biscuits on the plate.

4) We have only a few/little cherries — these are not enough for a cherry cake.

4) Continue the sentences.


1) At school I usually eat_____________________________________

2) I like to eat_____________________because _________

3) My favourite dessert is_________________


5) Arrange the words into sentences.


1) too/nice/this/sweet/it's/cake/but/is.

2) use/phones/students/exam/mustn't/during/an/their/mobile.

3) big/for/this/brother/shirt/is/my/elder/enough.

4) a few/visited/days/we/stayed/and/the/in/Florence/museums.

5) read/weekend/l/stories/at/a few/the/nice.

6) left/l've/little/got/very/money.

Form 7  Semestre I   Writing   Variant II


  1. Cross out the wrong variant.


1) to do...

a) the cooking

  b) the chores

   c) the shops

2) to tidy up...

a) a room

b) a pet

c) a house

3) to boil...

a) a pan


c) water

4) to make...

a) a mess

b) a toaster

c) a dessert


  1. Underline the correct variant.


1) There's someone/onyone at the door.

2) Does onybody/onything remember him?

3) There's nowhere/nothing you can do.

4) I've seen you something/somewhere before.

3) Read and underline the correct answer.


1) There are some/а few apples in the fridge. Let's make an apple pie!

2) Is there lot of/any coffee?

3) We have very little/some cheese left. We should go to the shops.

4) I need a few/little sugar for my coffee.

4) Continue the sentences.


1) For breakfast I usually eat_________________

2) I don't like to eat___________________because______ __

3) My favourite drink is____

5) Arrange the words into sentences.


1) tea/a little/and/she/some/ate/bread/drank.

2) sleep/before/you/to/get/an exam/always/need/enough.

3) too/work/l/just/more/tired/am/to.

4) wasn't/the/weather/to/go/nice/swimming/enough.

5) weekend/l/films/at/saw/a/few/the.

6) time/I’ ve/little/got/very/free.

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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
22 липня 2018
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