Проектна робота на тему " The Leisure Centers in Chernomorsk"

Про матеріал

Матеріал допоможе вчителю організувати проектну роботу для учнів 7 класу на тему " Місця відпочинку в місті Чорноморськ". Розвинуть навички критичного та пошукового мислення.

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Project on the topic: The Leisure Centers in Illichivsk


  • to acquaint  people with the Leisure Centers in Illichivsk
  • to reuse lexical material on the topic and use it in the pupils` speech;
  •  to develop creative thinking;
  •  to show the importance of the Leisure Centers ;
  • to bring up love to the native land .

Form: 7-8


   Execution time: 2-3 weeks


   Task of the project:  to make a booklet with the leisure centers.


   Type: informative, cross-curriculum.


   Expected result : making a booklet for different groups of people about the leisure centers with presentation.


Key questions

What Leisure Centers of Illichivsk do you know

What Leisure Centers of Illichivsk do you

     advise to visit different groups of people?

Where are they situated?

How can people get there?


Stages of the project

Preparatory stage

Perfoming stage

Presentation stage

Final stage


Preparatory stage:

- to introduce the topic to the students,

- to discuss the problem of the project with them,

- to make groups,

- to discuss the ways and sourses of information.

- to discuss the technical support of the project ( who is

responsible for making photos, booklets, presentation)

Perfoming stage:

- students search the information about the Leisure Centers of Illichivsk

,- They take photos and illustrations of them, collect the


-design the project,

- prepare the project for presentation.

Students can use some resourses for their work.

Presentation stage:

-During the project students are busy with self-realization,

because they can express their point of view on the given subject and their level of creativity increases to a great extent.

-students present their booklet for tourists about the leisure centers of Illichivsk.

Final stage:

- Students analyze the course of project`s work,

- They estimate the project and its presentation, its strong and weak points.



До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 липня 2018
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