Test 6 form "My amazing family"

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Діагностична робота з англійської мови для учнів НУШ 6 клас. Тема " My amazing Family". Підручник Карп'юк.2023р.

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Unit 2            My Amazing  Family                        Form 6

Name ___________  __________________________            Variant 1  

1. Find out the words that are not connected with the family.

Granddaughter, niece, pilot, brother, monkey, aunt, frog, wife, prince, son, father, house, cousin, octopus, grandmother, red.


2. Circle the correct answer.

1) Ted is a … pupil.                                                        a) good  b) well

2) This car is moving very…                                          a) slow.  b) slowly.

3) My mother gets up … than my father.                      a) earlier  b) the earliest

4)The kids jumped …                                                    a) joyful          b) joyfully

5) We ….walked in the park.                                         a) slow           b) slowly

6) Today is a very … day.                                             a) warm         b) warmly


3. Choose correct variant

1)   The cat …. is sitting over there is my pet.        A)  who                   B) which

2) This is the man ….is my stepfather.                    A) who                  B) which

3) That is the house … my parents want to buy.      A) who                   B) that

4) The boys … have blond hair are my classmates.   A) which             B) who





Unit 2            My Amazing      Family                        Form 6

Name ___________  __________________________            Variant 2 

1. Find out the words that are not connected with the family.

Grandfather, nice, sister, pilot, aunt, frog, wife, dog, son, nephew, Wi-Fi ,daughter, house, cousin, husband, grandmother, niece.


2.Circle the correct answer.

1) Sam can swim … of all.                                                      a) better   b) best

2) Molly always writes…                                                        a) careful.  b) carefully.

3) His sister looks very … in her new dress.                          a) elegant.        b) elegantly.

4)I was very ….at the party.                                                   a)    happy        b) happily

5) They … talked to the teacher.                                             a) polite           b) politely

6) Jim became …. When Ed went away.                                a) sad              b) sadly


3. Choose correct variant

1)   The woman … has green eyes is Sofiia.                           A)  who                   B) which

2)    The house … has big window is Mike’s .                       A) who                      B ) which

3)  They have cats  …. are black and very small.                  A) who                       B) that

4) Luke uses a phone …. has a good camera.                       A) that                       B)  who

4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

honest  brave  clumsy  kind  curious  lazy

1) I think that my granny is very    ______   . She always gives me presents and cooks tasty things for me when I come to visit her. 2) Chris is a   ______     boy because he never helps his parents about the house. 3) Alex and Fred are      ______  boys because they aren’t afraid of anything. 4) Little Bobby is very     ______   and always asks a lot of questions about everything. 5) My brother is a __________boy. He often breaks cups and plates in the kitchen. 6) Mr Bond is an  __________ man. It seems he has never lied in his life.

5.Choose the correct item:

1) My sister is a ___________ girl. She always does her homework.

A) skinny                 B) hard-working                     C) serious

2) Jill eats too many sweets so he is _________.

A) plump                 B) bald                     C) tall

3)My little brother always drops things. He is...

A) clumsy                B) lazy                    C) curious

4) What is she like?

               A) She is tall and pretty.    B) She is kind and helpful.




4. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

honest  brave  clumsy  kind  curious  lazy

1) I think that my granny is very     _____  . She always gives me presents and cooks tasty things for me when I come to visit her. 2) Chris is a     _____   boy because he never helps his parents about the house. 3) Alex and Fred are    ______    boys because they aren’t afraid of anything. 4) Little Bobby is very _____       and always asks a lot of questions about everything. 5) My brother is a_________ boy. He often breaks cups and plates in the kitchen. 6) Mr Bond is an  ________man. It seems he has never lied in his life.

5.Choose the correct item:

1) My cousin is a very ___________ girl. She never tells jokes.

A) shy               B) selfish                  C) serious

2) Robert is ___________. He always makes us laugh.

A)  kind               B)  rude                  C) funny

3) Mia is very __________ because she keeps to a diet.

          A) brave                B) fat                    C) slim

4) What does she look like?

                   A) She is tall and pretty.          B) She is kind and helpful.

12 листопада 2023
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