Тест "Неозначений займенник "

Про матеріал
Граматичні матеріали до уроку англійської мови. Граматичні вправи на закріплення чи перевірку вживання неозначених займенників anything, something, anybode, somebody
Перегляд файлу



The Indefinite Pronounce

Put in everyone, everybody, everything, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, somewhere, anywhere.

  1. ____________ must know what he has to do his or her part of chores.
  2. ____________ has to clean the table.
  3. There is always ____________ to do at home.
  4. I don’t want to do __________about the house.
  5. I can’t see _____________in the room.
  6. Sweep the floor. There is _________ on the carpet.
  7. I can’t find my dress. There is ___________in the wardrobe.
  8. _______________wants to help me. But I can’t do it myself.
  9. Would you like to go _________?
  10. Sasha put ___________ into washing machine.
  11. __________ can do this.
  12. __________ has knocked at the door. Go and open it.



The Indefinite Pronounce

Put in everyone, everybody, everything, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing, somewhere,   anywhere.

  1. ____________ must know what he has to do his or her part of chores.
  2. ____________ has to clean the table.
  3. There is always ____________ to do at home.
  4. I don’t want to do __________about the house.
  5. I can’t see _____________in the room.
  6. Sweep the floor. There is _________ on the carpet.
  7. I can’t find my dress. There is ___________in the wardrobe.
  8. _______________wants to help me. But I can’t do it myself.
  9. Would you like to go _________?
  10. Sasha put ___________ into washing machine.
  11. __________ can do this.
  12. __________ has knocked at the door. Go and open it.



До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
29 листопада 2022
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