Контрольна робота з теми "All about Food" Form 7

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Form 7                                                                            Unit 3 “All about Food”


V 1

1. Fill in the sentences choosing the correct item.

1. She has to… the potatoes before boiling.

      a)mash  b) fry  c) peel

2. … the oil into the frying pan.

     a)boil  b) pour  c) mix

3. … fruit before eating.

   a) cut  b) slice  c) wash

4. We… oranges with a knife.

    a) eat  b) slice  c) mix

5. Put the eggs into the bowl and… them with a fork.

    a) mix  b) dry  c) chop

6. We… our lips and hands with napkins.

     a)make  b) eat  c) clean


2. Complete the story with the following words.


something , healthy,  bread, to grow, eat ,sugar ,oil,  tomatoes , drink

To stay _____(1) you should eat as much fresh food as possible. You shouldn’t _____(2) too much food from packages.

There’s too much _____(3) and salt in it. Eat vegetables, fruit, nuts, fish, yogurt and olive _____(4). You shouldn’t eat too much meat. Eat _____(5) , peppers, broccoli, spinach, and beans instead. Brown bread is better than white _____(6). If you want _____(7) sweet, eat fruit: an apple, a peach or some plums or cherries. If you are thirsty, you should _____(8) water and not a fizzy drink. You try … (9) some food yourself.



3. Fill in the blanks with "a few" or "a little" to complete the sentences.


     1. I’ve got … money. Let’s have coffee.

    2. He has read _____ books on European history

    3. There are ____ rich men in the town.

    4. This dish needs _____ salt in it.

    5. I’d like _____ coffee, please.

    6. I saw Mary ____ days ago.


4. Write a recipe of your favourite salad.









Form 7                                                                            Unit 3 “All about Food”


V 1

1. Fill in the sentences choosing the correct item.

  1. When the water ____, add the rice.

a) bake   b) boil    c) fry

  1. You should always ____ fruit before eating it.

a) mix   b) pour   c) wash

  1. Heat the oil in a large pan and ___ the onion for 5 minutes.

a) fry   b) mash    c) wash

  1. _____ the meat into small pieces.

a) cut   b) fry   c) slice

  1. Add the eggs and ____ with sugar.

a) chop      b) mix      c)served

  1. ______ potatoes with some milk.

a) mash  b) boil   c)fry


2. Complete the story with the following words.

     water ,  local ,    toothbrushes ,   food ,  produced ,  energy,    vitamins and minerals, fresh, skin


People need … (1) to live. It gives us  … (2) for every action we do. It’s never  too early to start thinking about what you eat. If you eat …. (3)  food you stay healthy. Apples and raw carrots are similar to small … (4) which polish your teeth.  …. (5)  is necessary for fresh and healthy looking … (6). You need about ten  glasses every day. The best food is … (7) food. When it comes to your table it is fresh , full of …. (8).  It is a food … (9) without chemicals, in a traditional way


3. Fill in the blanks with "a few" or "a little" to complete the sentences.

1. Mr.Sad is unhappy because he has got only ___ money.

2. I can see only ___ apples in the bowl.

3. The cook is putting ___ olive oil into the vegetable soup.

4. I want ___ sugar for my tea. Can you add it, please?

5. Susan needs ___ cucumbers for the salad.

6. There is only ___ water in that glass. I want some more.


4. Write a recipe of your favourite salad.






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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
2 грудня 2022
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