Test on Listening Comprehension
Form 8
gaily-illuminated – весело подсвечены
pavement – тротуар
to weep bitterly – горько плакать
handful – пригоршня, горсть
10 (20) pence – 10 (20) пенсов
1. One morning just before Christmas an old gentleman was wandering through the town centre.
a) true b) false
2. Suddenly the old gentleman noticed a little boy sitting on the pavement.
a) true b) false
3. The old man gave the child a shiny two pence coin.
a) true b) false
4. One day or so later the old man was going by the same route.
a) true b) false
5. The old man was surprised when he saw the same little boy sitting in the same place.
a) true b) false
6. Finally, the boy was lucky to find the first coin.
a) true b) false
II. (2 points for each item) Choose the correct answer to the question.
1. What was the old man looking for in the town centre?
a) presents for his friends
b) presents for his family
c) presents for his neighbours
2. What were the children watching at?
a) toys in the shop windows
b) the little boy sitting on the pavement
c) ten pence coin on the pavement
3. Why was the boy weeping bitterly?
a) Because he`d lost his uncle.
b) Because he`d got cold.
c) Because he`d lost his money.
Test on Listening Comprehension
Form 8
One afternoon just before Christmas an old gentleman was wandering through the town centre. As many other people the gentleman was looking for some nice presents for his big and friendly family. The gaily-illuminated shops were full of cheerful shoppers. The children were watching in wonder at all the toys in the shop windows. Suddenly the old gentleman noticed a little boy sitting on the pavement. The boy had poor dirty clothes on and was weeping bitterly. The old gentleman didn`t see neither the boy`s parents nor any other adults near him. He came up to the boy and asked him why he was crying. And the little boy said that he had lost a ten pence coin his uncle had given him. The old man put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a handful of coins. He picked out a shiny ten pence coin, and, with a kind smile on his face, gave it to the child. “Thank you very much”, said the little boy, and, drying his eyes, he cheered up at once.
An hour or so later the old man was making his way back home by the same route. To his great surprise he saw the same little boy sitting in the same place. He was crying as bitterly as before. He went up to the boy and asked: “Have you lost the coin I`d given you as well?” “No, I haven`t”, answered the boy. “I haven`t lost your coin. But I still can`t find the first one.” And sighing heavily he added: “If I could find my own coin, I`d have twenty pence now.”
gaily-illuminated – весело подсвечены
pavement – тротуар
to weep bitterly – горько плакать
handful – пригоршня, горсть
10 (20) pence – 10 (20) пенсов
8 класс.
Контрольная работа №1
Контроль сформированности умения аудирования на материале 1 четверти.
Объект контроля: умение понимать воспринимаемый на слух связный текст, предъявляемый в нормальном темпе.
Единица контроля: связный текст художественного жанра, предъявляемый дважды учителем или в звукозаписи.
Показатель обученности: понимание воспринятой информации.
Шкала оценки: за каждый правильный ответ заданий № I и № II по 2 балла. Максимальное количество баллов -14.
«Высокий» - 14 - 13 баллов
«Достаточный » - 12 – 11 баллов
«Средний » - 10 - 8 баллов
«Низкий» - ниже 8 баллов
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Listening Comprehension
Form 8
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Total number: 14 points.