Test Paper "Books in my life". Passive Voice

Про матеріал

Контрольна робота допоможе перевірити рівень мовної та мовленнєвої компетенції учнів за даною темою. Вона включає лескичні, граматичні та творче писемне повідомлення за темою.

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                                Test Paper                             8th   form

  1.     Translate the words into English.

Historic novels   -                                    science fiction -

Comic stories   -                                      poems about nature -

Adventure stories -                                  fairy tales -

Fables   -                                                  legends -                

Myths -                                                   an encyclopedia -

  1. Match the words

Allow                                                               ненадовго

Bingo                                                               базікало

Chatterbox                                                       прочитати від дошки до дошки

Introduce                                                          відмовитися

Read from cover to cover                                представляти

Refuse                                                              промова

Speech                                                              бінго

Awhile                                                             дозволяти

  1. Open the brackets using Passive Voice.

The radio (invent) by Popov.

Magazine (publish) in Paris.

The letter (answer) tomorrow.

This house (build) by my father.

The monuments (show) by them.

  1. Change the following into the Passive.

The girls water the flowers.

We will finish this work tomorrow.

They will invite him to take part in the concert.

She has locked the door.

They saw this film last week.

  1. Write a composition about your favourite author and book.




24 липня 2018
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