Test Paper `Choose the Career!`

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Контрольна робота: Unit 2`Choose the Career!` за підручником Англійська мова, 10 клас, Карпюк О.Д. складається з 3 секцій: лексика+граматика; читання; аудіювання. Також додаються ключі та текст треку до аудіювання.
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Test Paper Unit 2 Choose the Career! (Vocabulary/Grammar/Reading/Listening Activities)


A. Matching:

1. to work                                  a) challenges

2. a risky                                    b) worker

3. to make                                  c) job

4. to face                                    d) long hours

5. to get                                      e) opportunity

6. working                                  f) a decision

7. an excellent                             g) conditions

8. a skilled                                  h) employed


B. Filling in the gaps:

responsible/ company/ forward/ well-paid/ experience/ apply/ advertisement/ required

  1.               I would like to_____ for the position of assistant.
  2.               I saw your _____ in the Guardian on June 12.
  3.               I also have five years` _____ of similar work at a small company.
  4.               I was _____ for contacts with buyers.
  5.               My job is not_____, that`s why I am looking for a new one.
  6.               My job is greatly _____ by my country.
  7.               He has been working for the same _____ for twenty years.
  8.               I look _____ to an opportunity to meet with you in person.


C. Multiple choice:

  1.     Would you like to work for a team or work _____ ?

a. lonely                       b. hard                               c. alone

  1.     My job is so _____ that I go to bed exhausted at 9 pm every night.

a. tiring                        b. rewarding                       c. popular

  1.     My parents expected me to have a _____ in high tech industry.

a. salary                       b. career                             c. bonus

  1.     I have all necessary _____ for this post.

a. conditions                b. qualifications                 c. disadvantages

  1.     Before going to the job interview you have to think over your main _____

a. strengths                  b. advertisement                c. vacancy

  1.     I can`t stand working under _____ .
  1. insurance                b. conditions                      c. pressure



  1.            Fill in the correct preposition:

about; for (х2); with; for; in

1. to apply ___

2. to fill ___

3. to look ___

4. to succeed ___

5. to deal ___

6. to be serious ___


B. Word-order:

  1.               CV/ enclosing/ I/ am/ my.
  2.               person/ discuss/ in/ We/ my/ could/ application.
  3.               responsibilities/ a lot / paper / My/ include/ of / work.
  4.               catering / in / have / I / experience / considerable.
  5.               be / work / on 15th May / able / I / start / will / to.
  6.               references / can / necessary / I / If / supply.


С. Translation:

  1.               Якщо ви хочете знайти нову роботу, напишіть своє резюме.
  2.               Якщо ви надійна і трудолюбива людина, ми можемо запропонувати вам місце в нашій компанії.
  3.               Ця робота включає в себе багато подорожей.
  4.               Мені дуже подобається куховарити, ось чому я вирішив стати кухарем.
  5.               Я дуже комунікабельна людина і люблю працювати в команді.



Read the text and write T for True, F for False.

Renata Smith, a divorced mother of two young girls, Sabrina, aged ten, and Joly, aged six, lives in Sheffield. She is typical of today`s one parent single-income families living on the breadline struggling to make ends meet.

Renata was working as a secretary in the city when at a party she met Tom, a lorry-driver. They went out together for six months and then they decided to get married. At first she and Tom lived with her parents but then, when Renata was expecting Sabrina, they moved into a council flat. Tom had to spend a lot of time away from home and soon, after the birth of their second child, he left Renata to live in another city.

Renata set about bringing up the girls on her own, though her mother was always ready to help when she could. Money was the most pressing problem, and Renata, who had given up her job when Sabrina was born, had to find a post as Personal Assistant to the Sales Director and managed a local company. She has been working there for nearly two years now and enjoys spending her days in the office. When she`s not at work, the girls have priority. They are the most important thing in her life, and she is determined to be both mother and father to them. She doesn`t want them to suffer from the fact that their father does not live with them, and she does everything possible to provide them with a rich and rewarding life.

  1.               Renata is a single mother.      ___
  2.               She used to work as a secretary before getting married.      ____
  3.               Renata had no problems growing up her children.    ____
  4.               She enjoys working for the company.   ____
  5.               Tom does his best to give his children a good life.   ___
  6.               Renata is a hard-working person.    ____


Listening (CD 1/Track 14:Exam Activator)

You are going to hear a student talking about her first job. Decide if the statements 1-5 are true (T) or false (F).

___ 1 She started working in Australia one week after she got there.

___ 2 During her first week at work, Mr Jenkins and Kate watched her all the time.

___ 3 Dealing with customers helped her understand human nature.

___ 4 When she made mistakes with money, Mr Jenkins was not always there to correct them.

___ 5 She`s not planning to work as a shop assistant in the near future.



Unit 2 `Choosing a career`


  1.            Matching: 1.d; 2.c; 3.f; 4.a; 5.h; 6.g; 7.e; 8.b
  2.             Filling in the gaps: 1.apply; 2.advertisement; 3.experience; 4.responsible; 5.well-paid; 6.required; 7.company; 8.forward
  3.             Multiple choice: 1.c; 2.a; 3.b; 4.b; 5.a; 6.c


Fill in the correct preposition: 1.for; 2.in; 3.for; 4.in; 5.with; 6.about


Keys: 1.T; 2.T; 3.F; 4.T; 5.F; 6.T

Listening (Tapescript):

Hello, everybody, and thank you all for coming here today. As you know, we meet here every week to share important experiences in our lives. It is my turn today, and I`d like to talk to you about my first job. After leaving school last year, I decided to go on a longer holiday and visit my family in Australia. During my second month there I thought I should do something to improve my English. And so, just one week later I became a shop assistant in a small corner shop in Melbourne. Of course I hadn`t had any previous experience in this kind of job, and I was a bit worried. But Mr Jenkins, the shop owner, and Kate, the other assistant, said it wasn`t important at all. They asked me to come to the shop for one whole week only to watch what they were doing. Those seven days were the best training you can imagine. I really learned a lot. If you are a shop assistant, dealing with customers is one of the most difficult things to do. Mr Jenkins was always very kind to them, but Kate sometimes became a bit angry, especially when they couldn`t make up their minds what they really wanted. I discovered that some people were coming to our shop not only to buy things, but also to talk to us. Now I think I can understand people`s behavior much better than before, and especially that of the elderly. Another difficult thing is money. When you work for the first time, you feel really strange about it… For about one month, I kept making mistakes. But I was lucky because Mr Jenkins was always by my side ready to help me get out of trouble. And I am sure now I`ve become an expert at mental arithmetic.

All in all, my first job was a very positive experience. I think I`ve become more open and tolerant. Even though I had a lot of work to do, I have also somehow managed to become more relaxed and easy-going. But if you ask me, I wouldn`t like to work as a shop assistant again! In fact, I`m just about to start studying astronomy, and then, who knows? The sky`s the limit! Thank you very much for your attention.

Keys: 1.F; 2.F; 3.T; 4.F; 5.T



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