Test paper ,grade 11

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    Test paper, grade 11.The review of tences.                                      


          Do the tasks

      Choose the  right variant

1. I am busy at the moment I …….. on the computer

a) work          b) is working      c) working     d) am working

2. Here is my report. I ……. It at last.

a) finished      b) have finish     c) have finished       d) am finishing

3.These days food……more and more expensive

a) gets   b) is getting    c) will get   d) has got

4. The river Amazon …… into the Atlantic ocean

a) is flowing   b) flows   c) has flown   d) will flow

5. How  long ……. you  …… working   at this firm

a) have    be working   b) is   being worked    c) have  been working   d)  worked

6. Where …… you ….. all this time?

a) has been   b) have be   c) were    d) have been   


 Open the brackets  

1. I  ( to think) she  is busy at the moment.

2 The film  ( to start) at 7 p.m. Don’t be late.

3. We  ( to arrange) a new year party in two weeks.

4 . I  ( to lose) my keys. Can you help me to loоk for them.

5. Milk  ( to contain) a lot of vitamins.

6. How long  you  ( to live) in this house?

7. I usually enjoy parties  ,but  I not( to enjoy) this one.

8. If   I ( to know ) the answer ,I( to tell) it to you. I unreal condition

9. When spring  ( to come) , birds ( to come ) back from hot countries.

10. If   he   ( not to tell) those words, his mother ( not to feel ) hurt.  II unreal condition

11. She thought he  ( to get) her letter the day before.

12. I knew I  ( to write)  the  test well.


3 квітня 2021
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