Тест по английскому языку к учебнику Close up C1 Unit 6

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Тест по английскому языку к учебнику Close up C1 Unit 6 With a new component array and strong digital support, the new edition of Close up has been fully updated to be in line with the new First for Schools specifications. Close up is still as interesting, topical and up to date as ever with spectacular National Geographic photography and facts that have been carefully selected to appeal to the inquisitive minds of young teenagers. New to this Edition: • The integrated "Exam Close Up" feature now gives students and teachers step by step advice and strategies for how best to approach exam tasks so students have an opportunity to put the advice into practise on the page; • A new "Learning Focus" feature introduces "learning to learn" tips so students can see what they need to do themselves outside of the classroom to progress; • Students' abilities to think, form, express and justify personal opinions are developed further in the "Ideas Focus" sections, a core skill for success at First; • An all new Online Zone contains downloadable audio and video for students and teachers as well as additional material including interactive whiteboard material, tests and quizzes.
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Name: _____________________________

Date: _____________________

Mark: ___________/ 40 marks

Vocabulary and Use your English

Choose the correct answers.

1 All municipal rubbish is sent to a______far from the city.

a landfall

b wasteland

c landfill

d landslide

2 It’s so______when the sun is blocked out by the clouds.

a gloomy

b breezy

c gusty

d sultry

3 We got soaked when it suddenly began to during our walk in the park.

a beat down

b blow up

c bucket down

d blow over

4 Residents are concerned about the_______of stray dogs roaming the streets.

a herds

b packs

c droves

d armies

5   It costs many millions of dollars to______for oil off shore in the sea.

a tunnel

b dig

c mine

d drill

6 Tourists were advised______visiting the mountain areas because of bandits.

a from

b against

c toward

d through

7 The weather forecast said it will be a bit today, so don’t forget your umbrella.

a drizzly

b muggy

c dull

d sultry

8 He loves camping. Using his natural_______to survive really appeals to him.

a surroundings

b elements

c area

d landfill

9 The government’s_______on higher fines for companies that pollute the environment is fair.

a patience

b insistence

c obedience

d persistence

10 It was a_____day, so the beaches were crowded.

a dull

b grey

c humid

d drizzly

11 We can go cycling this afternoon if the weather clears .

a down

b over

c out

d up

12 The Native Americans of the Great Plains led a  life as they followed the herds of buffalo.

a migrant

b nomadic

c travelling

d wandering

13 The______in my dad’s garden is perfect for growing vegetables.

a dirt

b landfill

c soil

d wasteland

14 We should stay at home until the storm_______.

a blows over

b blows up

c blows down

d blows under

15 Chemical_______is against the law, as it harms the environment.

a pumping

b dumping

c bumping

d clumping

16 The sky was______when we went to the tennis match, so we didn’t need suncream.

a oppressive

b bright

c overcast

d breezy




17 Human beings cannot control nature or the_______.

a elements

b pollutants

c settlements

d contaminants

18 Until I watched a documentary, I was______of the threat to the wetlands.

a indifferent

b unknown

c insensitive

d unaware




19 Our picnic in the countryside was ruined by an army of .

a bees

b frogs

c ants

d mice

20 The puppy was very ill for the first few days, but now he’s been to the vet he’s .

a consuming

b thriving

c pouring

d roasting

(___/ 20 marks)






Choose the correct answers.

1 Joe______the waste paper for recycling because it’s still here.

a shouldn’t have taken

b needn’t have taken

c didn’t have to take

d can’t have taken

2 ______I use a sunblock even when it’s cloudy?

a Need

b Have

c Should

d Ought

3 I_______the flowers because Tom had already done it.

a won’t have watered

b needn’t have watered

c mustn’t have watered

d couldn’t have watered

4 Carey______the documentary, but I’m not sure.

a should have seen

b will have seen

c would have seen

d might have seen

5 Do we______a new hot water heater?

a able to get

b need to get

c ought to get

d prefer to get

6 Billy_____to look after my dogs when I went on holiday.

a wasn’t able

b couldn’t

c didn’t

d wouldn’t

7 I ______throw out all my old newspapers, but I like to recycle them.

a must

b could

c would

d should

8 I______an eco-holiday, but I just couldn’t afford it.

a will take

b will have taken

c would take

d would have taken

9 You______an umbrella; it’s stopped raining now.

a mustn’t take

b couldn’t take

c don’t have to take

d can’t take

10 Where are those books I ordered online? They_____by now.

a might have arrived

b could have arrived

c would have arrived

d should have arrived




11 I______when I was two, you know.

a could swim

b should swim

c might swim

d must swim

12 You______the dog; I’ve already taken her out today.

a mustn’t walk

b needn’t walk

c shouldn’t walk

d couldn’t walk

13 Tim______to me and bought a hybrid car instead of a petrol guzzler.

a should have listened

b could have listened

c would have listened

d must have listened

14 Scientists aren’t certain yet, but a meteor______Earth in the near future.

a can hit

b needs to hit

c might hit

d should hit

15 They were both caught in the flood; it______a terrible ordeal.

a could have been

b should have been

c might have been

d must have been

16 Everyone_______recycle glass, paper and aluminium.

a able to

b have to

c need to

d ought to

17 They_______us if they wanted to, but they didn’t.

a would have helped

b should have helped

c could have helped

d must have helped

18 You want 50,000 euros for a solar panel? You  serious!

a can’t be

b mustn’t be

c might not be

d shouldn’t be

19 We_______a new fridge; the old one works just fine.

a can’t buy

b mustn’t buy

c couldn’t buy

d don’t need to buy

20 The authorities______to provide recycling bins in the town centre.

a must

b need

c could

d should

(___/ 20 marks)

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