Test Prepare 7. Unit 2. Vocabulary and grammar

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Тест за матеріалами : Unit 2 ."Our Changing Planet". Vocabulary and grammar, pages 14-17 до підручника "Prepare 7. Ukrainian Edition".
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Test "Prepare 7". Unit 2. Vocabulary and grammar

________________________     _________________________

Name                                           Surname


Task 1. Complete the sentences with the words. (0,5 points)

  1.      There is a lot of smoke coming out of the  v________________ I think it’s quite dangerous at the moment.
  2.     There are no plants in the  d_______________ because it never rains.
  3.     The trees in the  f____________________ are all really old.
  4.     The water in the  r__________________ near our house is very clean.
  5.     Ben wants to climb to the top of the  m___________________ .
  6.     It gets dark quite early down in the  v______________________ when the sun goes behind the hills.
  7.     You can see a long way from the top of the h_____________________ .
  8.     The  s_________________ is very cold in winter, so I never go swimming then.


Task 2. Read the descriptions and choose the name of the animal. (0,25 points)

1) This animal is very intelligent, looks like it’s laughing and lives in the sea.


  1.       elephant

2) This is the largest of all animals and it lives in the sea.

  1.      panda

3) This animal lives in the trees and is our closest relative.

  1.       penguin

4) This black and white animal lives in China and eats bamboo.

  1.      whale

5) This animal lives in Antarctica, where it’s very cold. It’s a bird but it cannot fly.

  1.       tiger

6) This animal is long and very thin and can be very dangerous.

  1.        monkey

7) This animal is very big and grey with big ears and a very long nose, called a trunk.

  1.      giraffe

8) This big cat lives in Asia. It is orange and black.

  1.      dolphin


Task 3. Choose the correct verbs (several options are true). (1 point)

 1) verbs of thinking:

  1.       hear, see
  2.      hate, like
  3.       belong, own
  4.      believe, know
  5.       smell, taste
  6.        love, prefer
  7.      need, want
  8.      think, understand

2) verbs of owning:

  1.       hear, see
  2.      hate, like
  3.       belong, own
  4.      believe, know
  5.       smell, taste
  6.        love, prefer
  7.      need, want
  8.      think, understand


3) verbs of feeling:

  1.       hear, see
  2.      hate, like
  3.       belong, own
  4.      believe, know
  5.       smell, taste
  6.        love, prefer
  7.      need, want
  8.      think, understand

4) verbs of sensing:

  1.       hear, see
  2.      hate, like
  3.       belong, own
  4.      believe, know
  5.       smell, taste
  6.        love, prefer
  7.      need, want
  8.      think, understand


Task 4. Choose the right words to complete the sentences. (0,5 points)

  1.      I’m thinking  / think, so please leave me alone.
  2.      How are you feeling / can you feel? You don’t look very well.
  3.      We can see / are seeing the sea from our house.
  4.      Simon is hating / hates early mornings.
  5.      Mmm! That paella tastes / is tasting really good.
  6.      What do you think / are you thinking of my plan?



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