Test Reading 3 form"Looking for Linda"

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Test-Reading 3 form

Looking for Linda
Jenny has two pets. She has a little hamster with a short tail. Her name is Linda. She also
has a big dog called Max.
Jenny can’t ­ find her hamster. She is sad.
“Don’t be sad, Jenny. I know where Linda is,” mom says. “Go to the big tree in the garden.“
Jenny runs to the tree.
“Now, turn right,” mom says. “Walk to the doghouse.”
Linda walks to the dog house. Linda is in the doghouse with Max. She is in her ball.
“You are a clever dog,” she tells Max. “Well done!”
Max is happy. He wags his long tail.
I.  Circle the word that matches the definition.

1.  to change direction
11 a) run b) walk c) turn

2. 222Not happy

a)sad b) clever c) big

3. to move fast
a) walk b) run c) turn

4. small
a) little b) happy c) long

5.  to move from one place to another place
a) say b) go c) turn

II.   Circle the correct answer.

1. Who gives Jenny directions?
a) Max b) her mom c) her dad d) Linda

2. What does Jenny’s mom tell Jenny?
a) Go to the tree. b) Run to the tree. c) Find Linda. d) Find Max.

3. What does Jenny do at the tree?
a) She looks for Linda. c) She turns right.
b) She runs to the doghouse. d) She looks for Max.

5. What word describes Linda?
a) big b) long c) clever d) little

6. What words describe Max?
a) A little dog with a short tail. c) A little dog with a short tail.
b) A big dog with a long tail. d) A big dog with a short tail.

7.  How many pets does Jenny have?
a) one b) two c) three d) four

8.  Where is Linda?
a) She’s with Max. b) She’s in the tree. c) She’s with Jenny’s mom. d) She’s in the house.

9.  What is the main idea of the story?
a) A dog is looking for a ball. c) A girl ­ finds her hamster.
b) A dog ­ finds a hamster. d) A girl finds her dog.



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Англійська мова для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів 3 клас (Карпюк О. Д.)
27 липня 2020
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