Тест з граматики. Контроль навичок письма. ІІ семестр, рік.

Про матеріал

Контрольна робота базується на матеріалах вивчених протягом навчального року. Завдання на вживання займенників ( some, any, no, та похідних) контрастуванні часів групи Past, та вживання розділових запитань.

Перегляд файлу

Writing Comprehension

Variant 1

Task 1. Choose the correct form:

  1. Is there ______ coffee left.  a) any; b) some; c) the; d) a
  2. How _____ cars are there in the street? A)much; b) many; c) little; d) few;
  3. Is there _____ sugar? A) some; b)any; c) no; d)few;
  4. There was _______ under the tree. A) something; b) no; c) anything; d) some
  5. I can’t say _____ about it. A) nothing; b) something; c) everything; d)anything;
  6. Did you go _____ last week? A) everywhere; b) anywhere; c)nowhere; d) somewhere;

Task 2. Fill in the correct tense form of the verb:

  1. I read the book which I ( bought/had bought/ was buying)in Kyiv.
  2. The boys were playing tennis while the girls (read/ was reading/were reading) the magazines.
  3. I came home after I ( had finished/ finished/ was finishing) my work.
  4. Peter opened the book and (started/ had started/ was started) reading it.
  5. They presented me a vase I (had always dreamt/ dreamt/ was dreaming) about.
  6. Before doing this task pupils ( learnt/had learnt/ were learning) the new words.


Task 3. Complete the question with the correct tag.

  1. Mother and her children didn’t notice the road sign,_______?
  2. They will gather apples in the garden,_______?
  3. My friends forgot the keys at home,_________?
  4. These people don’t live in our house,________?
  5. I’m looking for a good job,________ ?
  6. The puppy is really nice, _______ ?








Variant 2

Task 1. Choose the correct form:

  1. Do you _______ in this room? A) anyone; b) someone; c) everyone;
  2. There is ______ sugar in the tea. A) no; b) any; c) many;
  3. I want to go _______ during the holidays. A) anywhere; b) somewhere; c) nowhere;
  4. There are ______ interesting books. A) much; b) many; c) little;
  5. I can’t see _______ in this room. A) nothing; b) everything; c) anything;
  6. I need only _____ things to buy. A) little; b) no; c) few;


Task 2. Fill in the correct tense form of the verb:

  1. Some people were playing cards when we (entered/were entering/ had entered).
  2. They sent all the letters they (had written/ were writing/ wrote) before.
  3. The man came into the room and ( put / had put/ was putting)the suitcase onto the table.
  4. After I (cook/had cooked/was cooking) my breakfast I did the washing up.
  5. While the children (did/were doing/ had done) the homework mother was watching the film.
  6. I broke the watches my father (presented/ had present/ was presenting) me.


Task 3. Complete the question with the correct tag.

  1. The dogs are the best friends,_______ ?
  2. My friend didn’t want to help you,_______?
  3. These animals hunt at night,________?
  4. Tom went to London,_____?
  5. I’m not going to clean the car,________?
  6. The problem doesn’t seem to be difficult, _______?



Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Корольова Алла Лазарівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
20 липня 2018
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
Безкоштовний сертифікат
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