Тест з теми "All about food" у 7 класі

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Підсумковий тест з теми "All about Food" у 7 класі передбачає перевірку рівня засвоєння лексичного та граматичного матеріалу з теми та рівня сформованості навичок читання.
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  1. READING.   Read the article and answer the questions below.


It is impossible to eat food that is not good for you. You need seven things in your food. There are carbohydrates, which give you energy. Potatoes and bread are high in carbohydrates and so are sugar, pasta and rice. You also need protein and fats. They give you energy too. Meat, fish and other high-protein foods helps you to grow. The other four things you need are vitamins, minerals, fiber and of course water. There are many different vitamins. You need them for your eyes, bones, hair and skin. Minerals are good for your bones and teeth. Foods with fiber in them, like nuts and cereals, help to clean the inside of your body. Water does this too, so remember to drink lots of water every day.

It can be bad for you to eat lots of sweets and cakes. Some foods like burgers and chips, have a lot of fat and salt in them. This can be bad for your teeth, so don’t eat too many of them.

  1. What two things are missing from this list: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, minerals?
  2. What three things give you energy?
  3. Name one food which is high in protein.
  4. What can the fiber in nuts and cereals do for your body?
  5. Why shouldn’t you eat too many chips or other fried food?



Complete the sentences with the words: boil, bake, cut, chop, fry, mix, mash, pour, slice, served, wash

  1. When the water ____, add the rice.
  2. You should always ____ fruit before eating it.
  3. Heat the oil in a large pan and ___ the onion for 5 minutes.
  4. _____ the meat into small pieces.
  5. Add the eggs and ____ with sugar.
  6. ____ the mixture into a dish and _____ in oven for 45 minutes.
  7. Dinner is _____ between 7 and 10 pm.
  8. I’ll ___ some bread.
  9. ______ potatoes with some milk.
  10. The apples are ____ in half.


  1. GRAMMAR. Complete the sentences with few, a few, little, a little.
  1. ____ time was wasted.
  2. This dish needs _____ salt in it.
  3. There are ____ rich men in the town.
  4. I’d like _____ coffee, please.
  5. I saw Mary ____ days ago.
  6. ______ women worked a hundred years ago.
  7. There has been _____ snow during the last few weeks.
  8. He has read _____ books on European history.
  9. We eat _____ meat in summer.
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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
8 грудня 2021
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