7-А клас
Тема Узагальнюючий урок за темою Медицина
Мета практична: активізувати вивчену лексику по темі у мовленні та письмі; закріпити граматичний матеріал Past Perfect
розвиваюча: розвивати навички готовності до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні; розвиток навичок читання, письма й говоріння, діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, аудіювання.
виховна: виховувати почуття колективності, виховувати ціннісне ставлення до здоров’я.
Обладнання: комп’ютер, мультимедійна дошка, роздатковий дидактичний, наочний матеріал, відео, плакати
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
Greeting 1. Привітання.
T: How are you doing?
Ps: We’re fine, thank you and How do you do?
T: I’m fine, too. Are you ready for our lesson?
Ps: Yes, We are. Are you in a good mood?
T: Yes, I am. Ok. Let’s start our lesson, but first lets see in what mood are you. You have some stickers on your tables. Put them on our mood wheel.
Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
Teacher : Today we are going to speak about our health and how to stay healthy. You will learn how to prevent Covid-19, you will work in groups and all the class will watch your projects and dialogue scenes.
II. Oсновна частина уроку.
Teacher: You know that now we live a world where we must protect our health and the biggest problem of todays world is Coronavirus. So how we protect ourselves, how to stay healthy? Lets watch a short video about it and after watching you will complete the table “How to stay healthy”
Dialogue “At the surgeon's”
- What's wrong with your leg, boy?
- I'm afraid it's a fracture, Doctor.
- How did it happen?
- I was playing a game of tennis. Running to get the ball I slipped and fell down on my leg. I felt an awful pain when I tried to get up. My friends had to help me get there.
- That's too bad. You should have been careful. Well, we'll start with the x-ray examination. The nurse will help you. Now sit down in this chair . (Медсестра забинтовує ногу). You'll have to stay in hospital, son.
- What should I do to get well?
- Just have a rest
- How long do you think I'll have to stay here?
- I think not less than a couple of weeks.
- Ок. Bye
‘Calling in the doctor’
At the chemists
Аптекар складає в пакунок ліки
Групова робота
Teacher: Now you will work in groups. You will be doctors. One group of pupils will be Surgeons, another group is Dentists and third group is Pediatricians. Your task is to complete the text with given words and present the story to your class.
We are surgeons. When a person has an …he comes to the …. Surgeons cures …. …., …. ….and all …. ….. A surgeon makes an …. The operation can last many hours. The operation is held in an ….room. Many …and ….help the surgeon to do the operation. When someone has a broken leg or broken hand a surgeon puts ….on it. After the operation a nurse puts a …on that part of a body. To be a surgeon is very difficult and responsibly.
Use these words to complete the text:
Broken hands
Injury- пошкодження, травма
Broken legs
Plaster cast- гіпс
Broken bones- переламані кістки
The dentist is a doctor who is specially trained to care for ….. When you visit for a checkup, your dentist will look at your teeth and check for any …... The dentist also wants to make sure your teeth are developing properly as you grow.
It's important to ….your dentist every 6 months to make sure your teeth are healthy. It is ….to clean your teeth ….a day. The dentist will study your ….. and ask if you have any questions about your teeth. There is a big comfortable …in dentist’s …. Dentist works with many… To be a dentist you should …a lot at the university.
Use these words to complete the text
Xray – рентген
Pediatrician – дитячий лікар
A pediatrician is a …. with special training and skills in the illnesses that affect the health and development of babies, ….. and teenagers.
Paediatricians know a lot about different …. that can affect children’s health. They also understand how different illnesses and conditions relate to each other. Pediatricians help keep children ….. by regularly checking their growth and development. They help prevent illness by giving ….. and general health advice. When you visit a pediatrician, he can listen your …., check your ….and measure your … When you are …, he prescribe you …. You should follow doctor’s recommendations.
Use these words to complete the text
Vaccinations – вакцини
Lungs – легені
III Заключна частина уроку
1, Підведення підсумків уроку.
Інтерактивна гра «Мікрофон»:
T: Some people believe that regular visits to the doctor are the best way to be healthy. What is health for you? What did you like at the lesson?
(Учні швидко відповідають по черзі у мікрофон)
Заключне слово учителя: So, as you can see our health is above the wealth. Lets be healthy and save our health. Remember simple rules. I give you little presents that will remind you to be healthy (учитель роздає пам’ятки учням, як залишатися здоровим)
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