Тест: "Завдання з англійської мови для учнів 9 класів. Рівень А2+, В1".

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Тестові завдання у форматі ЗНО можуть бути використані для розвитку навичок читання і письма, а також для перевірки рівня знань учнів. Дані тести допомагають перевірити лексичний запас школярів та рівень засвоєння часто вживаних граматичних структур.

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9th Form            Name______________ Surname _______________________

I Variant 

  1. Reading.  Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you don’t need to choose.

Oldest Living Thing on Earth

Ancient patches of a giant seagrass in the Mediterranean Sea are now considered the oldest living organism on Earth after scientists dated them as (1)___________ .

Australian scientists sequenced the DNA of samples of the giant Posidonia oceanic seagrass, from 40 underwater meadows (2) __________ than 2,000 miles from Spain to Cyprus.

The analysis found the seagrass was between 12,000 and 200,000 years old and was most likely to be at least 100,000 years old. This is far older than the current known oldest species, a Tasmanian plant (3) _________ 43,000 years old.

Professor Carlos Duarte, from the University of Western Australia, said the seagrass has been able to reach such old age because it (4) __________ .

“They are continually producing new branches”, he told The Daily Telegraph. “They spread very slowly and (5) __________”.

The separate patches of seagrass in the Mediterranean span almost 10 miles and weigh

(6) _________ .

A  has been cultivated

B  that is believed to be

C  more than 6,000 tons

D  which grows quickly

E  cover a very large area

    F  up to 200,000 years old

    G  in an area spanning more

    H  can generate clones of itself

  1. Fill in with the correct word.

anniversary  celebration engaged  wedding  married   honeymoon  going out  bride

Hey Toby!

How’s it going? Good news – Bethany and I have got ___________ ! Everyone’s totally shocked because we’ve been __________ for years and no one thought we’d actually ever do it. We’re planning to get ___________ next September – it’d be great if you and Cara could come. Bethany’s got into the “____________ zone” already and she’s looked at hundreds of dresses. I’m sure she’ll be a beautiful ________ whatever she wears. We’re thinking of going to the Caribbean for our ___________. I’ve always wanted to go there. I know you went last year with Cara to celebrate your ____________ - any advice on good places to go? Hope all’s well with you both.



  1. Use Past Simple or Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets.
  1. I live in New York and I ________________ (study) here for years. I love studying here!
  2. When we were children, we _______________ (live) with my grandparents.
  3. I _____________ (speak) very good French when I was at school, but it’s not very good now.
  4. For a long time, many years ago, I _________(be) a really good swimmer.
  5. What a terrible week! I ________________ (work) for 50 hours and it isn’t a weekend yet!
  1. Which sentences are correct (v), which are not (x)?
  1. Jackie is good at basketball because she is the tallest in her class.
  2. Nurses have to work hard and be kind to everyone.
  3. My best friend is really angry of me because I lost her most expensive ring.
  4. That is the less interesting film I have ever seen.
  5. My sister Margaret is very keen of sport.

     5.Your class is having a picnic next Sunday. Write an email (60-70 words) to your  classmate who was absent at the meeting. Inform him/her about:

        - the class plans for the weekend;

        - the meeting point and the time;

        - say what things to take;

        - give him/her your new mobile number to keep in touch with you.















Mark ________


















9th Form            Name______________ Surname _______________________

II Variant 

  1. Reading. 

Read the text below. Choose from (A-H) the one which best fits each space (1-6). There are two choices you do not need to choose.

The Best of Success

The year was 1983. In Australia, the long-distance foot race from Sydney to Melbourne was about to begin, covering 875 kilometers – more than 500 miles! About 150 world-class athletes had entered a six-day event. So race officials were amazed when a 61-year-old man approached and (1) __________ . His name was Cliff Young, and his “racing kit” included overalls and galoshes over his work boots.

At first, they refused to let him enter. So he explained (2) __________ on a 2,000-acre farm, with thousands of sheep. His family had neither horses nor tractors so, when the storms came, his job was (3) __________ . He said that sometimes it would take two or three days of running.

Finally, they let Cliff enter, and the race began. The others quickly left him behind, shuffling along in his galoshes. But he didn’t know that the race plan included stopping each night to rest, (4) _________ .

By the fifth day, he had caught them all, won the race, and (5) ____________ . He continued to compete in long-distance races until he was 70.He was an inspiration to millions and a great encourager of younger runners.

In his honour and memory, the organizers of the race (6) ___________ changed its name to the Cliff Young Australian Six Day Race.

A  became a national hero                  B  asked them for help

C  that he had grown up                     D  so he kept going

E  to dig the ground                            F  handed them his entry form

G  where he first gained fame            H  to round  up the sheep

Circle the correct word.

  1.  My new job is great. Everyone is really interested/friendly/afraid.
  2. My sister has blue eyes and dressed/small/fair hair.
  3. I’m not kind/strong/tall enough to lift these boxes.
  4. My sister likes to help other people. She is very kind/afraid/thin.
  5. I broke my dad’s computer and he was really afraid/careful/angry.
  6. When Patrick was ill, he Didn’t eat much and he became rather blonde/careful/thin.
  1. Complete the sentences with correct pronoun.

one   who  you   yourself   myself   which   each

Hi Pete!

You asked me about clothes for your new job. I think you should buy _________

some new shirts. The shirts ________ you usually wear are really old! I know you and Hazel usually give _______ other books or DVDs as presents, but why not ask her to give ______ a shirt. And don’t wait for your birthday!

You also asked if I need help with painting my living room. It’s very kind of you, but I think I can do it _______, with some help from the man _______ lives next door. We’re going to start tomorrow.

Good luck with the new job!






  1. Choose the correct word.
  1. Sam was busy reading an interesting/interested book.
  2. I saw an amazed/amazing film on TV last night.
  3. Lots of annoyed/annoying passengers complained about the train delays.
  4. The exciting/excited children were talking and laughing happily.
  5. You need to talk about/to Ellie and ask her to help you.
  6. That girl is smiling at/of me!
  7. If Paula invite/invites me, I will certainly go.
  8. I’ll/I’ll be late for work if I miss the next train.


  1. Writing.


You’ve found a letter on the Pen Friends international website and decided to write a reply (60-70 words) to it. Include the following information:

  • introduce yourself and write a few words about your hometown;
  • say something about local food;
  • youth activities in the area;
  • ask the person to send the same information to you.


















Mark _____








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  1. Каримов Жахонгирбек Отабекович
    Доброго дня!Наша вчителька запрошує відповіді на ці питання, тому що вона не може відповісти на деякі з них!Будемо вдячні якщо відправити!Доброго дня!
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6 квітня 2018
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