Тести для аудіювання з текстами

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Тести для аудіювання з текстами з англійської мови для учнів 10 класу .Завдання на різні рівні .
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ВПУ № 41,м.Тульчина

Збірник завдань  для аудіювання

з англійської мови

для учнів І курсу


images (10).jpgВикладач іноземної мови

Безвугдляк О.В


Анотація……………………………………………………………………… ст.3


Методичні вказівки………………………………………………………….ст.5

1.“ My Family……………………………………………………………………………………………ст. 6-7

2. “Olympic Games………………………………………………………..ст. 7-8

3. “Fast Food”………………………………………………………………ст. 8-9

4. “Climate in Great Britain”……………………………………………ст.10-11

5. “Hermitage”…………………………………………………………… ст.11-12

6. “ Television” ……………………………………………………………ст.12-14

 Література …………………………………………………………….. ст. 15                    













У добірці розроблені завдання на розвиток навичок аудіювання. Усі завдання охоплюють тематику, передбачену чинною програмою з іноземних мов для учнів загальноосвітніх шкіл.

  Збірник містить тексти, які побудовані на життєвих ситуаціях і  розвивають навички читання та творчі здібності учнів, допомагають учням у написанні власних письмових робіт. Усі тексти відповідають інтересам учнів. Лексичні та граматичні вправи допомагають учням у вивченні лексичних та граматичних структур, необхідних для  успішного написання  творчих робіт. Вправи добірки можуть використовуватися для закріплення та узагальнення вивченого матеріалу по темах.

 Збірник призначений для використання учнями,студентами та викладачами Вищого Професійного Училища № 41 м.Тульчина .












Вивчення іноземних мов - ключ до багатьох речей, які необхідні нам в сучасному житті.

 Враховуючи сучасний стан міжнародних зв’язків у різноманітних сферах життя, вихід України у європейський і світовий простір, необхідно розглядати іноземну мову як важливий засіб міжкультурного спілкування. Сучасна середня освіта повинна сформувати в учнів такий рівень знань, умінь та навичок, який дав би можливість  випускникам  училища практично підтримувати спілкування з носіями мови на комунікативно – достатньому рівні.

           У міру накопичення лексичних одиниць багато дітей потребують зорової опори тому сприймати тільки на слух мову вкрай важко. Особливо це стосується тих дітей, у яких зорова пам'ять розвинена краще слухової пам'яті. Тому так актуально читання. 
          Читання  є одним з найважливіших видів комунікативно-пізнавальної діяльності учнів. Ця діяльність спрямована на вилучення інформації з письмово фіксованого тексту.Читання  виконує різні функції : служить для практичного оволодіння іноземною мовою, є засобом вивчення мови і культури, засобом інформаційної  та освітньої діяльності .









Методичні вказівки

Дана добірка містить вправи із 6 тем для учнів І курсу : «I,My Family and friends”,«Sport” ,” Food”, “Climate,Nature and Weather”,Painting and drawing”,”Science and technological progress. Після кожного тексту  розроблені завдання розвитку навиків читання,говоріння та граматичних навичок. Для допомоги у виконанні граматичних завдань ,використовуйте підручник  «Англійська мова» 10 клас автор О.Карп’юк (сторінка 9-10). Для допомоги у виконанні лексичних завдань,обов’язковим є робота з словниками. Завдання розвивають інтерес учнів до вивчення іноземної мови. Завдання мають виконуватися письмово у робочому зошиті та оцінюватися  вчителем.

Перший рівень – початковий. Відповідь учня фрагментарна, характеризується початковими уявленнями про предмет вивчення максимально оцінюється у 2 бали

Другий рівень – середній. Учень відтворює основний навчальний матеріал, виконує завдання за зразком, володіє елементарними вміннями навчальної діяльності,максимально  оцінюється у 4 бали.

Третій рівень –  достатній. Учень знає істотні ознаки понять, явищ, зв'язки між ними, вміє пояснити основні закономірності, а також самостійно застосовує знання в стандартних ситуаціях, володіє розумовими операціями (аналізом, абстрагуванням, узагальненням тощо), вміє робити висновки, виправляти допущені помилки. Відповідь учня правильна, логічна, обґрунтована, хоча у ній бракує власних суджень , максимально оцінюється у 6 балів.

Максимальний бал 12.









Introduce  -  відрекомендувати

To share my ideas with   -  поділитися ідеями з…

Hard-working     -   працелюбний

Appreciate  -   цінити

Slim  -  худорлява

Neighbours  -  сусіди

Does her best  -  робить все можливе

Sphere of life  -  сфера життя

Sociable  -  комунікативний

Necessary  -  необхідний


Завдання №1

Вставте пропущенні літери в словах.

  1. _ a _ i_ y ;
  2.  e_ o_ _ m_ st ;
  3. _ o _ _ _ ody ;
  4. Di _ _ _ s _ ;
  5. _ y _ _ l _ ;
  6. _ cq _ _ nt_ d.


Завдання № 2

Перетворіть речення з теперішнього  звичайного часу в минулий

  1. My family is small.
  2. His favorite occupation is reading.
  3. She doesn’t like to lecture on people.
  4. I am very sociable with people.
  5. She has got many of friends.
  6. He is always ready to come to our rescue.


Завдання № 3

Дайте відповідь на запитання

  1. What is the main idea of the story?
  2. What can you tell me about Sergey?
  3. What can Sergey tell about his mother?
  4. Who else is described in this text?


“ Olympic Games ”


Olympic Games  -  Олімпійські Ігри

Greece  -  Греція

Century  -  століття

Abolished  -  відмінений

Revive  -  відновлювати

Continuation  -  продовження

Separate  -  окремий

Amount  -  зусилля

Important  -  важливий


Завдання №1

Визначте правдивість (T) чи неправдивість (F) тверджень

  1. The Olympic Games have a very long history.
  2. Not all cities in Greece sent their best athlets to Olympia to compete in the games.
  3. In 394 A.D. the Games were abolished.
  4. In 1891 the first modern O.G. took place.
  5. Each century has its Nation Olympic Committee.
  6. In 1999 Moscow hosted 22-d O.G.


Завдання № 2

Знайдіть початок речення

  1. … for nearly 12 century at Olimpia.
  2. … who painted out of the signifier of sports its educational value.
  3. … the continuation old tradition.
  4. … held separate.
  5. … and bronze medals.
  6. … politically important.


Завдання № 3

Перекажіть текст


 Fast food


Suffer from  -  страждати від

Weight excess  -  надмірна вага

Unattractive  -  непривабливий

Stipulates  -  ставити вимогу

Nourishment  -  підтримка

Cereals  -  злаки

Wholegrain  -  цільне зерно

Fiber  -  фібра

Principles  -  принципи

Products  -  продукти


Завдання №1

Знайдіть антоніми до слів

Картинки по запросу фото студентів в лінгафонному кабінеті1.mane                                                   a)slim

2.unnatractive                                        b)less

3.fat                                                        c)few

4.more                                                    d)give

5.combine                                               e)divide

6.take                                                       f)handsome

Завдання № 2

Перекладіть речення на українську мову

  1. At present many people suffer from weight excess.
  2. May diseases are caused by improper nourishment.
  3. Smoking,immoderate alcohol are also harmful for health.
  4. Menu should contain less fats.
  5. Don’t take fancy of sweets.
  6. We can balance our nourishment regime and make it healthy eating.

Завдання № 3

Складіть розповідь на тему «My favorite dish»  (20-30 слів)


Climate in Great Britain


Climate  -  клімат

Eastern  -  Південна частина

Western  -  Західна частина

Frequent  -  частий

Bounded  -  омивати

North  -  Північ

Influence  -  впливати

Everage  -  середній

Includes  -  включати

Occasionally  -  випадково


Завдання №1

Знайдіть відповідну картинку до слова

Great Britain , Scotland , Atlantic Ocean , Wales , Ireland , Gulf Stream


a)   b)     c)

d)    e)   f)

Завдання № 2

Вставте правильний артикль (a\ an \ the \ ___ )

  1. The position of ___ Great Britain gives it a temperature climate.
  2. It is surrounded by ___ sea which makes ___ climate warmer in winter and colder in summer.
  3. Scotland is  bounded on __ north by __ Atlantic Ocean.
  4. Wales is ___ part of ___ United Kingdom.
  5. The prevailing west winds carry rain from __ Atlantic Ocean.
  6. Usually last for __ few days.


Завдання № 3

Складіть 5 видів запитань до тексту


“ Hermitage “


Gallery  -  галерея

Museum  -  музей

Classmates  -  однокласники

Consist of  -  складатися з

Include  -  включати

Department  -  відділ

Impressionist  -  імпресіонізм

Sweden  -  Швеція

Denmark  -  Данія

Finland  -  Фінляндія



Завдання №1

Знайдіть значення слова

1.tapestry                                 a) зброя

2.precious                                 b) матерія

3.textiles                                   c) предмети зі слонової кістки

4.Weapons                                d) дорогий

5.ivories                                    e) кераміка

6.pottery                                    f) текстильні вироби


Завдання № 2

Вставте слова,які підходять по змісту

  1. I visit many _______ ___ _______ including Hermitage Gallery.
  2. Now the Hermitage consist of ________ buildings.
  3. In conclusion ,I’d like to stress that ___ _____ can see everything for the ____b visit.
  4. The collection illustrates the art of ______ , Spain , Holland , ________ , Germany , Austria , ________ , Britain, Sweden , Denmark.
  5. The _____________ ____________ also includes a fine collection of European sculpture.
  6. The Hermitage has sections devoted to the arts of ________ , ________ and Ancient Egypt.

Завдання № 3

Складіть план до тексту




Achievement  -  досягнення

Invention  -  винахід

Civilized  -  цивлізований

Opportunities  -  можливості

Satellite  -  супутникове телебачення

Abilities  -  можливості

One-eyed  -  одноокий

Grip  -  захват

Damage  -  шкода

Inconvenience  -  незручність

Завдання №1

Які жанри програм зустрічаються у тексті

Завдання № 2

Поставте необхідні прийменники (of \ by \ on \ off \ for )

  1. Television is one __ the greatest achievements of the 21-st century.
  2. Now this medium of communication allows people to see and speak with each other even if they are separated __ thousands of km.
  3. If they are noisy ,their mothers turn __ the set .
  4. If people don’t like TV they just switch it __ .
  5. At the same time there are a lot __ arguments against TV.
  6. TV is damaging __ health.


Завдання № 3

Складіть твір на тему «The most important invention for me» (20-30 слів)








  1. 1. Давиденко Ю.Є. Використання інформаційно – комунікативних технологій для мовної освіти // Іноземні мови. – 2005. - № 3. – с. – 40-41.
  2. Коваленко О. Європейський форум з питань мовної політики // Іноземні мови в навчальних закладах. – 2004. - № 3. – с. 4.

3.: http://www.echeat.com/essay.php?t=25524

4.http://www.homeenglish.ru/Referats.htm.Реферати англійською мовою.


Додаток № 1

My Family

First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Sergey. My full name is Kashpirovsky Sergey Vasilevish. I’m 17 years old. I was born in the family of an economist and an engineer.

My family is small. There are only three of us. I always delighted to have somebody to share my ideas with, to discuss things and the like, but it happens that sometimes I crave for loneliness to think about my problems, my mistakes and to look though my life.

    I should like to begin with the oldest in the family – my farther. He is the head of it. He is a very hard-working person. And there’s a very good feature of his: if he starts doing something he is sure to do it up to the end. His favorite occupation is reading and watching TV. He is true father who devotes much time of his to bringing us up properly. He is always ready to come to our rescue. We highly appreciate this.

    My mother is a nice looking woman of about 40. She isn’t tall, rather slim. The thing that catches your eye when you look at her is her charming smile. She is very easy to deal with. No wonder that she has got many friends. She is on good terms with our neighbours. When my mother is at home it seems the house is full of sunshine, jokes and laughter. She doesn’t like to lecture on people. That’s something I like very much about her. Thanks to our mother our family is very friendly, she does her best to make every member of the family feel happy and is always happy herself.

     And mow I want to speak some sentences about myself. When I was 7, I went to school. I’m doing well at school. I’m especially good at history but I also cope with the rest of the subjects. And now I am a student of Donetsk Lyceum and in few days I’ll leave lyceum.

Last year I often wondered what I would be in future, what sphere of life I should choose. After a number of heated discussions with my parents and friends I decided to dwell my choice on history. I decided to take my entrance exams to the History department of Donetsk State University because I want to know History perfectly well. I think knowledge of history and foreign languages are necessary for my future job. I’m very sociable and it would be a pleasure for me to mix with many interesting people, to find out many new things, to become acquainted with different cultures of other nations of the world.

Додаток № 2

Olympic Games


The Olympic games have a very long history. They began in 777 bc. in Greece and took place every 4 years for nearly 12 century at Olympia. All the cities in Greece sent their best athletes to Olympia to compete in the Games. For the period of the games all the wars stopped. So the O.G. became the symbol of peace and friend-ship.

In 394 A. D. The Games were abolished. The idea to revive the Games came from a Frenchman Baron Pierre de Caulertin who painted out of the signifier of sports its education value. He said:” The important thing in the O.G. is not winning, but take part”

In 1896 the 1st modern O.G. took place. The competition were held in Greece symbolize the continuation old tradition.

The some year in International Olympic Committee was set up. Each country has its Nation Olympic Committee. Summer and winter Games held separate.

Thousthans of athletes, journalists and guests come to the games .Russia joined the O.G. movement in the 1952. Since then it has won lot of Gold, Silver and bronze medals.

In 1980 Moscow hosted 22d O.G.

Nowadays, major cities compete the host of O.G. not just for the win. The Games being but for the vast amount of profit a host country can male . the Games have also become politically important.

Додаток № 3

Fast Food

 At present many people, both adult and young, suffer from weight excess. Too corpulent man looks unattractive and risks his health, overstraining his cardio system. Healthy nourishment followers fight weight excess by reduce of fats, roasted foods, as well as rich in carbons (sweets, soda drinks). Healthy nourishment stipulates that food should be low-calorie, but containing necessary amount of proteins. Many diseases are caused by improper nourishment, like lack of vitamin C could cause scurvy. Smoking, immoderate alcohol consuming, junk food preference, - all these habits are also harmful for health. Healthy nourishment follower’s menu should contain less fats (especially animal fats), less sugar (sweets, puddings, drinks), more cereals and vegetables. Wholegrain bread and cereals are the most wholesome food, for they contain much fiber. Sometimes it is reasonable to substitute animal proteins by vegetable (peas, beans, soy, nuts, and lentil). There 7 principles of healthy nourishment: 1) take pleasure from eating, 2) keep an eye on your weight, 3) eat more food rich in starch and dietary fiber, 4) reduce fatty food in your menu, 5) don’t take fancy to sweets, 6) get necessary vitamins and minerals from food, 7) in order to get all the necessary elements from food, the food itself should be diverse. All the products can be divided into groups, containing similar elements. Combining products belonging to each group properly when eating, we can balance our nourishment regime and make it healthy eating.

Додаток № 4

Climate in Great Britain

The position of Great Britain gives it a temperate climate. Britain lies in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean. It is surrounded by the sea which makes the climate warmer in winter and cooler in summer. The Gulf Stream influences the English climate greatly. The climate is not the same in all parts of England. The western part is warmer than the eastern one and it also has more rains. The western hills and mountains shut out some of the mild wind from the Atlantic. On Western coast gales are always strong. The south-western winds are the most frequent. They usually bring mild weather. There is much humidity in the air. Britain is well known as a foggy country. The annual temperature in London is about 8 degrees C.

Scotland is a part of Britain and Wales. Scotland is bounded on the north by the Atlantic Ocean, on the east by the North Sea, on the southeast by England, southwest by the Irish Sea and on the west by the Western Isles. Like the climate of the rest of Great Britain, that of Scotland is subject to the moderating influences of the surrounding seas. As a result of these influences, extreme seasonal variations are rare, and temperate winters and cool summers are the outstanding climatic features. Low temperatures, however, are common during the winter season in the mountainous districts of the interior. In the western coastal region, which is subject to the moderating effects of the Gulf Stream, conditions are somewhat milder than is the east. The average temperature in January is 4 degrees C and in July is about 15 degrees C. Scotland’s weather is similar to Wales and England.

Wales is a part of the United Kingdom. It also includes the mall island off Wales called Anglesey. Wales is bounded on the North by the Irish Sea, on the east by the English counties, on the South by the Bristol Channel, and the west by Saint George. Wales is almost all mountains. The tops of the mountains are covered with the snow. The climate in Wales is very moist and mild like in the United Kingdom. The average temperature in January is about 6 degrees C and in July is about 16 degrees C.

Ireland’s climate is mainly determined by its position in the north temperate zone and the effect of the warm waters of the Gulf Stream. The climate is relatively uniform throughout. The prevailing west winds carry rain from the Atlantic, resulting in heavier rainfall in the western and southern parts of the country. Summers are relatively cool, with July and August being the warmest months, whilst winters are relatively mild with January and February being the coldest months. Snow falls occasionally in winter months but it is rarely prolonged and usually only lasts for a few days.

Додаток № 5


   I'd like to tell you about the Hermitage Gallery, one of the largest and well known museums in the world. Two months ago together with my classmates I was on an exertion in S. Petersburg. I visited many places of interest including the Hermitage Gallery. I was greatly impressed by visiting this museum of art. It was founded in 1764 by Catherine the Second when she bought 225 pictures in Berlin. Now the Hermitage consists of five buildings. Now I'd like to tell you about pictures, sculptures and other works of art I've seen in the Hermitage Gallery. A great number of wonderful pictures are offered there. Everyone can find some kind of pictures to enjoy, for example the pictures by the world's greatest masters : Michelangelo, Raphael, Rembrandt, Rubens and many others. All great schools of paintings are represented there: Italian, Spanish, German etc. A few words about sculptures. I saw a lot of vases, statues and fountains. The most beautiful thing I have ever seen was the fountain belonged to Alexander the Second. Among other outstanding pieces of art I saw the coach of Catherine the Second and beautiful gobelens. It took 60 years to made one of these gobelens. In conclusion, I'd like to stress that no one can see everything for the one visit. To enjoy the Hermitage Gallery you must visit it several times. The State Hermitage in St Petersburg is one of the world's most outstanding art museums. It is the largest fine arts museum in Russia. World famous is the collection of West-European paintings covering a span of about seven hundreds years, from the 13th to the 20th century, and comprising works by Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, El Greco. Velasquez, Murillo; outstanding paintings by Rembrandt, Vandyke, Rubens; a remarkable group of French 18th-centure canvases, and Impressionist and Post Impressionist paintings. The collection illustrates the art of Italy, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, France, Britain, Sweden, Denmark, Finland and some other countries. The West-European Department also includes a fine collection of European sculpture, containing works by Michelangelo, Canova, Falconet, Houdon, Rodin and many other eminent masters. The Hermitage, together with the Pushkin Fine Arts Museum in Moscow, must be ranked among the richest in the world in respect of Impressionist art. In addition to the works of Western masters, the Hermitage has sections devoted to the arts of India, China, Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Pre-Columbian America, Greece and Rome, as well as a department of prehistoric art, not to mention a section devoted to Scythian art. People come to admire the collections of tapestry, precious textiles, weapons, ivories, pottery, porcelain and furniture as well.


Додаток № 6


 Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century. It is the most popular part of mass media. Today every family has a TV-set, TV has changed much since the time of its invention and its role has changed, too. There have been numerous debates concerning advantages and disadvantages of television. When TV first appeared its main pur¬pose was to give official information to people. It was supported by the government. Now television plays a big role in every civilized society. Today television gives people a possibility to be well informed and enjoy "civilized pleasures". The programmes are various and people have a chance to select what they want to see. Television provides great oppor¬tunities for education. There are programmes devoted to specialized sub¬jects. With the help of TV it is possible to learn foreign languages, to know a lot of wonderful things. TV teaches the ideals of democracy and political argument. Watching television can be compared with reading books. By the beginning of the 21st century TV became a coloured net¬work. Numerous programmes people can receive by satellite or cable. The choice of the channels ranges from six to twenty. These channels show programmes of various kinds, from documentaries, current events and sport to American films and science-fiction cartoons. Now this me¬dium of communication allows people to see and speak with each other even if they are separated by thousand kilometers. TV brought ballet, op¬era and theatre to big masses of people. It was even in the vanguard of new drama. Moreover, IV can help keep children quiet. If they are noisy, their mothers turn on the set. If people don't like TV they don't buy it or just switch it off.

     At the same time there are a lot of arguments against TV. It is said that only three generations have grown up with television but they man¬aged to forget how to spend their free time without it. Its role is increas¬ing not because it is an entertainer or information but because of the grip it has on many people. It is called "a living-room monster" or "one-eyed monster". It is established that the biggest part of viewers are pensioners and housewives. In total they spend five or more hours daily sitting in front of the "boxes". Children watch commercials, horror films or films of violence TV prevents children from creating their abilities. They get accustomed to TV to such an extent that they watch it all time.

     Moreover. TV is damaging for health. It has bad effect on the eyes, particularly of children. The physicians proved that if children don't watch TV, their eyesight improves. But if children don't watch TV, they have nothing to talk about at school, where comedians and singing stars are major topics. The same is true about some adults. Sometimes people have nothing to speak about, except TV.

     Nowadays some people in our country watch TV programmes from about six in the morning to the early hours of the next day.They watch everything, from news and sport reports to dramas and educational pro¬grammes. Free time is regulated by TV. It occupies our free time. Instead of going to the theatre or reading books people watch TV. Very often programmes are bad, as TV can't pace with demand. TV cuts people from real world. The virtual world becomes more important. TV is abso¬lutely irrelevant to real living. No surprise that television is often called "chewing gum for men's brains". People become lazy. Dinnertime is of¬ten pressed by television. If people are deprived for various reasons of watching their favourite programmes they feel inconvenience.

     Only few people can live without TV today. As you see, televi¬sion has a lot of advantages and disadvantages. And people must de¬cide themselves if they need to watch it so much or not.





11 лютого 2019
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