Тестове завдання на закріплення змісту тексту "Canada". 10 клас. підручник Буренко В.М.

Про матеріал
На мою думку, у підручнику англійської мови для 10 класу (автор Буренко В.М.) недостатньо тестових форм клнтролю.Тестові завдання я складаю сама. Пропоную Вашій увазі деякі з них.
Перегляд файлу

English (Year 10, standard level):

a textbook for the tenth formof secondary schools/ Valentyna Burenko. –

Kharkiv: PH “Ranok”, 2018 – 208 p.: ill.

Topic “CANADA”

Read the text “Canada”(Ex. 3, p. p. 85 – 87) and do the test:

  1. Canada occupies most of … of the North American continent.
  1. the northern part;
  2. the western part;
  3. the north-western part;
  4. the eastern part.
  1. It is washed by the Pacific Ocean
  1. in the east;
  2. in the south;
  3. in the north;
  4. in the west.
  1. Canada borders on the USA
  1. to the northwest;
  2. to the south and northwest;
  3. to the west and northwesr;
  4. to the southwest.
  1. Canada started to be explored
  1. in the early 16th century;
  2. in the late 15th and 16th centuries;
  3. in the early 15th century;
  4. in the late 16th and 17th centuries.
  1. The Canadian Seven Years’ War ended
  1. in 1497;
  2. in 1534;
  3. in 1763;
  4. in 1867.
  1. Canada is
  1. a constitutional monarchy;
  2. a presidential republic;
  3. a constitutional republic;
  4. a presidential monarchy.
  1. The country is divided into
  1. states;
  2. provinces;
  3. territoties;
  4. provinces and territories.
  1. The land occupied by canadawas inhabited by … for millennia.
  1. the British;
  2. the French;
  3. aborigional people;
  4. the Inuit.
  1. The geographically largest of all provinces and territories in Canada is
  1. Quebec;
  2. Nunavut;
  3. Yukon;
  4. Saskatchewan.
  1. Nunavut is
  1. an island linking to Canada;
  2. a territory in Canada;
  3. a province in Canada;
  4. a city in Canada.
  1. Newfoundland and Labrador are situated in
  1. Northern Canada;
  2. Western Canada;
  3. Central Canada;
  4. Atlantic Canada.
  1. The three territories of Canada are
  1. Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba;
  2. Quebec,ontario and  New Brunswick;
  3. Ellesmere Island, Victotia Island and Akimiski Island;
  4. Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

The Key

  1. a
  2. d
  3. b
  4. b
  5. c
  6. a
  7. d
  8. c
  9. b
  10. b
  11. d
  12. d.
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