The Competition «The CNS»

Про матеріал
Ця розробка позакласного заходу допоможе вчителям англійської мови підготувати цікавий захід для учнів 5-6-х класів, вмотивувати їх до вивчення англійської мови.
Перегляд файлу

The Competition

«The CNS»

 (the Club of the Nimble-witted Students)

Змагання КВК

Мета: мотивувати учнів до вивчення англійської мови;

  •          формувати навички мовлення, аудіювання та вміння працювати в колективі;
  •          розвивати критичного мислення, уяву, пізнавальний інтерес;
  •          прищеплювати любов до вивчення іноземної мови.

Обладнання: комп’ютер, карточки із завданнями для конкурсів, коробки з «призами».

Домашнє завдання:

T. Dear friends! Welcome to our competition!

As you see this competition of the nimble-witted students. It’s the competition of those who know English who have the sharp brain and love fun.

So let’s start!

But we need the jury to count your results.

Let me introduce the members of the jury. They are

  1.     ….
  2.     ….
  3.     ….

T. Warm applause for you!

T. We have three (four) teams:

  •          The first team is presented by the pupils of the form 6A.
  •          The second team is presented by the pupils of the form …
  •          The third team is presented by the pupils of the form …


T. Let’s greet them!


  1.  The first task “Acquaintance” (10 points).

T. The captains of each team introduce their teams. They tell us about the members of the team: their names, three main traits of their characters, their hobbies etc.

T. And the first it will be the team of the … form.

T. Now the turn of the team …..

T. And now welcome the team of  … form.


  1. Hometask.

T. And now it’s the time for the second task for which  10 points.

The task is next.

Our teams have prepared the emblems which have been coded in the pictures. One team shows its emblem and the other two teams must guess the name. The team who will guess the first, that one will get 5 points.


  1. Task “Scrambled sentences”.

T. Let’s go on our game. It’s time for task “Scrambled sentences”.

 Please, take the cards with the words. Your task is to make up the sentences using these words. The team that will be the first will get 5 points.

  1. in, play, they, the, often, yard, all, day, the.
  2. can, he, very, play, well, chess, friends, his, with.
  3. is, the, she, best, in, pupils, the, class.
  1. The competition “The secret message”.

T. Now let me announce the competition “The secret message”: you have to read the secret message.

Each number is the letter in the alphabet.

The team that will guess the message the fastest and correctly will get 5 points.


   9 / 23 / 1 / 14 / 20 / 19 / 15 / 13 / 5 / 2 / 15 / 15 / 11 / 19 /

  16 / 12 / 5 / 1 / 19 / 5 / 2 / 18 / 9 / 14 / 7 / 19 / 15 / 13 / 5 .

    (The key: I want some books. Please, bring some.)

  1. The competition “How I know the parts of the body”.

T. There are the drawings of a body. Write down as many names of body parts, as you can. For this task you can get 5 points.

  1. The competition “The best recitation of the poem”.

T. I invite a team representative of each team on the scene. The winner will get 10 points.

  1.  The competition for captains.

T. The captains with the teams have to prepare the description of one of the members of the opposite team. Then the captain represents the pupil. The team that will guess the pupil the first will get 10 points.

     VIII. The competition “Riddles”.

T. At last, I have some riddles for the team.

    The team that answer first and correctly and get 10 points.

 The Riddles

  1.  What is in the middle of the day? (the letter “a”)
  2. What can stand and go at the same time? (a clock)
  3. They stand next to each other and yet they cannot see each other – (eyes).
  4. What table has no legs? (a time-table)
  5. What year lasts only one day? (New Year)
  6. What is the end of everything? (the letter “g”)

Jury’s words

T. Now it’s time for our jury that have been doing calculation and can do a conclusion which team have got the most points.

So the winner is the team …..

Greet our winner with applause!

Our competition is over.

See you soon! Good luck!



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Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
29 жовтня 2024
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