The lesson “Health service”

Про матеріал

Theme: "Health service".

Objectives: to enrich students' vocabulary (new words and terms); to practise active vocabulary and develop reading skills; to develop basic skills; to teach students to work together and reach a final goal.

The bringing-up aim: “A sound mind in a sound body."

Facilities: pictures, hand outs.

Activities: group work, pair work.

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The lesson “Health service”

The 7th Course


Theme: Health service 

Objectives: to enrich students' vocabulary (new words and terms)                    to practise active  vocabulary and develop reading skills                    to develop basic skills                    to teach students to work together and reach a final goal.  The bringing-up aim: 

“A sound mind in a sound body.”  Facilities: pictures, hand outs.  

Activities: group work, pair work.



T: Good morning, children.

Ps: Good morning, teacher.

T: I am glad to meet you.

Ps: We are glad to meet you too.

T: Are you OK today?

Ps: We are OK (fine) today.

T: I`m sure you are ready to work hard and enthusiastically. Be calm and confident on your way to knowledge.



T: I think it is better to start any business with a good mood. I am sure nothing but compliments can put anybody in the right mood. Saying nice things makes people

feel happy. Try to compliment each other. (Pupils give compliments.) P1: You are nice.

P2: You are clever.

T: Today our meeting is devoted to a very important problem. As you know some people are healthy, some people are unhealthy. Health is the most precious thing in people’s life. We can’t buy health, but we can do a lot to keep it. What do you associate with good or bad health? T: Please think over and write down. 

Good health

Bad health



Healthy food






III. Phonetic drill

Teacher: Brush up your phonetics:

[ing] – Smoking, eating, drinking, exercising, taking drugs, getting up early;

[h] –    a good habit, a bad habit, alcohol, health, healthy; [r] –    drinking, drugs, taking drugs, bread; [i:] –   eating, sweets,  sleeping . T. Thank you. Good for you.



Reading 1.Pre-reading activity


1.New vocabulary

T: Have a look at our new vocabulary. Please repeat after me.

An accident – аварія (нещасний випадок).

A disease – хвороба.

A dentist office- офіс дантиста.

A pill – пігулка.

A surgeon – хірург.

A symptom – симптом. Treatment  - лікування.

Private – приватний.

Regular – регулярний.

Regularly – регулярно.

To make an appointment-  призначати.

2.Look at the pictures and write what happened in the space below

T: Before reading the text look at the pictures and write what happened in the space below.  The series of pictures will help you to guess about what we are going to read today.


image                image 

to have a cough                                         to have a high temperature

image            image 

to take the pulse                                       to listen to the heart and lungs

image                 image 

to make an appointment                         to call a doctor


2.While-reading activity

1.   Finish the sentences.

1.A disease is usually characterized by ...

2.The doctor will take your pulse, ...

3.Your local doctor will give you some treatment or send you to ...

4.A specialist will ...

5.If you feel too ill to go to a doctor, you'll ...

6.If you have an accident, …

7.At hospitals surgeons ............... , nurses ...... 

8.In private hospital you have to ..., but it's ...

9.To be  healthy a person needs ...

10.There are two more useful things for your health:…


2.   Arrange the spacing between words and read sentences.


1. Ifyouareillyoushouldseeyourlocaldoctoratfirst. 

(If you are ill you should see your local doctor at first)

2.Localdoctorshouldgiveyousometreatmentorsendyoutoseeaspecialists. (Local doctor should give you some treatment or send you to see a specialists.) 3.Specialistsusuallyworkinmedicalcentresorinhospitals.

(Specialists usually work in medical centres or in hospitals.)

4.   Ifyouhaveanaccident,yougototheAccidentandEmergencydepartmentofthenearest hospital.

(If you have an accident, you go to the Accident and Emergency department of the nearest hospital.)

5.   Todaymanypeoplecangetprivatetreatment.

(Today many people can get private treatment.) 6. Tobehealthyapersonneedslivingahealthylifestyle.

(To be healthy a person needs living a healthy lifestyle.)


3.Post-reading activity

1.Game “Health and body taboo”.

T: Let's play the game “Health and body taboo”. I will divide you in two groups. Each group takes the card with the underlined word. The task is to make up a sentence using the “3” key-words and for other group to guess the word.


















Sore throat
















2.Disagree and correct the sentences:

1.If you are ill you should see the specialist first.

2.Specialists usually work in the local hospitals.

  3.You can buy pills, tablets and other medicine at the hospital.

  4.If you feel too ill you should go to the medical centers.

5.Doctors visit their patients at hospital twice a week.

  6.You needn't to pay at the private dentist office.

  7.To be healthy a person needs to eat three times a day.

    8.To have a healthy lifestyle means to take vitamins regularly.



 3.Health Code.

T: Now I  will divide the class into two groups and give each group a leafsheet with a list of recommendations which we should follow or shouldn’t follow to be healthy. Your task is to make Health Code. The first group will write and tread us what we should do to be healthy and the second group will read us what we shouldn’t do. I will give you two marker pens so you can tick the right points in your leafsheets.



Get up early and go to bed early


wash your hands before eating

watch TV too long

do sports

drink Coke

clean your teeth twice a day

skip meals

sleep enough

surf in the Internet all day long

take a shower

eat too many sweets

eat more fruit and vegetables

eat between meals

Get up early and go to bed early, wash your hands before eating, smoke, watch TV too long, do sports, clean your teeth twice a day, sleep enough, drink Coke, take a shower, skip meals, surf in the Internet all day long, eat too many sweets, eat between meals, eat more fruit and vegetables

T. Are you ready? We’ll start with the things which we should do. Finish

T. And the second group will read  us what we shouldn’t do.

T. Great! Good for you.


4. A magic flower.

T:We have learned much about health, vitamins, healthy food and healthy way of life. And in the conclusion I think the magic flower will help us to see what have you really learned . I will give each of you a petal and you will fill in it writing what you do to keep fit. And then you’ll come up to the blackboard and fix your petal round the centre.


T. I’m glad to see that our magic flower is so beautiful and you take care of your health and do a lot to keep fit.

T:For the next lesson write down the topic how to keep fit.




1.     Алуєва М. Сучасні підходи до викладання іноземних мов// Джерело. – 2002. - №13-14.

2.     Бекреньова І.І. Використовуємо сучасні підходи у викладанні англійської мови. – Х.: Видавнича група «Основа»: «Тріада +», 2007. – С.41. – (Б-ка журн. «Англійська мова та література»; Вип.9 (57)).


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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
17 травня 2023
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