The peculiarities of the verbalization of the image of Ukraine in the English press

Про матеріал

Презентація створена для того, щоб показати, що комплекс уявлень сучасних британців щодо України сформовано за допомогою та під впливом різних газетних публікацій.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

The peculiarities of the verbalization of the image of Ukraine in the English press

Номер слайду 2

AIMto study language means which are used to develop the image of Ukraine in modern English press

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TASKSto investigate language means, which reflect the essence of the image of Ukraineto define the main approaches to the definition of the notion of a ‘Publicistic image’

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OBJECTthe image of Ukraine presented in English press

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METHODSmethods of total selection which is aimed at choosing examples containing the description of the image of Ukraine, general rules and principles from particular facts and examples

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English press. Quality papers Popular papers. Daily Telegraph The Sun The Times Daily Mirror. Financial Times Daily Star. Guardian. The Independent

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THE IMAGE OF UKRAINECountries Geographical objects. Russia The Crimean Mountains. Poland The Carpathian Mountains. Germany The Black Sea. Australia The Sea of Azov. Great Britain The Crimea Peninsula. China The Dnipro River. The USA

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Organizations Famous Citizens. Verkhovna Rada Petro Poroshenko. Ukraine’s National Bank Leonid Kuchma. European Union (EU) Klitschko Vitali. World Boxing Council Elena Pinchuk (WBC) Andriy Shevchenko. The International Monetary Fund. Ukrainian Orthodox Church

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General conclusionsthe image of Ukraine is not separated from its territory and people who live in Ukraine;the language units which reveal the image of Ukraine are lexical units of different structures;the description of the image of Ukraine includes expressive means and stylistic devices of different language levels.

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До підручника
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 березня 2018
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