Topics for conversation

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Topics for conversation Може використовуватися на уроках зі студентами середнього і вище рівнями
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                    Culture Differences for Adults

  • Are tips at restaurants common? How much is a reasonable tip?
  •  Do wives and husbands attend work parties?
  • How old do kids live with their parents?
  • How do you greet in your country? Do you bow or do handshakes?
  • Do you think your neighborhood is safe? What kind of crimes happen in your area?
  • How often are friends late? Is it rude being late?
  • What is a typical meal? How healthy is it? Are gyms becoming more popular
  •  Is your country multicultural? Is multiculturalism a good thing?
  • Do women and men make the same amount of money for doing the same job? Is there much gender discrimination in your home country?

If you…

  • If you had one wish, what would it be?
  • If you were rich, what would you do?
  • If you could be a celebrity for a day, which celebrity would you be?
  • If you were the principal at school, what would you change?
  • If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
  • If you were on a deserted island, what would you bring and why?
  • If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be and why?
  • If you could pack only 3 items for your next trip, what would they be?
  • If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
  • If you could travel to the moon, would you like to go?
  • If you win the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?
  • If you owned an island to yourself, what rules would you implement?
  • If you could be born at a different time period, when would it be?
  • If you could make a movie, which celebrity would you pick as yourself?
  • If you found a large amount of money, what would you do?
  • If you could change anything about your country, what would you change?
  • If you could be born in another country, which one would you pick?
  • If you could do your dream job 10 years from now, which job would you choose?

                         controversial topics:

  • Using animals in medical research helps people
  • Gay marriages are wrong
  • Women will never be equal to men in the workplace
  • You can’t have a happy family life and a successful career at the same time
  • Marriage is outdated
  • The death penalty is acceptable in some cases
  • Foreigners shouldn’t be allowed to vote
  • Celebrities earn too much money
  • War is never an option for solving international conflicts
  • Torture |ˈtɔːtʃə| can be acceptable in some cases
  • Curfews |ˈkəːfjuː| keep teens out of trouble
  • We are becoming too dependent on computers
  • Smoking should be banned worldwide
  • Single-sex schools are evil
  • Homework is harmful
  • A woman’s place is in the home
  • Committing suicide should be made legal
  • A man should have a wife for the family and a mistress for pleasure
  • Soft drugs should be legalized.
  • Those who can - do, those who can’t – teach
  • You will be happier if you stay unmarried
  • Software piracy is not really a crime
  • We do not really need religion
  • Euthanasia |ˌjuːθəˈneɪzɪə| should be legal
  • Drinking age should be lowered
  • Steroids should be accepted in sports
  • Cloning has a lot of benefits
  • Prenuptial agreements ( шлюбний договір) make families stronger
  • Corporal |ˈkɔːp(ə)r(ə)l| punishment(тілесне покарання) should be allowed in schools.



9 лютого 2019
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