Travelling around Europe. The Present Perfect Tense. Grammar lesson. Lesson for the 5th Grade. Prepared by S. Yakiviuk
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Today is the __th of April. It’s ________. The topic of our lesson is “Travelling around Europe. The Present Perfect Tense. Grammar lesson”We are going to:continue to speak about travelling;revise the forms of irregular verbs;learn the rules and practice the usage of Present Perfect;read and discuss the text about holidays in London. We also practice in listening, writing and speaking.
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Warming up. Warming up. Look at the picture. What country is it? What is its flag? How is the flag called? What transport can you see?
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Choose one country on the map. Complete the sentence: Last summer I visited/was in…
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Rules on the road! Look to left and look to right, Note what traffic is in sight, Note too which light can be seen – The Red, the Amber or the Green. Children, keep from the dangerous play. And think before you cross today!Phonetic drills
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havehas. V3 Past Present. Future. Present Perfect Tense для опису дії, що завершена,і є результат за допомогою допоміжного дієслова have/has та 3 форми головного дієслова. МАРКЕРИ: already, just, not…yet, never, ever, since, for. Вживаємо. Вживаємо. Утворюємоstyle.font. Weight
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v3ІІІ форма дієсловаІІІ форма дієслова утворюється за допомогою закінчення -ed, для правильних дієслівto walk-walkedto jump-jumped. А ЯКЩО ДІЄСЛОВА НЕПРАВИЛЬНІ, ТОДІ ЇХ ТРЕБА ВИВЧИТИ!
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Let’s sing irregular verbs RAP!
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Remember the 3-rd form. Be was/were write wrote see sawtake took buy bought put put been writtenseentakenboughtput
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Remember the 3-rd formcome came go went make maderead read do did meet metsay saidcome gonemadereaddonemetsaid
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Compare. She is washing her hair. She has washed her hair. He is looking for a car. He has bought a new car.
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Для утворення запереченого речення в Present Perfect після допоміжного дієслова необхідно додати частку not. Іменник + have / has + not + V-ed / 3 форміI haven’t seen you for years! – Я не бачив тебе давним-давно!She hasn’t made her work yet. – Вона ще не зробила свою роботу.
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Present Perfect Tense?Have/Has+ S+ V3 ?Щоб поставити загальне питання до всього речення, потрібно почати з допоміжного дієслова: Have you ever met him? – Чи ти коли-небудь зустрічався з ним?
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Read the poem, find the verbs and explain. I have done, I have done, I have done my work today. I have read my book today. And now it’s time to play. Answer the questions: Has he done his work? Has he played football? Has he read a letter? Has he read his book?
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Well, read a book. I am bored today. I’ve already ……. it. Have a shower. I’ve already ……… it. Do your homework. I’ve already ………. it. Write a letter. I’ve already …….. it. Take a bus. I’ve already ……… it. Travel to London. I’ve already …………. to it. Fill in the gaps, work in pairs:readhaddonewrotetakentraveled
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Let’s read!1* Find and underline all sentences in Present Perfect
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HOMEWORKLearn the rules and irregular verbs: p.197-198 Ex.6, p.197 Finish the sentences about Taras. HOMEWORK
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Summing up. Find the mistakes. Which sentence is correct? 1) I’ve leant Present Perfect today. 2) She have never been to London. 3) Has you already done this task?