Travelling by plane Test

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Тест для перевірки навичок читання з теми "On the Move" Ex. 5 p. 146 Read the letter and say how the girl felt about her travelling by plane
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Say if the sentences are true or false

1. Julia travelled by plane last year

2. She travelled with her grandparents

3. When they arrived at the airport, they put  their cart on the suitcases.

4 There were a lot of people at the airport.

5.When they got on the plane, an air hostess said goodbye and pointed to the seats

6. It was fantastic when the plane started going down

7. Julia looked through the window-sill.

8. Everything below them was shiny

9. Julia felt aggressive

10. Travelling by plane is the quickest way of travelling.

11.The best way to study Geography is to learn it

12. When people use any kind of transport they are called travellers.


1-2-3-4+5-6-7-8-9-10+11-12 -