Тренувальні вправи (Present Simple) для 7 класу

Про матеріал
Мета: • активізувати граматичний матеріал з теми“ Present Simple” • розвивати граматичні навички • розвивати навички самостійної роботи з матеріалом • тренувати вживання Present Simple • тренувати вживання правильної відповіді на питання • підтримувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
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                                                     Grammar revision (Present Simple)

 1 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple form of these verbs. There is one extra verb.

                    not like • finish • listen • get up • watch • study • not play

1 We usually …………………………….  school at 3 pm.

2 I …………………………….the piano, I play the violin.

3 They often……………………………. television after dinner.

4 He……………………………. maths or chemistry, but he loves history.

5 You always ……………………………. very early in the morning.

6 She …………………………….ICT on Monday afternoon.


2 Find and correct the mistakes.

1 My dad usually gets up on seven.

2 They go to school in Saturday mornings.

3 I like to walk in the park at the afternoon.

4 Tom goes to football practice in six thirty.

5 The next concert is at 5th November.

6 She does her homework in the weekend.


3 Find and correct the sentences with mistakes. Tick the correct sentences.

1 I usually go home straight after school.

2 I play the drums always at night.

3 He goes sometimes to school by bus.

4 They never chat online.

5 Tina often goes to the cinema at the weekend.

6 We eat in a fast-food restaurant hardly ever.


4 Complete the questions using the correct present simple form of the verbs given. Then complete the short answers.

1 A: …………………………………………………. computer games? (like)

B: No, I ………………………..

2 A: …………………………………………………. to the library by bike? (go)

B: No, he …………………….. .

3 A: …………………………………………………. to music all the time? (listen)

B: Yes, they ……………………. .

4 A: …………………………………………………. visiting museums? (enjoy)

B: Yes, she…………………….

5 A: …………………………………………………. breakfast before school? (eat)

B: Yes, I…………………….


5 Complete the text with these words. Put the verbs in the correct present simple form.


at • give • like • take • open • be • not have • spend • often • not cost • usually • have • in • visit


The Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid (1) ....................................... a wonderful museum with a large collection of modern art. It (2) ....................................... at 10 am every day except Tuesday and it shuts (3) ....................................... 9 pm. However, the opening hours (4) .......................................

change on Sundays. It (5) ....................................... very much to go in. The museum (6) ....................

…………… lots of paintings by different artists, including Guernica by Picasso and more than 100 works by Dalí, but it (7) ....................................... any works by Monet. You can walk around on your own or (8) ....................................... a guided tour. The tours (9) .......................................

teach people about the artists and their work. The museum also (10) .......................................

workshops for children (11) ....................................... the summer, where they (12) time with a young artist and develop a project with them. (13) ....................................... you modern art? (14) you sometimes museums? If the answer to both questions is yes, then go and visit the museum when you get the chance.




13 серпня 2019
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