СМІЛА - 2016
Посібник по вивченню матеріалів про Україну
на уроках англійської мови
Уклала Усенко Т. Й. — Сміла: СТХП, 2016 р.
Рецензент: вчитель англійської мови вищої категорії,
Олексієнко Любов Федорівна
Посібник вміщує інформацію та матеріали про Україну на англійській мові.
Рекомендований тим, хто вивчає англійську мову в школі та абітурієнтам.
редактор: зінченко т. п.
художник: глоба м. г.
відповідальний за випуск: капустянська о. м.
технічний редактор: камолов м. к.
комп’ютерна група: заславний в. в.,
бардадим в. в.
технічне забезпечення : таран о. о.
підписано до друку _____________
Підготовлено до друку навчальним обчислювальним впроваджувальним
центром освіта смілянського технікуму харчової промисловості.
258410, м. Сміла, Черкаської області,
вул. Артема, 123, к. 428, 429.
Тел. (04733) 4 - 50 - 05, тел./факс 4 - 50 - 34.
1. З історії розвитку держави.
2. Українське козацтво i Запорiжська Січ.
3. Державна влада в Україні.
4. Географічне положення України.
5. Клімат України.
6. Промисловість i сільське господарство України.
7. Київ.
8. Мій рідний край.
9. Моє рідне місто - Сміла.
10. Мій улюблений український поет.
11. Вчені України.
12. Свята та знаменні дати України.
13. Пам'ятки культури України.
14. Богдан Хмельницький.
15. Українська діаспора.
16. Українська спільнота за кордоном.
17. Зв'язки України з Англiєю.
The term Ukraina first appeared in the chronicles of ancient Slavs in the
12-th century as a geographical name for the southern lands of the ancient Kyiv Rus.
The State of Kyiv Rus was set up in the 9-th century. It was a powerful feudal state with highly developed culture and various crafts widely known throughout Europe.
From the 13-th century Ukraine was continuously struggling against invasions by the Tatar-Mongols, the Turks, the Crimean Tatars, Lithuanian and Polish rulers, who pursued a policy of merciless national oppression. The long struggle of the Ukrainian people for independence ended victoriously under the leadership of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, in 1654, with a treaty of union between Ukraine and Russia and possessed an army and navy, collected taxes. Soon after Khmelnitsky's death, the tzar interpreted the treaty as a "personal union" and demanded its revision whenever a new hetman was to be elected.
Several hetmans tried to break away from Russia but failed (I. Vyhovsky in 1659, P. Doroshenko in 1655 - 1676, I. Mazepa in 1708-1709). After each such defeat the tzar reduced the Ukrainians treaty rights. Finally, in 1764, the office of the hetman was abolished altogether, and in 1775 Katherine II destroyed the stronghold of the Ukrainian sovereignty, the Zaporizhian Sich. She introduced serfdom in Ukraine. The Ukrainian people have never stopped struggling against tsarist economic and national oppression.
After the overthrow of the tzar in March 1917 Ukrainian political and military organizations convened an assembly in Kyiv, called the Central Rada . It proclaimed the establishment of the Ukrainian People's Republic. After the Bolshevik Revolution in November 1917, Lenin officially recognized Ukraine as a sovereign state.
However Stalin accused Ukrainians in "nationalism". The policy of russianization was reintroduced and waves of arrests, exiles and executions followed in 1933-1940.
A terrible famine in 1932 - 1933 killed some seven million Ukrainians.
Millions of the Ukrainian people were lost during the second world war.
Freethinking was finished also after war especially under Brezhnev-Shcherbytsky stagnation rulling.
And only on August 24, 1991 the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian Republic proclaimed Ukraine an independent democratic sovereign state.
Ukraine - Україна
appear- з'являтися
ancient Slavs - древні cлов’яни
Kyiv Rus - Київська Русь
to sat up- засновувати
feudal state- феодальна держава
various crafts - різні ремесла
developed culture - розвинена культура
to struggle against invasion - боротися проти нападів
to pursue a policy- переслідувати політику
national oppression - національне гноблення
independence - незалежність
under the leadership - під керівництвом
a treaty - договір
to abolish - відмінити
to recognize - визнати
souvereign state - суверенна держава
a terrible famine - жахливий голод
to be punished - бути наказаним
the Supreme Council - Верховна рада
2. Ukrainian "Cossatstvo" and "Zaporizhyan Sich"
"Zaporizhyan Sich" has always been a symbol of indocility for the Ukrainians. It is our national pride and sacred thing. “Cossack" and "Zaporozhets" are known all over the world.
It was in the 15-18th centuries that Ukrainian men, connected with military service , populated the southern steps bordering on the Ukrainian lands. Then peasants ran away from rich landlords and joined them. The Cossacks put up their fortresses down the Dnieper, fought the Tatar people. The Cossacks were the bravest, the strongest men. Zaporizhya became the uphold of "Cossachina". The first fortress (sich) is considered to be founded on the island Khortitsa. It was built up by the Prince (Duce) Dmitriy Vishnivetskiy. And he is considered to be the first "Cossack hetman". "Hetman" is a German word and means the oldest chief. The united society of Cossacks was named "tovaristvo". They considered themselves to be knights. They defended Ukrainian lands, they made free thousands of captivated women, children, young men who were sold by tatars into slavery and were brought to Turkey. The number of the "Cossacks" had been growing and they had become the all - national power (force). They played a great part in the development of Ukraine, in its strengthening and its might.
Words and combinations
symbol of indocility- символ непокірності
national pride- національна гордість
sacred thing- свята річ
to populate- заселяти
to border- межувати
slavery- рабство
1) What does “ Zaporizhyan Sich “ mean for the Ukrainians ?
2) Who were cossacks ?
3) Where did they put up their fortresses ?
4) What was the uphold of “ Cossachina “ ?
5) Who was the first hetman ?
6) What was called “ tovaristvo “ ?
7) What did they defend ?
8) What part did the Cossacks play in the development of Ukraine ?
3. State Power in Ukraine.
Ukraine is a sovereign state. It is situated in the South- eastern part of Central Europe. The territory of Ukraine is 603,700 sq. km. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.
By the form of government Ukraine combines the elements of presidential and parliamentary republic .
Ukraine proclaimed its sovereignty on the 24-th of August. The highest body of state authority of our country is the Supreme Soviet, the state parliament.
It consists of different commissions and is elected every 4 years. The Supreme Soviet makes out and adopts laws. The government is formed by the Supreme Soviet. The president is elected by referendum. A president is the head of the state for a period of 5 years. The state power belongs to people.
All citizens of our country who have reached the age of 18 have the right to vote. But to be elected to the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine, a citizen of Ukraine must be 21. Now Ukraine is overcoming an economical crises. And the sittings of our parliament are very tense and stormy.
They suggest different ways of coming out from the difficult situation.
Ukraine establishes new relations, direct contacts with countries in the world. It signs the agreements and treaties and participates in the work of many international organizations.
Words and combinations
a sovereign state - незалежна держава
to proclaim - проголошувати
form of government - форма правління
the highest body - найвищий орган
to elect - обирати
citizens - громадяни
to reach - досягати
to vote - голосувати
to adopt - приймати, затверджувати
agreement - угода
treaty - договір
1) Where is Ukraine situated ?
2) When did Ukraine proclaim its sovereignty ?
3) What is the highest body of state authority of the country ?
4) How is the president elected ?
5) At what age do the citizens of Ukraine have the right to vote ?
6) Does Ukraine participates in the work of international organizations ?
4 . Geografical position of Ukraine.
Ukraine is a sovereign state. It lies in the south-eastern part of the Central Europe. It covers an area of 603,7 thousand sq. km. Its population is 50 mln people. The capital is Kyiv. The official language is Ukrainian.
The territory of Ukraine stretches for almost 900 km from North to South and for over 1,300 km from East to West. It borders on Russia and Byelorussia in the East and in the North , and on Poland , Chichi, Slovakia , Hungary, Moldova , Romania in the West.
The geographical position of Ukraine is very favourable to the development of its relations with countries of Europe, as well as with countries throughout the world.
In the south Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, and it has very important ports.
95% of the Ukrainian area is flat and the rest of it is mountainous. The Ukrainian Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains make up those 5% of its area.
The major rivers are: the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Bug, the Donets and others.
Forests take up only 15% of its territory.
Ukraine is rich in minerals, including iron, lead, coal, oil, natural gas, salts, marble and building materials.
The largest cities are Charkiv, Lviv, Cherkasy, Donetsk, Sevastopil, Ivano - Frankivsk, Zaporizzya, Dnipropetrovsk and others.
Ukraine has a highly developed industry and agriculture. At this moment our economy is developing. And we have people who can work hard and we shall overcome all the difficulties.
Words and combinations
a sovereign state - незалежна держава
it lies - вона знаходиться
the official language - офіційна мова
to stretch - простягатися
favourable - сприятливий
relation- зв'язки
flat - рівнинний
marble - мармур
Answer the questions:
1.What state is Ukraine?
2.Where does Ukraine lie?
3.What is its territory?
4.What countries does Ukraine border on?
5.What is the surface of the country?
6.What are the mountains in Ukraine?
7.What territory do the mountains make up?
8.What are the mineral resources of Ukraine?
9.What are the major rivers?
10.What are the largest cities of Ukraine?
Ukraine lies in the central part of Europe. It covers an area of 603,7 Its population is 50 mln. people. The capital of Ukraine is the Hero-city Kyiv.
The climate of Ukraine is moderate-continental. The year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. It means that winters are rather cold with frost and snow. The usual t is -10-20 degrees below zero. The rivers are frozen, the ground is covered with snow. The people wear warm coats, hats, gloves, scarves and warm boots. The children like to play snowballs, to make a snowman, to ski, to skate, to sledge.
In spring the nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The weather gets milder.
The summer in Ukraine is very warm and dry. It lasts for 3 months: June, July and August. The usual t is nearly +20 - +25 C. The rains are very rare and short. The weather is usually fine. The sun shines brightly, the sky is blue and it is very warm. Sometimes it is hot. A warm wind blows and white clouds slowly float in the clear air. The grass, the bushes and the trees are so green and beautiful, and the flowers are so bright.
The people have vocations. They go to the country, to the river, to the forest. They work in the vegetable gardens. Many vegetables and fruits grow in our climate and ripen: apples, grapes, apricots, water-melons, potatoes, cabbage and others. Autumn is yellow and cool. It rains very often.
Words and combinations
to cover - покривати
moderate-continental - помiрно-континентальний
mild - м’який
to wear - носити
gloves - рукавиці
to awaken - прокидатися
dry - сухий
rare - рідкий
vocation - відпустка
to ripen - достигати
Answer the questions:
1.What is the climate of Ukraine?
2.What can you say about the western part of the country?
3.What is the climate in the centre?
4.What is the climate in the south?
5.Is the year divided into four seasons?
6.What can you say about winters?
7.What is the usual temperature?
8.What can you say about summer?
9.What is the weather in summer?
10.What do the people grow in this climate?
6. Ukrainian Industry and Agriculture.
Ukraine is not a highly developed country now. The economy is in crises. But such industries as power engineering, chemical and heavy industries are well developed.
Heavy industry (metallurgical, machinebuilding) are situated in Donbass (Makiivka, Jenakievo, Donetsk), in Dnepropetrovsk, in Zaporizzya, in Mariupil.
Chemical industry is developed in such regions as Lugansk, Donetsk Dnipropetrovsk, Odessa, Kyiv, Cherkasy, Chernigiv and Rivne. Big machinebuilding centres are situated in Charkiv, Kyiv, Donetsk, Luhansk Kramatorsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Mikolayiv, Lviv, Cherson, Kirovograd, Horlivka and Sumy. Paper and furniture industries are developed in Carpathians, in Polissya-region, in Malin, in Kyiv. Ceramic production is produced by 18 plants, in Ternopil, Korosten, Borislav. The enterprises of light industry are situated in every town of Ukraine.
Ukraine is an agricultural country. It has rich black soils. Farmers grow corn, vegetables, fruits. Cattle-farming is developed, too. They gether rich crops of wheat, oats, maize. Potatoes and sugar beets are grown in forest-steppe zone.
Our country supplies fully the people with such products as oil, sugar, vegetable and meat tins, bread and milk.
highly developed - високо розвинена
economy - економіка
power engineering - енергетика
chemical industry - хімічна промисловість
heavy industry - важка промисловість
paper and furniture ind - паперова та меблева промисловість
ceramic production - керамічне виробництво
enterprise - підприємство
agricultural country - сільськогосподарська країна
black soils - чорнозем
corn - кукурудза
cattle farming - тваринництво
wheat - пшениця
What are the main industries of Ukraine?
Where is heavy industry well developed?
Where are the plants of chemical industry?
What can you say about the soils of Ukraine?
What can you say about agriculture?
7. K Y I V
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine, its political, administrative, cultural and scientific centre. Kyiv is over 1500 years old. According to the ancient legend Kyiv was founded by three brothers: Kiy, Shchek, and Khoriv and their sister Lybid. They settled on the heights above the Dnieper and founded a city on one of the hills and named it after the eldest brother.
Kyiv was a large commercial centre of the East Slavs and was called the mother of all Russian towns. It has the population of 2,6 mln and occupies an area of 790 sq kilometres.
The city is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper River. It is famous of its beauty The streets of Kyiv are broad and straight . There are a lot of chestnut trees and flowers in the city. Chestnut tree is a symbol of Kyiv.
There are historical places of interest. Among them are: Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, the St. Sophia's Cathedral, the Golden Gate, the monuments to Bohdan Khmelnitsky, Prince Vladimir and others. In the park of Immortal Glory there is a Tomb of the Unknown Soldier over which an eternal fire burns .
There are many fine museums in Kyiv: the State Historical museum, the museum of Ukrainian and Russian Art, the Shevchenko State museum and so on. Kyiv famous for its theatres such as : Opera House or Taras Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre and others.
Kyiv is a leading industrial centre of Ukraine.
It is known for its output of excavators, motorcycles, cameras, river boats, planes and complicated electric measuring apparatuses.
Kyiv is the centre of education and science. Many scientific research institutes, colleges, the university are in the city.
It is the pride and glory of the Ukrainian people and our country.
capital - столиця
capital of Ukraine - столиця України
centre - центр
political, administrative, cultural and scientific centre - політичний,
адміністративний, культурний та науковий центр
ancient legend - древня легенда
Kyiv was founded - Київ був заснований
the mother of all Russian towns - мати всіх російських міст
population - населення
beauty - краса
places of interest - цікаві місця
chestnut tree - каштан
the St. Sophia's Cathedral - Собор Св. Софiї
The Golden Gate - Золоті Ворота
theatre - театр
Taras Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre - театр опери та балету
імені Шевченка
pride and glory of the Ukrainian people - гордість і слава українського
What is the capital of Ukraine?
What is the ancient legend about Kyiv?
What was the city in the old times?
What is the population of Kyiv?
What is the central street?
What is the symbol of Kyiv?
What are the places of interest?
What are the names of theatres?
8. My Native Land
Cherkasy region is the land where we live. Our land gave the world celebrated Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko and many other famous people. Its magnificent nature was a source of inspiration for such prominent men of letters, music, theatre as: A. Pushkin, N. Gogol, Nechui-Levitsky, Kotlyarevsky, Adam Mitskevitch, Chaikovsky, Hulak-Artemovsky and others.
A native of Cherkasy land M. Maximovich, a famous naturalist, philologist, historian was the first rector of Kyiv University. He contributed greatly to the Ukrainian science and culture. People from all over the world come to the Taras Mount in Kaniv where the great poet was buried in 1861.
Cherkasy region is rich in historical events. The peasant uprising known as Koliivshchina, the Haidamaky movement took place here. In Chigirin there is a monument to the statesman and military commander Bohdan Khmelnitsky. Cherkasy region is situated in the central part of Ukraine. Today it is a land of highly developed industry and agriculture. Its enterprises produce chemical reagents, synthetic fibers, agricultural machinery, light and food industry equipment, telegraph equipment.
celebrated - визначний
magnificent nature - велична природа
a source of inspiration- джерело натхнення
a native - уродженець
to contribute - робити внесок , вкладати
peasant uprising - селянське повстання
movement - рух
statesmen - державний діяч
synthetic fibres - синтетичні волокна
equipment - обладнання
1) Where do we live ?
2) Whom did our land give the world ?
3) What was the source of inspiration for the prominent men ?
4) What do you know about M. Maximovich ?
5) Where was Taras Shevchenko buried ?
6) Is Cherkasy land rich in historical events ?
7) What do the enterpises produce in our land ?
9. My Native Town.
I live in Smila. My town is not very big. It is in Cherkasy region. It stands on the Tyasmin river. Before the revolution Smila was a typical provincial town. Duke Bobrinsky was a master and organizer of industry and agriculture in this area. There were sugar refinary plants, railway station, 1 hospital for 10 beds with 1 doctor, some church schools and a private school . The modern town is very nice. There is a square with monument to Nebesna Sotnia, fountain, House of Culture, Post office and the House of Soviets in the centre of the town. There are many trees and flowers in the central square. Soborna street is the central street of our town. The traffic is heavy. There are many buses and cars. There are monuments to Khmelnitsky, Taras Shevchenko, monument of Glory in our town. Industry is developed in our town. There are such plants:
sugar-refinary plant ,
electro-mechanical plant ,
machine-building plant ,
radio plant, sewing factory, furniture factory and others.
The nature and history of our town is very nice and interesting. It is surrounded by forests and fields. There are some museums. There is a Yuriev Hill. I like my town very much. I live in Repina street, house №8, flat 109. My street is not very long. There
are some new high buildings. There are many small trees and bushes. There are some shops in our street. There is a park and sport ground not far from our house, where we can play and have rest.
a typical provincial town - типове провінційне місто
Duke - граф
a master- хазяїн
a sugar refinary plant - цукрорафінадний завод
railway station - залізнична станція
church school - церковно-приходська школа
traffic - дорожній рух
sewing factory - швейна фабрика
furniture factory - мебельна фабрика
is surrounded - оточене
Questions :
1) Where do you live ?
2) What river does your town stand on ?
3) What was Smila before the revolution ?
4) What is the modern town ?
5) What is there in the centre of the town?
6) What plants are there in your town ?
7) What can you say about your street ?
Vasyl Simonenko is one of the greatest and most popular Ukrainian poets . He began to write his poems when he was studing at the Kyiv University. It was in the middle of 1950-s, but Vasyl didn't hurry to publish them. So his first book of poems "Silence and Thunder" appeared in 1962, and this was great period of the Ukrainian poetry revival . We admire the great world of Simonenko's poetry as a whole, and each of us finds some special lines for himself which open Simonenko's great and generous heart for us, his simphathy and respect for the Ukrainian people. I hope no one is challenging the view that the new name which was worth attention of contemporaries appeared.
Vasyl Simonenko was born in1935 in village of Biyevtsi in Poltava region. In 1952 he left a secondary school and entered the Kyiv University at the department of journalism. His father died when Vasyl was a little boy and his life was rather hard. Those were the years of sufferings,the most difficult years of his life. Later he described his hard life and poverty in his poems.
Vasyl Simonenko is not only a great poet, he is a perfect man combining brilliant talent with civil courage and moral integrity. His name is associated with love for his Motherland, native language and the best in our life.
His individual style of writing attracts attention of many readers. His poetry created a new type of poerty - a poerty of love for people and native land.
Hundreds of new concepts had appeared in our language in the years that passed since his death, but not a single word of these poems became obsolete. The old forms of life went to the past, but everything written by Simonenko continues to live. His poem "The Shore of Expections" gained a wide audience.
Vasil Simonenko died in 1963, but his feelings and views still correspond to the views and feelings of Ukrainian people.
Whatever Simonenko's work we read we see portrayal of Ukrainian life, Ukrainian soul, the life in Ukrainian land, the Ukrainian people.
to appear ........................................ |
показуватися, з'являтися |
to admire ........................................ |
захоплюватися |
generous ........................................ |
щедрий, великодушний |
sympathy ........................................ |
симпатія |
respect .......................................... |
повага |
to challenge..................................... |
претендувати |
to occupy an outstanding place....... |
займати видатне місце |
to prove the fact.............................. |
підтверджувати факт |
combine brilliant talent and civil |
поєднувати блискучий талант та |
courage............................................ |
громадянську сміливість |
poverty ........................................... |
бідність |
to attract attention ......................... |
привертати увагу |
concept............................................ |
поняття |
obsolete .......................................... |
застарілий, вiдживший |
to gain a wide audience.................... |
завоювати широку аудиторі |
to correspond.................................. |
відповідати |
portrayal......................................... |
зображення |
soul................................................. |
душа |
1) When did the first book of Simonenko’s poems appear ?
2) When was the poet born ?
3) What did he finish ?
4) What can you say about his childhood ?
5) What is his name associated with ?
11. Scientist of Ukraine
Our society and government pays a great attention to the development of science and technology in our country. Many scientists devoted their life to the development of native science.
My native land is Ukraine. Its flourish land and magnificent nature gave our country such great minds and scientists as: Mitchurin, Boris Paton, Maximovich, Grushevsky, Amosov, Shalimov.
A native of Cherkasy land M. Maximovich, a famous naturalist, philologist, historian was the first rector of Kyiv University. He contributed greatly to Ukrainian science and culture. M.Grushevsky was the great politician, historian and the first Chairman of the Central Soviet.
Among the great Ukrainian scientists a special place is occupied by academician Ivan Mitchurin. He was born in the village of Dovge. He was expelled from the gymnasium for non-respecting of the administration. He changed many professions and find his vocation in gardening. He had a great collection of trees and bushes and made out a theory of selection and gybrids. He was the first director of Mliyev selection station after the revolution and created new sorts of fruit trees, bushes and berries.
He was awarded with order of Lenin and other rewards.
our society and government - наше суспільство і уряд
to pay - платити
science - наука
to devote - присвячувати
native - рідний
flourish land - родюча земля
magnificent nature - велична природа
a native - уродженець
to expel - вигнати
non-respecting - неповага
to award - нагороджувати
Questions :
1) Whom did our native land give the world ?
2) Who was the first rector of Kyiv University ?
3) Who was the first Chairman of the Central Soviet ?
4) Were was Mitchurin born ?
5) What did he find his vocation in ?
6) What theory did he make out ?
7) What did he create ?
12. Holidays and Dates of Ukraine.
The people of Ukraine has many good holidays. We like holidays because they have a particular flavour and colouring. By the way, the word "holiday" comes from the words "holy day". Holidays were first religious festivals, now many holidays have nothing to do with religion. Almost every country has holidays honoring important events in its history.
Some holidays are celebrated in many countries, for example, New Year's Day, Christmas, Easter.
The people of Ukraine celebrate such holidays as New Years Day, Christmas, Women's Days, May Day, Victory Day, Day of Independence, October Day and the Ukrainian Army Day. The 1st of January is the New Year's Day. On that day we have the New Year Tree decorated with coloured lamps and toys, and balls. We have an evening party in every family and meet the New Year at 12 o'clock. We send greetings and best wishes to our friends by telegram, letter or postcard, or we ring them up in the evening on December 31.
March 8, is Women's Day. It is a happy spring holiday. On that day we give presents and flowers to our mothers, sisters. We can see a lot of men buying flowers.
May Day is the spring holiday of peace. It is a holiday of working people all over the world. We have meetings on this holiday.
The 9th of May is a Victory Day. This year we celebrated the 53-rd anniversary of the victory over the fascist Germany. We must always remember those who put an end to fascism and never come back to their homes.
The 24th of August is the Day of Independence of Ukraine. On this Day our country was proclaimed a sovereign state.
Our people can work hard and can rest.
Words and combinations
Particular flavor - особливий привкус
holi day - святий день
to honour - шанувати
to celebrate - святкувати
to remember - пам’ятати
Day of Independence - День Незалежності
to proclaim - проголошувати
Questions :
1) Why do we like holidays ?
2) Where does the word “ holiday “ come from ?
3) What holidays are celebrated in many countries ?
4) How do we celebrate the New Year’s Day ?
5) What can we see on the 8th of March ?
6) What do we celebrate on the 9th of May ?
7) When was Ukraine proclaimed a sovereign state ?
13. Famous monuments of culture and sightseeings of Ukraine
Ukraine is an old country. It has on old and interesting history. The name of the state Ukraine appears for the first time in the 12- th century, and means the edge of the land. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. It is a great cultural center of our country. According to the ancient legend Kyiv was founded by three brothers: Kiy, Shchek and Khoriv and their sister Lybid. They settled on the hights above the Dnieper and founded a city on one of the hills and called it Kyiv after the eldest brother. Now Kyiv is 1500. There are many historical places of interest. Among them are; Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, St. Sophia's Cathedral, the Golden Gate, the monuments to Bogdan Chmelnitsky, Prince Vladimir and others.There are many fine museums in Kyiv : The State historical museum, the museum of Ukrainian and Russian art, the Shevchenko State museum and so on.
There are many historical towns and places in Ukraine: Chernigiv, Nizhyn, Zaporizhzhya, Lviv and others. We live in Cherkasy region. It is also rich in historical events:the peasant uprising known as Koliyvshchina, the Haidamaki movement took place here. In Chygyrin and in Smila are monuments to the statesman and military commander Bohdan Khmelnitsky.The pride of our people is "Zaporizhska Sich". It was down the Dnieper in the Ukranian stepps. The first fortress was built on the island of Khortitsa to defend our country from tatars. There were military man and peasants who ran away from their rich landlords . Zaporizhya became the uphold of "Kozachina".
A famous Ukrainian writer Taras Shevchenko was born in this region .You
can visit fine museums of Shevchenko in the villages of Kyrylivka and Moryntsi .
You can see his old house under the straw roof and national kitchen with imbro-
ided towels , and all the household like in old times .
to appear - з’являтися
edge - край
rich landlords - поміщики
Questions :
1) What are the historical places of interest in Kyiv ?
2) What are the monuments in Kyiv ?
3) What museums can you visit in Kyiv ?
4) What are the historical towns and places in Ukraine ?
5) What is Cherkasy region famous for ?
14. Bohdan Khmelnitsky.
Bohdan Khmelnitsky occupies a special place in Ukraine's history. He had been at the land of Cossaks in the struggle for freedom. It was under his leadership that Ukraine was freed from Polish and Lythuanian invasions which had lasted for many years.
The name of Bohdan Khmelnitsky is associated with the Cherkasy region.He was born in Subotiv, 14 km from Chygyrin. Bohdan studied in Kyiv, Yaroslav, Lviv. At a young age he joined theCossacks. He was a dearing cossack and showed the talent of a leader. He took part in many battles with the Turks. In 1620 his father was killed in the battle near Isetsovka and Bohdan was imprisoned. He spend 2 years in the captivity where he learned the language of the Turks, their customs and traditions.When he was freed he come to Chygyrin. In 1648 he leadered antipolish struggle. Gided by the Crimean Tatars the cossacks fought the Poles and got independence. The most important battle, took place near the town of Korsun.
The treaty about Ukraine's freedom was signed near Zboriv. Bohdan Khmelnitsky returned to Chygyrin. But Poland began preparing a new compaign. Khmelnitsky was forced to sign a new treaty in the town of Bila Tserkva.
In 1654 he signed the treaty about the Union with Moscow. But Russian Tsar betrayed him. Khmelnitsky sent his envoye to Sweden, Moldova, Romania. Sweden promised to help in the war against Poland, but Khmelnitsky fell ill and died in August 6, 1657. He was buried in the church in Subotiv. Hetman Khmelnitsky has a great glory in the history of Ukraine because he was the first to lead the cossacks into the struggle for freedom of people.
invasions - вторгнення
to be imprisoned - бути посадженим у тюрму
сaptivity - полон
independence - незалежність
treaty - договір
Questions :
1) What is the place of B. Khmelnitsky in Ukraine’s history ?
2) Whom Ukraine was freed from ?
3) Where did Bohdan studied ?
4) Where did he learn the language of the Turks ?
5) What treaty was signed near Zboriv ?
15 . Ukrainian diaspora.
Many Ukrainians live abroad, mainly in Canada, Australia, Germany, the USA, Argentina. They are called Ukrainian diaspora . In previous years before Ukraine independence, they had no ties with their mother land - Ukraine and Ukrainians living in other countries. These people are mainly former residents of our Western regions or people who found themselves abroad during the second World War.
Most of them observe Ukrainian customs and traditions and worship Ukrainian orthodox religion. They know their mother tongue well, in fact they make the point of speaking Ukrainian. Their children are taught Ukrainian. They know and learn our art and music, our poets and writers. Some of them come to our country very often. They help our students to learn English abroad. They are proud that they are Ukrainians.
independence - незалежність
ties - зв’язки
former - бувші
observe Ukrainian customs - додержуватися
українських звичаїв
worship - сповідають
1) What countries do the Ukrainians live in ?
2) How are they called ?
3) What ties do they have with their Motherland ?
4) What religion do they worship ?
5) What is their attitude to our customs and traditions ?
16. Ukrainian Community Abroad.
More then 3 mln. Ukrainians live now abroad. They can be devided into 3 groups. The largest of them is the group of Ukrainians whose the 4-th or even the fifth generation of ancestors live abroad.They assimilated to the foreign culture and traditions more than the other 2 groups of the Ukrainian emigrants.
The representatives of the 2-nd group those who left their fatherland one or two generation ago- know and honour Ukrainian culture and traditions.
The third group is not very large, but-they are the most active in a way. This group consists mostly of the Ukrainians emigrated at the end of WW II. This group also includes children of the third wave of emigration and others. This group is the close of the Ukrainian communities in the west. The most numerous, organized and active are the communities of Ukrainians concentrated in the USA and Canada. The first newcomers created the backbone of the Ukrainian Community : churches, fraternities which greatly increased in number in the course of the second wave of the emigration.
But nevertheless it was rather difficult to preserve national traditions, culture, customs, image. In most cases emigrants settled in towns and cities, satisfying their economic demands. So this made it difficult to follow their native Ukrainian traditions and mode of life, which were mainly rural. The system of education up to now-a-days was directed on to the assimilation of the foreigners. The Ukrainians are the most numerous in the middle-atlantic states in comparison with the other states in the west. But even there they occupy the 21-st place in quantity in the USA and the 9-th in the middle athlantic states, the centre of Ukrainian emigrants.
The Ukrainian national association published "Svoboda",the most popular Ukr. paper in the west and informative weekly in English "Ukrainsky Tyzhnevik".
Among the public organizations there are the Ukrainian national women leag, scout organization "Plast", union of Ukrainian Youth. There are dance and choir groups in the communities especially for youth.
Among the most prominent scientific istablishment we should meet upon the scientific community, named after Shevchenko and the Ukrainian art and science Academy. As for the saving of the cultural heritage, the most important contribution was collecting of money for establishing and opening the three choirs in Horvard University in 1970. In 1964 the monument in honour of T.Shevchenko was opened in Washington. The Ukrainian Communities abroad exist more then 100 years.
In Canada the Ukrainians occupy the 5-th place in their number comprizing 3% of the general quantity of the inhabitants.
There are a lot of professional and business clubs of Ukrainians. These clubs embrace rather large number of active skilled young Ukrainians. In contrast to the Ukrainians in the USA, Canadian Ukrainians created their own cultural traditions. But nevertherless the Ukrainians in Canada are used to the patriarchal approach to the Ukrainian culture.
Besides north America the Ukrainian communities exist in Germany, Great Britain, Australia, Yugoslavia, Romania, Poland.
Words and combinations
ancestors - потомки
assimilated - змішатися
heritage - спадщина
1) How many Ukrainians live now abroad ?
2) Do they follaw their native Ukrainian traditions ?
3) What place do the Ukrainians occupy in quanlity in the USA ?
4) What place do the Ukrainians occupy in quantity in Canada ?
5) What are the public organizations of the Ukrainians ?
17. The Ties of Ukraine with England
Ukraine is a large country. It is situated in the South - Western Europe. It's territory is 603,000 sq.kms. Ukraine is a sovereign state. It proclaimed its independence in August of 1990.
It found its recognition among 2,5 mln Ukrainians living abroad . They left Ukraine in 3 waves: after the WWI, after the revolution and during WWII. Ukraine was a highly developed country.
But now, in the result of breaking ties between the former republics the economy of Ukraine is in a deep crises. But nevertheless, Ukraine tries to conclude new treaties and agreements with many countries. For example, in May our president Leonid Kutchma, had meetings with the delegations of Cuba, Belorussia, Russuia, with the president of the USA Bill Klinton.
Ties of Ukraine with England are old and permanent. John Major and Queen Elizabeth visited Moscow and Kyiv last year. The new treaties and agreements on cooperation, political and economical assistance have been signed. We had the opportunity to watch TV programs about the visit of these delegations. England is interested to help our country and to put their money into developing of our economy. Now they sent us humanitary help.
There are many twin - cities which develop their relations in different fields of iife . There is an exchange of delegations of teachers , students , workers , sport
teams and so on . The twin cites are : Kyiv and Edinburg , Donetsk and Sheffield ,
Gorlovka and Barnsley .
They help the Ukrainian people in that difficult time with the humanitary aid. The representatives of the organization “ Hope Now “ helped the orphanages in Cherkassy region . The Tile Hill College from Coventry presented computers for Smila Technical School of Food Industry . A lot of people make a great contribution to the development of our country .
proclaimed - проголосила
breaking ties - розрив зв’язків
treaties - договори
agreements - угоди
permanent - постійні
Questions :
1) Does Ukraine conclude new treaties and agreements with other countries ?
2) Did the president of Ukraine have meetings with the deligations of other
countries ?
3) What representatives of England visited Ukraine ?
4) Is England interested to help our country ?
Л і т е р а т у р а :
1. "UKRAINE" методичні рекомендації Шумелда C. І., м. Тернопіль, 1995 р.
2. Матеріали курсів підвищення кваліфікації при Черкаському ІПКВ.