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Серія уроків з теми. Уроки № 33 - 39

Lesson 33. DO YOU NEED A BOOK?




Lesson 37 IF I READ, …



Мета Повторити й активізувати лексику теми. Закріпити лексику теми в усному мовленні.Навчати учнів аудіювання. Формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення. Тренувати учнів у читанні. Практикувати учнів у письмі. • ефективно користуватися навчальними стратегіями для самостійного вивчення іноземних мов. Виховувати культуру поведінки у громадських місцях/ бібліотеці.

Перегляд файлу

Unit 3. YOUR PREFERENCES            Lesson 33. DO YOU NEED A BOOK?

Мета Повторити й активізувати лексику теми. Закріпити лексику теми в усному мовленні.Навчати учнів аудіювання. Формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення. Тренувати учнів у читанні. Практикувати учнів у письмі. • ефективно користуватися навчальними стратегіями для самостійного вивчення іноземних мов. Виховувати культуру поведінки у громадських місцях/ бібліотеці.

Оборудование: Підручник, робочий зошит, картки,, СД диск, раздатковий материалам.

Тип уроку: комбінований


l.Warm-up Answer the questions and ask your partner.

                                                                        You              Your partner

1) What is your favourite school subject?     ___________ _____________

2) Who is your favourite teacher?                  ___________ _____________

3) What subject do you dislike? Why?           ___________ _____________

4) What subjects are useful in your everyday life? ___________ _____________

5) How can you characterize your favourite teacher (tick the box/boxes)?

                    Kind #Strict# Helpful# Creative# Absent-minded #Clever#

  • Answer the questions.

1. Do you like reading? 2. Have you got many books at home? 3. Do you read much? 4. Do you prefer to read English books? 5.     What famous British and American writers do you know? 6. What is your favourite book?

2. Speaking Practice the new vocabulary.                                

    - Do you like thrillers?

    - Yes, I do.

    - And what about detective stories? Are you fond of them?

    - Yes, I enjoy them.


I like thrillers and my partner likes them too.

I hate love stories but my partner enjoys them.









3. Reading and writing Do ex. 1, p.114.  I / My partner             

 #       like love enjoy hate likes loves enjoys hates      #

True-to-life stories Novels Detective stories Thrillers Mvsteries Poems Fairy tales Fantasy Love stories

Short stories Comics Stories about nature Fables Adventure stories Biographies of famous people

  • Practice the new vocabulary. Find the following words and expressions in the text and give their English equivalents:  4. Vocabulary practice Find the words from the box (p. 1 1 5) in the text and complete the sentences below with them.

1. I've read one of her books, but I can't remember the ... .                         2. I want to ... my lawyer before I say anything.

3. His first novel won a prize for modern ... .                                              4. There is a new ... of all the books in the library.

5. The books in the library are divided into fiction and ... .                        6. ... , more than two hundred students study in this library every day.

7. It's a ... story. It isn't true. I don't believe a word of it.                            8. It is important to eat meat or eggs, as they ... protein and vitamins.

                  Key: I title, 2 consult, 3 fiction, 4 catalogue, 5 non-fiction, 6 in general, 7 made-up, 8 contain.

5.Wrіting Do ex. 2 (a), p. 116.                                

6. Vocabulary practice Do ex. 3, p. 116.

7. Speaking Speak about the book you have read recently. Act the dialogue out.

- Oh, no. I'm not interested in mysteries. As for me, I prefer true-to-life stories with truthful characters.

- You're so boring. Try something different. Not often you can find a good book which will hold your interest right to the end.

- WelI, I'll try.

- Then let's drop in on my place on our way home right after school and I'll give you this book.

- OK.

  • 8. Summary Answer the questions.

1. What books and characters are popular with the children nowadays?                     

2. What books would you like to read and why?

  • 9. Homework Ex. 2 (b), p. 116.
  • Sample dialogue

- Last week I finished such an interesting book.

- Was it really so exciting? What is it about?

- It's a thriller with lots of mysterious things exactly what I prefer.



Мета: Повторити + закріпити лексику теми. Тренувати учнів у читанні.+ Формувати навички монологічного мовлення, • розуміти на слух зміст автентичних текстів. Розвивати уміння відстоювати власну думку та вести дискусію. Практикувати учнів у письмі.+ Тренувати учнів в аудіюванні.

 Виховувати повагу до однокласників, співрозмовників.

Оборудование: Підручник, робочий зошит, картки,, СД диск, раздатковий матерiал.

Тип уроку: комбінований


l.Warm-up Put the following words in the correct columns:

. a referencebook,              ' a poem,                  ' a fable,

. a booklet,                         ' a tale,                     ' a story,

. a novel,                            ' an encyclopedia,   ' an instruction,

. a drama,                           ' a textbook,             ' memoirs,

. a guidebook,                    ` a dictionary,          ` a rhyme,

 . an essay,                         ` a technical description.

Fiction literature

Non-fiction literature

2. Speaking Do ex.4, p. 1I7. A bit more sample questions and answers.                    

3. Writing Write a few sentences.

4. Reading Do ex. 5, p. 117.

What is the title of the book?                               The title of the book is...                 As far as I remember it's...

                                                                              I'm afraid I don't remember

What do you think of the book?                           I liked it.                                          On the whole I liked it.              

                                                                              I enjoyed it.                                     It's rather interesting.

                                                                              It's a very good book.                      I didn't like it.

                                                                              It's not interesting at all

What is it you liked about the book?                    It's rather amusing.                          It's realistic.

                                                                              The language is good.                     The plot is interesting.

I liked the way the author describes...

What is it you don't like about the book?            To begin with,...                               I didn't like the language.

                                                                              I didn't like the way the author


                                                                              The main idea is not clear to me.   The plot is not interesting at all

What are the main characters of the book?          The main characters are.. 

What is the book about?                                       The book is devoted to...                The book describes...

                                                                              It's about...                                      It's a historical novel, (a detective



  • Answer the questions.

1. What genre is Julia fond of?      2. Why does she like Ukrainian poetry?   3. Does mention only poets of the past?

4. What is she eager to do?            5. Who's her favourite poet?                      6. What do you think Julia is good at?

5. Vocabulary practice. Introduce the words (p. 117). Match the words with their definitions.

Key: 1 f ,2 e,3 a, 4h, 5 g,6 c, 7 d, 8 b.

  • Complete the sentences below with the words from the box (p. 112).

1. It was ... game for all of us. 2. He read me some of his ... . 3. I don't find his jokes at all ... . 4. Her voice was full of ...  5.   This movie is much better than others of the horror ... . 6. The ... has signed the book on the title page.

Key: 1 an emotional, 2 poetry, 3 amusing, 4 emotion, b genre, 6 author.

6. Speaking and writing Practice the new vocabulary.


I'm fond of


reading novels

watching dramas

science fiction




grves me

give me


positive emotions.

a mixture of emotions.



He is

She is


an outstanding

a great

a famous














Poems             novels

Dramas         detective stories

love stories    plays

thrillers          mysteries

short stories  adventure stories




of the genre.



  • 7. Summary Answer the questions.

1. Have you read any English books? 2. Who is your favourite English or American writer? 3. What kind of books do you prefer to read?

  • 8. Homework
  • Write about the authors you know using the tables above.

1) an author a) a thing, idea, or person that is an example to copy     2) a genre    b) someone who writes plays

3) a pattern c) someone who writes novels                                          4) a poet  d) a play for the theatre, television, radio ...

5) a novel    e) a particular type of art, writing, music etc.                  6) a novelist f) someone who has written a book

7) drama      g) a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary

8) a dramatist  h) someone who writes poems



Мета: Повторити й активізувати ЛО теми. Повторити граматичний матеріал: теперішній неозначений час. Відпрацювати вживання прислівників частотності. Розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення.. Практикувати учнів у письмі.

Виховувати поважне ставлення до школи й інтерес до навчання.

Обладнання: Підручник, робочий зошит, картки для роботи у парах (HO1), для проведення опитування

Тип уроку: комбінований


l. Warm-up Make a chain.

Pl. I've read an adventure novel "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe, a famous English writer. And what about you?

     Have you read any interesting book lately?

P2. Yes. I've read a historical novel "Rob Roy" by Walter Scott, a famous Scottish writer. And what about you?

       Have you read any interesting book lately?

P3. Yes. I've read a detective story...

2. Speaking Tell the class a few sentences about:  books you like to read; r where you take them;

                                                                                 who helps you to choose a good book.                                     

3. Reading and speaking Do ex. 7, p. 119.         

Answer the questions.

1. What genres do these writers present? 2. Did all of them have pen-names?

3. Why do you think their works have been popular for a long time?

4. Listening and speaking Do ex. 6, p.127.                  Fill in the chart.

Key: 1882 - was born in London         1893-wonascholarship       1919 - completed a book and several plays     1920 - his son was born    1923 - began to work on a collection of poems for children  1924 - "'When we were young" was published

1926 - Winnie-the-Pooh was published all    1939 - his autobiography was published   1956 - Milne died

5. Reading Do ex.7, p.l28.                   

6. Vocabulary Practice   *** Fill in the gaps with the new words from  p  48

1. The incredible beauty of the place ... him to create this masterpiece  2. O'Henry became famous ... his short stories

3. ... doesn't come to you if you do nothing            4. If you work hard, you can ... a great success

5. Byron ... the great popularity when he was 24.  6. native hoped to prove his success writing novels and ….

7. I have no ... to write even a word                       8. It's very ... of you to spend all your weekends helping these old people

Key. 1 inspired, 2 author, 3 the success, 4 achieve, 5 achieves, 6 essays, 7 inspiration, 8 noble.

T. Speaking Working pairs (HO1),  ***Ask and  answer questions to find the missing information.

#When ... ? (...was he born?)                    #Why ... ? (...did he leave school?)   

#What ... ? (...did he find in Alaska?)      #What ... ? (...is the book The Cail of theWild … ?)

Student B

Jack London was born in 1876 in … His family was very poor' so Jack had to leave school to make money. In ... he Went to Alaska to ... . Instead he found ideas for his stories there. He is best known for his book, The Cail of the wild, the story of the adventures of a dog in the frozen north. His writings ]vere very popular and he became rich and famous ... .Where ... ? (...was he born?) When ... ? (...did he go to Alaska?) Why ... ? (...did he go to Alaska?) When ... ? (...did he became rich and famous?)

  • 8. Summary Do ex. 6, p. 119.
  • 9. Homework write a short paragraph about your favourite book characters using the words from ex.5, P. 131.

   Jack London was born in ... in San Francisco, California. His family was very poor, so Jack had to leave school…  In 1897 he went to Alaska to find gold. Instead he found ... there. He is best known for his book … His writings were very popular and he became rich and famous before the age of 30



Мета: Повторити і закріпити ЛОд теми. Тренувати учнів у читанні. Продовжувати формувати навички монологичного/діалогічного мовлення.

Розвивати вміння працювати у групі, вміння логічно будувати свої повідомлення. Навчати учнів письма.

Виховувати повагу до думки інших та уміння співпрацювати.

Оборудование:  проектор, СД диск, карточки, малюнки/ тематичні картинки з теми.

Тип уроку: комбінований


l. Warm-up Where do they come from? ….. Key:

Honore de Balzac - France '                Jonathan Swift - Ireland

Ernest Hemingway – America            Oscar Wilde - Ireland

Homer - Greece '                                 Rabindranath Tagore - India

Victor Hugo - France'                         John Ronald Reuel Tolkien .

Lewis Carroll - Britain English          Miguel de Cervantes - Spain '          

Mark Twain – America                      Agatha Christie- Britain '                 

Dante – Italy                                       George Bernard Shaw - Britain '      

Charles Dickens – England                Robert Louis Stevenson - Scotland '

Hans Christian Andersen -                  Rudyard Kipling - Britirin Denrnark

2. Speaking and wrіtіng  Do ex.8, p. 121.                                          

3. Readіng and speakіng   ex. 9, p 12l.

4. Grammar practіce Introduce the rule (p.122). Do ex. 1, p.122.    

5. Writing Do ex.2, p.122.

6. Reading and writing Do ex. 3, p. 123.

  • Fill in the verbs is or are, then rewrite them in Past Simple
  • 1. This place ... crowded at the weekend. 2. Grammar rules ... always learnt by heart. 3. Rare animals ... protected in many countries. 4. This scarf ... made by my granny. 5. The animals in the zoo ... fed two times a day. 6. The same shirts ... worn by all the members of our team. 7. New Ukrainian books ... shown in our library 8. Many Ukrainian towns ... described in this book. 9. Dinner ... always cooked by my mother. 10. Our village ... surrounded with a forest.

7. Grammar practice Do ex. 4, p.123.

8. Listening Listen to the story about an English writer and answer the questions.

  • Lewis Carroll's famous story of the little girl who falls down a rabbit hole has been entertaining the young (and not so young) readers for almost 150 years. It was probably the first book written not to educate children or give them

moral instructions - but to entertain them. Lewis Carroll was the name used by Charles Dodgson, a mathematics teaeher at

Oxford University, when he was writing children's books and poems. When he became a teacher at Oxford Carroll used to take the daughters of his friend, Dean Liddell, for boat-riders on the river. On one of this river trips he told the story of Alice in Wonderland to young Alice Liddell. Later, he wrote the story down, and it was published in 1865 As well as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Alice Through the Looking Glass, Lewis Carroll wrote poems and another children's book  Syluie and Bruno. He was also a great letter writer and he invented games and puzzles. As an Oxford  don (a teacher at Oxford and Cambridge), he also published mathematical works.

  • Who is this story about? 2. Was it his real name? 3. Why do people all over the world like his stories? 4. Who inspired him to write his stories? 5. What was his main occupation? 6. What else is he famous for except writing stories?
  • 9. Summary Do ex.5,p, l24.
  • 10. Homework Do ex. 7, p, 125.


Lesson 37   IF I READ, …

Мета: Повторити й активізувати ЛО теми. Повторити граматичний матеріал: теперішній неозначений час. Відпрацювати вживання прислівників частотності. Розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення, • здійснювати спілкування у письмовій формі відповідно до поставлених завдань;. Розвивати вміння працювати у групі. Практикувати учнів у письмі. Виховувати поважне ставлення до школи й інтерес до навчання.

Обладнання: Підручник, робочий зошит, картки для роботи

Тип уроку: комбінований


l.Warm-up          Completd the sentences with Passive Voice.

1. If I eat a cake, the cake ... (is eaten).                      2. If I send a letter, the letter ... (is sent).

3. If I beat my friend, my friend ... (is beaten).         4. If I spend my money, my money ... (is spent).

5. If I catch a fly, the fly ... (is caught).                     6. If I tear my skirt, my skirt ... (is torn).

7. If I buy a plane, the plane ... (is bought).               8. If I wear my tie, my tie ... (is worn).

9. If I draw a picture, the picture ... (is drawn).        10. If I feed my cat, my cat ... (is fed).

11. If I grow a tree, the tree ... (is grown).                12. If I meet my friend, my friend ... (is met).

2.Writing       Write the full answers to the following questions.

1. How often is this room cleaned? 2. How often is this video used? 3. Where is this newspaper published? 4. Where are these cars made? 5. Where are these books translated? 6. How often is this machine repaired?

3. Reading Do ex.6, p.124.

Key: are taken, sounds, Are we allowed, have, are offered, are organized, are   shown, are not forgotten, is served, are eaten, is prepared.

4. Listening Do ex.1, p.125,

5. Reading Do ex. 2 (a), p.126. Find Ukrainian equivalents for the following words:

. flick,                           . for advice,         

. find out,                      . pick out,

. borrow,                       . cover,                

  reading list,               . boring,                     

. stuff,                          . take out,

. fantasy novels,          . adventure books,

  crime stories,             . be fond of.

6.Wrіtіng  Do ex. 2(b), p.127. = music magazine . =find out about concerts . =pick out one or two ;

                                                  borrow . look at the cover first . be fond of detective stories

  • Write about yourself using the expressions above.
  • T. Vocabulary practice Do ex. 3, p, 127,

7 .Writing Do ex. 4,p, t27.

Key: 1. Sarah often talks about books with her friends.              2. I usually pick out adventure books.

         8. She never reads novels that are too long.                        4. Emma sometimes reads fairy tales to her younger sister.

         6. My mum always chooses detective stories.                    7. My dad rarely reads horror stories.

  • 9. Summary Answer the questions.

1. How often are you given difficult homework?            2. How often are interesting parties organized in your school?

3. What songs are sung at these parties?                          4. What subjects are discussed at your class meetings?

  • 10. Homework  *Make up 10 sentences using the Present Simple and Past Simple Passive forms.


There's always a book in my hand

Be I on couch, train, chair or beach sand.

I'm never alone

For with characters I'm prone

To imagine myself off to far lands,



Мета Повторити і закріпити ЛОд теми. Тренувати учнів у читанні. Продовжувати формувати навички монологичного/діалогічного мовлення.

Розвивати вміння працювати у групі, вміння логічно будувати свої повідомлення. Навчати учнів письма.

Виховувати повагу до думки інших та уміння співпрацювати.

Обладнання:  проектор, СД диск, карточки, малюнки з теми.

Тип уроку: комбінований


l. Aim  Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. T: Today we are going to refresh the words and expressions on the topic « Аt the library» + which we learned last time; we’ll also learn School Routine Chant and revise the Present Simple Tense

  • Warm-up Answer the questions.

1. Is there any library nearby your house? 2. How often do you go to the library? 3. What books do you find there?

4. How long do you usually keep books? 5. Who helps you to choose books?

2. Speaking Do ex. 1, p. 129.                         

3. Reading and speaking Do ex. 2, p, 129.

4. Writing and speaking Do ex. 3, p. 130.      

5. Speaking Do ex. 4 ,p.131.

6. Listening  Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions           

                                                     HOW A MODERN LIBRARY IS ORGANIZED

L i b r a r i a n. What would you like to know?

Alex. I would be very grateful if you could show me where to find the books about these people.

Librarian.  Sure. If you follow me, I`ll show you how our library is organized. Everything that we have in our library you can find listed on our computer system.

A I e x. Really? How does it work? HoW can I find the books I'm looking for?

Librarian. Just type in the name of the author or the title of the book and the computer will tell you where the book is located in the library. It will also give you a short description of the book.

Alex. How convenient !

1. All of the books in the library are listed on the computer, aren't they?

2. What do you need to type in the computer in order to find a book?

3. What will the computer tell you?

  • 7. Grammar Practice Fill in the gaps with the correct forms of Passive Voice

1. At the last competition the first prize ... (to win) by our team 2. Your report must ... (to divide) into two chapters

3. It seems to me that music ... (to hear) from the next room 4. These issues usually ... (to discuss) at the conference

5. Yesterday he (to tell) to prepare a speech. 6. The article ... (to publish) last week, if I am not mistaken.

7. The lessons ... (to attend) by all of us. 8. A taxi ... (to call) fifteen minutes ago, so we are expecting it any moment.

9. The teacher ... (to introduce) to us only a couple of hours ago, but it seems to us that we've known him for vears.

10. The rule explained by the teacher at the last lesson ... (to understand) by all of us. .

11. The poem was so beautiful that it ... (to learn) by everybody.

 Key: 1 was won, 2 be divided, 3 is heard, 4 are usually discussed, 5 was told, 6 was published,

          7 are attended, 8 was called, 9 was introduced, 10 was understood, 11 was learnt.

  • Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. My friends ... (like /are liked) this place in the city centre very much.

2. What books by Conan Doyle ... (translated / arc translated) into Ukrainian?

3. Who ... (protects/is protected) animals?                             4. This city ... (is visited / visited) by many tourists.

5. Who ... (gives / is given) bad marks in your class?            6. Our house ... (made/is made) of wood.

7. Our holiday ... (is begun/begins) next week.                      8. Pupils ... (are given / give) textbooks by the teacher.

9. This holiday ... (celebrated/is celebrated) at the end of the summer. 

  • 8. Speaking Do ex. 6 (b), p. 166. Complete the dialogue below and act it out.

Pl. What kind of books do you like  ... ? 

P2. Oh, I like stories about ... especially when  ... . I've just read a very interesting book about   ...

Pl. Well, you know what to look for. I'd like to find something   ... .

P2. ... look at the pictures in the book. They tell things about the story. The book covers do, too.

L. Can I help you?

P1. Yes, please. I'd like to read   ... .

P2. As for me I prefer   ...

L. Here you are. These are   ... .    I think you'll like these books.

P1. Thanks a lot.

  • 9. Summary Answer some questions in ex. 10, p. 184.
  • 10. Homework = write a short paragraph about a library using the questions in ex. 4, p. 181.



Мета: Активізувати ЛО теми. Навчати учнів ставити загальні та спеціальні запитання за темою. Формувати навички пошукового читання.

Практикувати учнів у написанні міні-творів. Розвивати культуру мовлення, • адекватно використовувати досвід, набутий у вивченні рідної мови та інших навчальних предметів, розглядаючи його як засіб усвідомленого оволодіння іноземною мовою;

Виховувати поважне ставлення до школи й інтерес до читання, навчання.

Оборудование: СД диск, карточки с раздаточными материалами, картки для роботи в парах проектор

Тип уроку: комбінований


l. Aim 2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. T: Today we are going to read the text «Му School Routine» and remember the words and expressions on the topic which we have learned.

  • Warm-up Ask some questions from ex. 10, p. 134.        

2. Speaking Do ex. 7, p.132. ;        

3. Reading and speaking Do ex. 8, p. 132.

4. Vocabulary practice Complete the sentences with the words from the box (p. 138).                     

5. Speaking Do ex. 6 (a), p. 166.

Role-play You meet your friend on the way to the library. Make up a dialogue with your partner.

  • Sample dialogue
  • - Hi, where are you going?
  • - Hi, I'm going to the library to return the book
  • - Oh, really. What is the book about?
  • - These are adventure stories by Jack London
  • - Are they interesting?
  • - Yes, sure, they`re very exciting.  They are about real friendship and beautiful northern nature.
  • - I'd like to read this book too.  So, why don't you go to the library with me and take this book to read?
  • - That's a good idea. I'd love to …

6. Reading Do ex. 1, p. 135.

  • T. Writing Do ex. 2, p. 136. =  write an essay about books. use the following linking words and phrases and complete the parts of the essay:
  • for example,

Nowadays not so many children like reading

  • To begin with ...
  • In addition ...
  • In conclusion, in my opinion …

8. Speaklng Do ex. 9, P' 134.

  • 9. Summary Express your opinion as for books you like reading =  I like reading  ... because ...
  • 10. Homework Do ex. 3, p. 136.





Sokolova Larysa Dmytrivna
До підручника
Англійська мова (6-й рік навчання) 6 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
24 липня 2018
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