Тема: Герої мультфільмів.
Теперішній тривалий час.
Мета: Ознайомити учнів з лексикою до теми. Ввести та первинно закріпити граматичний час The Present Continuous Tense. Практикувати учнів у читанні, письмі, аудіюванні. Розвивати вміння спілкування іноземною мовою, будувати висловлювання за зразком. Виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.
Обладнання: підручник, зошит, мультимедійна дошка, проектор, тематичні малюнки.
Хід уроку:
А) Привітання Т. - СІ
Б) Пісня “Hello!” Bs. - Gs
Т.: Children, look at the blackboard. You see the pictures of the cartoons heroes. So, the topic of our lesson is “Animated cartoons”.
T.: - Do you like cartoons?
. T. - Cl - P1 P2 P3
T.: - Walt Disney is from America. He made a lot of cartoons. And today we’ll speak about the heroes of your favourite cartoons.
Ми будемо говорити про героїв мультфільмів, ви навчитеся описувати, що вони роблять у той час, коли ми їх бачимо на екрані.
Т.: Now, look at the pictures and try to guess what cartoon it is. But at first let’s read the names of cartoons: open your book, ex.2, p.89
T.-Cl; P1 P2; P1 - Cl
T.: Now, look at the screen. Just now you will see some cartoons. Your task is to give the name to it.
V. Читання: ex. 1, р. 88.
Pre-reading. :
Читання: Well, children, let us read a dialogue. Open your books on page 88, ex.1.
Now, children, look at the pictures A/В on page 88. Who came to visit Vicky? What is Vicky doing? Yes, she is watching her favorite cartoon. Now, let us read the dialogue and see what cartoon in Vicky’s favorite, who characters of this cartoon are.
P1 - P2; P3 - P4
While - reading
try to find the names of the heroes of this cartoon, white them in your copy - books.
Post - reading
Now another task.
Т.:Put the sentences in the order they are in the text.
Triton is augry
Ariel is singing her song.
1. Ariel is swimming.
Triton is speaking to his daughter Ariel is sad Ariel is crying
VI. Релаксація: T.: Now, let’s watch a cartoon “The Mermaid”. Try to notice what Ariel is doing.
VII. T.: ls the cartoon interesting? What is Ariel doing? Is she swimming? Is she singing?
Граматика: Look, children, we have a quest today This is Drakosha. He will help us to learn naw grammar tense. The Present Continuous Tense.
T: Look at the pictures:
What are there people doing? The boy is reading. The woman is dancing.
The girl is skiing. Ми дивимося на малюнки, а дії тривають. Про такі дії ми і будемо говорити. А Дракоша допомагатиме нам їх утворювати.
Т.: Які допоміжні слова нам стануть у пригоді?
Yes, am
Is Т-Р1Р2
Який хвостик ми додамо до дієслова? Yes, it is - ing -
T. - P1 P2
T.: Now let’s ех.З, p.89 T - Cl; P1 - Cl Watch - watching Read - reading Sing - singing Play - playing Swim - swimming
Now, look at the screen please, read and translate. The sentenses I am watching. I am watching my favourite cartoon now.
He is reading. He is reading his favourite book now.
She is singing. She is singing her favourite song now.
We are playing. We are playing our favourite game now.
You are swimming. You are swimming in the swimming - poll now.
T.: Thank you children. You are good. And what words do we use with this tense?
Які слова ми вживаємо у Present Continuous Tense? Yes, now та at the Moment
task is to watch attentively and to say what the heroes are doing
T.: What is she doing?
P1: She is crying P2: She is singing P3: She is dancing Tom & Jerry: T. - Cl - P1 ,P2,P3;
Mickey Mouse: T. - Cl - P1 ,P2,P3 Karlson: T. - Cl - P1 ,P2,P3 Masha and Bear: T. - Cl - P1,P2,P3
Т.; Well, children our lesson in al most over. What have you lerned? What have you done?
T - Cl - P2
Діти вдома ви будете читати текст про Аріель та Урсулу.
Т, Your hometask is to read ех.З, p.92 This is the text about Ariel and Ursula
good, clever and hard - working. Your marks are.
T.: Well, the lesson is over.