Урок - презентація з англійської мови по темі "Їжа та напої" для учнів 7 класу

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Використовується на уроках англійської мови під час теми "Їжа". Актуально для складання діалогів, читання текстів, поповнення лексичного запасу, формує комунікативні навички.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Food. Рудяк Наталія Іванівнавчитель англійської мови ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів № 3 м. Лубни

Номер слайду 2

Good morning, pupils!How are you?

Номер слайду 3

Try to divide these words and write this sentence correctly. Peoplemusteatthehealthyfood

Номер слайду 4

At the end of the lesson everyone will be able to say: I can use vocabulary about food I can describe healthy and unhealthy food and drinks I know the story about the history of the sandwich I can write the recipe of a sandwich I can identify countable and uncountable nouns I know about eating habits in England

Номер слайду 5

Warming activities

Номер слайду 6

Vegetables and fruit. For children are very good. Eat vegetables and fruit. And they’ll do you very good. Those who eat much fruit. Are in a very good mood. They are in a very good mood,Those, who eat much fruit.

Номер слайду 7

A class survey

Номер слайду 8

Checking of the home task

Номер слайду 9

How the Sandwich Came to the World. In 1762, there was a very famous English politician. Everybody knew about him because he enjoyed playing cards very much. One night he stayed at the card table for 24 hours. And he ate nothing but slices of bread with pieces of meat inside. His name was John Sandwich. The English name for a sandwich comes from this man. Sandwiches were great favourites in Victorian England. It was the custom to “take” afternoon tea at about four o’clock. Many rich families ate sandwiches at that time. Cucumber sandwiches were very popular. The servants always cut the edge of the bread, so the sandwiches were very small and delicate. Sandwiches are less elegant now and often much bigger. The English eat millions of sandwiches every day. They are a typical “snack” meal because they are easy and quick to prepare. You can buy sandwiches if you don’t want to make them yourself. There are thousands of “sandwiches bars” and cafés and even some restaurants that sell them.

Номер слайду 10


Номер слайду 11

Some sentences are true (T) according to the text, some sentences are false (F) and some information (SI) is not given in the text. Try to decide. Sandwich is the name of a person. A well-known politician invented sandwiches. His hobby was playing cards. He ate sandwiches every day. His wife liked sandwiches, too. In Victorian English families ate sandwiches during the tea time. Sandwiches are smaller now than they were before. If you can’t make sandwiches, you can buy them. Sandwiches are easy to cook. Sandwiches can be hot. TFNITTFTFFT

Номер слайду 12

Vocabulary revising

Номер слайду 13

Complete the table using the words under the correct heading as quickly as possible. Fruit. Foods Drinks Vegetables

Номер слайду 14

A N S W E R S: FRUIT: cherry, banana, pineapple, lemon, peach, plum. FOODS: rice, turkey, cheese, bread, meat, fish, eggs. DRINKS: milk, tea, coffee, apple juice, lemonade. VEGETABLES: carrot, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes

Номер слайду 15

Presenting the new material

Номер слайду 16

Countable nouns are nouns which we can counte. g. one apple – two apples Uncountable nouns are nouns which we cannot counte. g. some coffee, some cheese Uncountable nouns have only singular forms. These forms include: Food: butter, flour, salt, pepper, bread Liquid: tea, water, milk, coffee, juice, lemonade

Номер слайду 17

We can use the following nouns in front of some uncountable nouns to show quantity:a bottle  a bottle of milka glass  a glass of watera cup  a cup of teaa bowl  a bowl of soupa slice  a slice of pizzaa loaf  a loaf of breada kilo  a kilo of sugar

Номер слайду 18

We use some in the affirmative with plural countable nouns and with uncountable nouns.e. g. We need some pears and some milk. Note: We use some in the interrogative for offers or requests.e. g. Would you like some cake? (offer)e. g. Can I have some orange juice? (request)We use a/an in all forms (affirmative, negative and interrogative) with countable nouns in the singular.e. g. There is a man. There isn’t an orange. Is there a car?

Номер слайду 19

We use any in the negative and the interrogative with both countable nouns in the plural, and uncountable nouns.e. g. Are there any apples in the fridge? There isn’t any lemonade. We use how much with uncountable to ask about amount of something. A: How much sugar do you want?B: A kilo. (= amount)We use how many with countable nouns to ask about the number of things. A: How many brothers do you have?B: Two. (=number)

Номер слайду 20


Номер слайду 21

Sarah’s list. Pat’s listmeatice cream soup biscuit onion watermelon tea peach egg pasta bread coffee UUUUUUUCCCCC

Номер слайду 22

Write the questions with how much and how many, as in the example1. coffee / the cup How much coffee is there in the cup?2. Coke / the bottle…………………………………….3. eggs / the fridge…………………………………….4. tea / the cup…………………………………….5. tomatoes / the bag……………………………………. How much Coke is there in the bottle?How many eggs are there in the fridge?How much tea is there in the cup?How many tomatoes are there in the bag?

Номер слайду 23

FUN TIMEstyle.colorfillcolorfill.type

Номер слайду 24

Chocolate helps me work and play. I eat a little every day. Milk or dark, I just don’t mind. I’ll eat whatever I can find. Chocolate is the food of kings. There are so many chocolate things. Chocolate ice cream, chocolate pie. Chocolate treats for you to try. Chocolate, chocolate, tastes so sweet. So good to drink, so good to eat. With lots of milk and cocoa, too. I’m sure it’s very good for you. One day, when I’m rich enough. I’ll make a lot of chocolate stuff. Chocolate trees, a chocolate lake. A big house made of chocolate cakestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.typestyle.colorfillcolorfill.type

Номер слайду 25

Cooking methods. Foods spreadboilslicegratefrysteammakebake Vocabulary practice?We can do somethinge.g. We can spread butter

Номер слайду 26

Sandwich. Ingredients2 slices of bread3 slices of cheese2-3 slices of tomato1 eggbutter. Instructions First, 1) ………….. the egg and slice it. Then, 2) ………… the bread, the cheese and the tomato. Take two slices of bread and 3) …… them with butter. 4) ……… the sandwich with the cheese, the egg and the tomato. Your sandwich is ready. Enjoy it! Recipe

Номер слайду 27

Quiz time

Номер слайду 28

Who brings milk for British families in the morning?Milkmen bring milk for British families in the morning.

Номер слайду 29

What time do British people have lunch? British people have lunch at 12 o’clock.

Номер слайду 30

What is the most famous chain of fast food restaurant in Britain? The most famous chain of fast food restaurant in Britain is “Fish & Chips”.

Номер слайду 31

Summarizing use vocabulary about food describe healthy and unhealthy food and drinks know the story about the history of the sandwich write the recipe of a sandwich identify countable and uncountable nouns know about eating habits in England. After today’s lesson we can:

Номер слайду 32

Home task. Your home task for the next lesson will be:to make up a story about eating habits in Englandto do exercise 2 on page 50 (WB)

Номер слайду 33

Thanks for your work. Good luck. See you tomorrow

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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
1 квітня 2021
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